All the nutes in one bottle???


Well-Known Member
is there any brand of nutes that i can buy in 1 bottle with clear directions??? (i mean 1 bottle for vegetative and 1 bottle for flowering)


Well-Known Member
thanx alot!!! all i need is whats in that bottle?? are the direections on it?? if so then that kicks ass


Well-Known Member
but to the best of my limited knowledge these are the most straight forward nutes for use in hydro setups. If watering manually I think you can pull it off as well.

I am sure that there are others who like to spice things up with special budding nutes or possibly go organic with stuff like, "earth juice".

I personally give them a little hum tea to boost immunity when they are young but i plan on using grow and bloom for my first grow and not much else.

Like you I am new to hydro and don't want to fuck things up with a complex nutrient schedule that will confuse me. Just be sure to add fresh water to your res when water levels drop and to re-do the res every 1 to 2 weeks. Follow the simple directions and you are good to go.

The bottle tells you what to add in the form of tablespoons per gallons of water (pretty easy) and what strengths to use depending on the stage your plants are in.

Be sure to use only distilled water (if you can) and to flush them with fresh water a week or two b4 you plan to harvest.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Cheers Mate!


Active Member
I highly recommend Pure blend nutes from Botanicare.
All in one grow and bloom formulas.
Very clean leaving very little salt build up.
You mix 1oz per gallon and your'e done.
In addition,
A little H2o2 as directed always helps with root aeration,
along with a dose of clearex every couple of reservoir changes to help prevent lockout.
I also add SM90 or spray with Serrenade to prevent mold and other disease.
Watch out with the SM90 as although it smells better than some of the
other bacteria based solutions, and is very effective it does not work well in conjunction as it tendds to kill everything including the friendly bacteria.
Use one or the other.
The SM90 is an excellent preventative foliar spray as well but should really only be applied a few times as it creates a protective film that can prevent absorption of other beneficial foliar applied nutes.
Again, Serrenade is an excellent alternative and can be used pretty much whenever just not in conjunction with the SM90.



Active Member
Pure blend leaves so much less salt build up than the General Hydroponics.
I started with the GH and it worked well but the salt build up was so much more than the Pure blend and the pure blend came as an all in one bottle solution.
I'd check it out. Been there, done it.
Want less work, cleaner gear? Pure Blend over the GH anyday.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Botanicare makes Pure Blend, a worm-castings based additive, and Pure Blend Pro, a complete one-part grow and bloom organic nutrient.

I assume you mean the Pro.


New Member
For a chemical based one part solution you pay quite a premium for the convenience plus you are stuck with a product that is a chemical fertilzer with humus. That essentially means a chemical fertilizer with organic fertlizer added. It is typically a much wiser choice to use a two part formula or a dry formula that is a 1 Part such as GH Maxibloom or Maxigrow.

Contents of sodium, chloride, ammonium and organic nitrogen, or elements not required for plant growth should be minimised under normal use. These elements if not used by plants tend to accumulate in recirculating hydroponic nutrients to the extent that the measured CF includes a high proportion of unusable salts. Many organic fertilisers, while ideal for soil production, contain excessive sodium or other unnecessary elements, as well as unprocessed organic nitrogen as amino acids which result in the nutrient solution becoming starved of oxygen as microbial activity decomposes the organic carbon and nitrogen.

IMHO Organic fertilizers for soil les hydroponic and aeroponics is really not a great choice. In particular it is not a wise choice to combine organic and chemical fertilizers. Humic acid is not really of any ge reat benefit in a soiless chemical formula for maturing plants but rather just a way to mix a 1 Part formula. The manafacturers throw out a lot of deceptive marketing to say the humic acids are advanategous in the nutrient formula. While it is a known fact that humus is advantageous when growing in soil media that advantage does not carry over to hydroponics/aeroponics where there is no soil media. It can however be of some benefit during the eraly seedling and cloning states as its acids are believed to help istimulate root growth. When you buy Chemical formula with "humus" added you are not really getting humus but more of an acid digested humus. It does not provide the same benefits of humus that has not been acid digested. Almost all the benefits of humus are due to its physical properties not its chemical properties. The major chemical property of humus is its ability to work as a chelate, but all chemical nutrient formulas with micronutrients already supply chelates, it is also quite questionable if any of the humus's chelating ability remains after acid digestion used in the manafacturig process by the nutrient manafacturers.

Do you know how to tell when the marketers of major nutrient manafactures selling pot specific products are not telling the truth. Their lips move.