

hey RIU need help with nutes. im useing FFOF started from seeds i need to know when i should start useing nutes on the plants i was thinking at the start of week two but i want to make sure before i start feeding them


Well-Known Member
Your soil has plenty of nutrients in it for the first three weeks or so in my opinion i would save the nutrients for now.

How old is the plant btw?



Well-Known Member
He's right. The soil has enough nutrients for the first whole month. Provided you have a good size pot for the roots. Noobs are way too hasty with the nutes, thinkin it'll JACK the plant into hyper growth.....and end up freakin out when the plants show symptoms of nute burn, or ph lockout. If you grow in soil, give the plant a month before administering nutrients, OR if your using poor soil, start a nute feeding schedual in the first month if you see the plant loosing it's green so to speak....but this should not happen if your using new soil.


they are a week old and i have them in some cups for now til i put them in 3 gal bags but thanks alot


one more thing when i do start feeding it should i start on the week 4 of fox farm's feeding schedule


yea but they are doing great without it right now so i was thinking that i would start feeding when i start flowering. so ur saying on week4 when i flower to go with the week 2 schedule


Well-Known Member
yea but they are doing great without it right now so i was thinking that i would start feeding when i start flowering. so ur saying on week4 when i flower to go with the week 2 schedule
they need a lot of nutrients when they start the flowering process and double to triple in size building the flower stalks. I don't know what nutrient level is in that soil though, it should tell you on the bag how long it's good for by itself.