chocolate thai

Awesome looking buds. Hope mine turn out like this. You might want to remove the dead foliage that's collecting on top the soil. It's a good place for moisture to get trapped allow fungus to grow and can attract unwanted pests.


Well-Known Member
the foliage isnt dead its just where the leaf tips got burned from the bulbs but plant to hame bubble hash for the first time so not trippin on it dont want t disturb any thing unless i have to but thanks for the advice though what strain or you growing ?


Well-Known Member
yea i know i let them fall off by them selves if their dieing i let the plant take all that it can from the dieing leaves


Well-Known Member
Those decomposing leaves could be (and probably are) robbing your soil of nitrogen. Small amounts, perhaps, but none the less.
Your soil PH definitely won't benefit from decomposing plant matter either.
And yes, they are perfect breeding grounds for fungus/bacteria.
I would definitely remove that sort of thing, whether it be on the ground or on the soil.
Otherwise, your buds look awesome!!! Good luck, and healthy harvests to you!


Well-Known Member
Those decomposing leaves could be (and probably are) robbing your soil of nitrogen. Small amounts, perhaps, but none the less.
Your soil PH definitely won't benefit from decomposing plant matter either.
And yes, they are perfect breeding grounds for fungus/bacteria.
I would definitely remove that sort of thing, whether it be on the ground or on the soil.
Otherwise, your buds look awesome!!! Good luck, and healthy harvests to you!
you know i did not know that thats interesting never would have thought of it i always thought it would help the soil but ill get rid of them u live and you learn


Well-Known Member
i also read in HT that bugs are atracted to the color yellow, and that is the first place that they attack on a plant is yellow leaves because its the weakest part of the plant. so if you see yellow cut it off. IMO

oh yah and your grow is kicking ass! keep up the good work and +reps brother


Well-Known Member
tired like hell had my first baby today girl 8 pounds took her 3 days to come out but im happy am now a dad yay
and now back to business picture updates 75 days from seed 32 days flowering 45 days 12/12
buds smell really sweet and sticky as hell so happy with my second grow 100_0808.jpg100_0812.jpg100_0821.jpg100_0811.jpg100_0816.jpg100_0810.jpg100_0807.jpg100_0818.jpg100_0813.jpg100_0817.jpg100_0809.jpg100_0815.jpg100_0819.jpg100_0814.jpg


Well-Known Member
picture time i think its almost done though maybe around 2 more weeks so will start just pure water and molassis every other feeding gave her the last shot of miracle bloom booster and bud candy today very happy with this grow turn out maybe will get over and ounce when dried my third grow will be autos another blue berry and a purple gem done right hopefully

ok pics now 56 days 12/12 43 days flowering



Well-Known Member
well it looks like no ones interested but hey heres some pics
55 days flowering 66 days 12/12 96 days from seed



Active Member
that is a pretty sweet grow i am growing in a dresser right now bagseed and some masterkush from what i was told cfl grow...couple of them jstarted showing sex one was male but i have a total of about 8 left or so maybe 6 lol cant think right now on the meds


Well-Known Member
plants finished got 130 g wet so should get about an ounce dry was fun trics 50amber 50 cloudy 72 days flower 112 days from seed100_0904.jpg100_0906.jpg100_0905.jpg