Starting flowering light sched and watering help


Well-Known Member
so I just turned off the lights for the first time in a month and a half. The plants are nearly a foot tall. One of the plants is only 3 weeks old. I have them set up for off at 6 pm and on at 6am . I haven't watered since yesterday afternoon I plan to water again in the morning when the lights are on.

Is it bad to water when the lights are off? How early is to early to flower and get a good bag? I'm only looking for like 5 grams + at least. per plant if possible. These are just 3 bag seed plants.

The more comments the better this is my first grow and first flower so any advice is helpful.


you can water when the lights are off, it rains at night also right? and at nearly a foot tall, you could start to flower right now and get more than 5 grams apiece


Active Member

It is always best to water in the morning, and keep them on a strict regimen of just feeding them at a certain time. Depending on how cold ur night temps. are then u could run the risk of mould..possible.


Well-Known Member
I will keep that in mind. The temp doesn't change much from lights on to off maybe 5 degrees at most if that. How much will I get off of these plants? They aren't stretched and have around 7 to 10 nodes really starting to get bushy while everyday the tops getting taller and taller.


Well-Known Member
well you can water when lights are off,but thats when they should be resting so water when lights are on!