doing nice things for strangers


Well-Known Member
I'm not around many other people but I try and give where I can.

My job allows me to do a lot of donating to animal centers/shelters so I help out quite a bit.

I'd like to think there's still shivelry left in the word.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Your banned from posting in my threads you a-hole :( rub it in some moar.. our SUMMER is 2 months... july and august thats IT... and we get up to about a maximum of +30 celsius... our summer is absolutely beautiful but its ONLY two months.... the rest is snow and cold :(


sorry bro.. ill try to enjoy it for you a little... im wayy baked on this green crack x cheese... powerful sativa, makes shit all fuzzy.. only strain i get like a constant visual effect with besides blue dreams....

That Canadian

Active Member
I strongly believe in Karma. I'm in business but don't rob motherfuckers and shit because I really believe what goes around comes around and that doign good deeds even if it's holding the door for someone, you will get good things happening in return.

Btw - What part of canada are you in? Colder then where I am, But look up where had the most snow in Ontario last week and you'll know where I am ;) 105 cm ( that's like 40 inches) of snow in 2 days.

Peace and love


Well-Known Member
I was born in Ontario, I am all too familiar with the crazy weather. Were you in toronto in the 90's?? like around '96 when they had the HUGE ice storm that rolling blacked out the whole city and downed powerlines all over everyones houses? I couldn't even leave my house because I had live power transmission wires all over my front and back door, across my driveway... Good times... I miss the 90's :(

I live in Alberta by the way, Edmonton specifically.


Well-Known Member
Damn! You guys got raped by snow, haha. It hit us hard quite a few times, but never like this.


That Canadian

Active Member
I was born in Ontario, I am all too familiar with the crazy weather. Were you in toronto in the 90's?? like around '96 when they had the HUGE ice storm that rolling blacked out the whole city and downed powerlines all over everyones houses? I couldn't even leave my house because I had live power transmission wires all over my front and back door, across my driveway... Good times... I miss the 90's :(

I live in Alberta by the way, Edmonton specifically.

Nah dude I was pretty young then that sounds intense though! Yea it was reallly crazy waking up to that much snow, no one i know has seen that much before.


Well-Known Member
I was pretty young then too, but I still remember it very vividly. I have pictures from the ice storm, it really was amazing.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Once when i was stumbling home one night a little puppy was following me home, me pissed as a fart brought it home and rang the number on the collor drunk as fuck trying to explain to the owner that i had there dog. The next day the called down to the house and left a box of choc's with my mother for me for finding the dog! Score!

Felt great when the hangover wore away lol Plus stoners love chocolates!

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Supegee that old lady you helped should have AT LEAST offered a tooth free blow job. Damn. You push her six blocks and not even an old fashioned? What is this world coming too.


Well-Known Member
Hahahah, now I wouldn't say she was an OLD lady... but she was in her late 30's early 40's I'd say.

and ps: I would never turn down a gumjob :hump:

the hashshasher

Active Member
i cant wait for sum snow, right now its just really cold here, i think it was today but it might have been yesterday we were supposed to get snow but the temperature shot up to 50*f (i didnt no how to make a degree sign so i just used *) and we just got sum gay ass rain.