Please HELP! First grow - Weird Uneven Nodes - and "Blister" leaves?


Well-Known Member
in pic 7 you got what i call the spiderman mark xD very pretty
pic 1....what is that exactly? you should name it starvin marvin :)


in pic 7 you got what i call the spiderman mark xD very pretty
pic 1....what is that exactly? you should name it starvin marvin :)
What do you mean by "what is it exactly"? If your asking about strain... it's just some bad seed from some alright I had...
It was the only one I could ever get to grow this big... Trial and error I suppose.
When you say a spiderman mark, are you talking about the middle leafs that arestarting to grow, how it kind of resembles a spider? hehe, never looked at it that way.
Starvin Marvin sounds like a good name.. :-) Thanks for your response. I havent had one in a while... think I may be a little annoying or maybe just too much of a noob. ;-)

Im still waiting on my attitude order to come in. it's in Jamaica New York... It has been since Sunday Morning at 7am... I would've thought I'd be receiving them by now.... im probably just nervous... but I still think I have plenty of reason to be so nervous about it...


Well-Known Member
your baby looks fine and healthy. that burn mark on your baby is most likely where you spilt some water on her and then the light maginfied it. no biggie. just get some sharp steril scissors and cut that part off before the yellow color attracts bugs. what are your temps and humidity, do you have a fan, and what is your light schedual. do you have nutes and how old is your baby? sub'd


Active Member
What do you mean by "what is it exactly"? If your asking about strain... it's just some bad seed from some alright I had...
It was the only one I could ever get to grow this big... Trial and error I suppose.
When you say a spiderman mark, are you talking about the middle leafs that arestarting to grow, how it kind of resembles a spider? hehe, never looked at it that way.
Starvin Marvin sounds like a good name.. :-) Thanks for your response. I havent had one in a while... think I may be a little annoying or maybe just too much of a noob. ;-)

Im still waiting on my attitude order to come in. it's in Jamaica New York... It has been since Sunday Morning at 7am... I would've thought I'd be receiving them by now.... im probably just nervous... but I still think I have plenty of reason to be so nervous about it...
No need to be much mail this time of year...when did you place your order? I am waiting on an order also....


On 12/2 one of the last days to get the sale I know international orders take longer even once their in he u.s. but with this being my first seed order, I'm expected to be a little on edge. I'm more inpatient than anything. I want to get my g13 haze started. :-)


Active Member
I ordered mine on 12/4 also and mine are not even showing up as of yet being in Jamaica NY....must be busy due to the holiday


Well-Known Member
My homeboy was growing a plant,
looking deformed as fuck.
turned out to be one of the most beautifullest plants.
Inspirational! My plants were getting too tall. Usually in the night shift I cover them with a black garbage back and a black towel. 1 was too tall and peaking over and I bent it a little. Its about 2 weeks old but I can smell the plants blood juice. I got worried but it's a strong plant and it's still attached with good leaves. I have the heat on high to bring a little more humidity. I'll see what's up tomorrow

@three Your plants looked like they had Down Syndrome at first. But they are good looking and healthy. Just be careful with the nutrients. I think that's what the yellow burn was on the 1 leaf. but otherwise you're sexy


your baby looks fine and healthy. that burn mark on your baby is most likely where you spilt some water on her and then the light maginfied it. no biggie. just get some sharp steril scissors and cut that part off before the yellow color attracts bugs. what are your temps and humidity, do you have a fan, and what is your light schedual. do you have nutes and how old is your baby? sub'd
Temps stay right around 74-80 degrees, and the humidity stays at 40% with sometimes makes it to 50%.
I do have a fan that blows on the plant, low setting, just enough to make them sway with the air movement.
My light period right now is 24/0. I will keep it that way probably until I change to the 12/12 flowering photoperiod.
I have nutes in the soil (didnt look before I planted), so right now im not using any additional nutes.
Sadly, because of my horrible outcomes in the past, I didnt keep a day count as far as how old my baby is...
If I go back and look at pictures I've taken, I'm assuming it's right under a month old. Every seedling I attempted to germinate would never make it past a day of being above ground... this one, just kept on going... So, as a noob... I'm pretty clueless as far as age goes.. I'd say 3-4 weeks old is about right though... more on the 4th week than anything else. It's possibly maybe a week older than that.
Needless to say, I keep pretty good records now. ;-)

Thanks for the inquiry. Let me know if you think I need to be aware of any tips, facts, or just good ol' information.
I can't wait to get my birthday seed order from attitude... I'm really ready to get germinating some good seeds...
Although my plant looks okay so far (atleast to my noobie ass it does.), im sure I will run into some problems, but I wonder if the seed comes from some generic weed, will it still turn out to be good weed? Dumb ass question, I know, I know...


Inspirational! My plants were getting too tall. Usually in the night shift I cover them with a black garbage back and a black towel. 1 was too tall and peaking over and I bent it a little. Its about 2 weeks old but I can smell the plants blood juice. I got worried but it's a strong plant and it's still attached with good leaves. I have the heat on high to bring a little more humidity. I'll see what's up tomorrow

@three Your plants looked like they had Down Syndrome at first. But they are good looking and healthy. Just be careful with the nutrients. I think that's what the yellow burn was on the 1 leaf. but otherwise you're sexy

Thank you! The yellow burn was from my inability to see how close I had the plants leaf to the light (it was touching it). I did it when I put it back in it's box.. I have a couple CFL's that fact the front of the plant to get all the mid and lower growths to be nice and light strong... Well, I busted a CFL and used a damn "plant" light on it until the next day when I could go buy a new CFL... well, it was waaay to close, and withint 3 minutes it burned it.. obviously, I'm not going to be using that light at all anymore...
I wasnt sure what to do with the yellow burn... Soeone said to cut the burnt part off with Sharp, Sterile scissors, which I'll do tonight. I guess it's a trial and error thing...

It's funny you said they looked like they had down syndrome... I know someone else who told me the Exact same thing...

I'm making sure not to add any nutes to my water until the plant is about 3 months old since I used the bad soil which already had some..
I found a place that I can buy soil that doesnt have the nutes in it, which is what I'l use when my attitude seeds come in. G-13 Haze will be my next... then I may do the Kaya 47, or white widow.. I don't know.
What do you all prefer as an easy... (well, if there are any that are easier) or faster grower/flowering strain?
This is my order... I am no doubt planting the G13 haze first, but what should come next?

Advanced Seeds Early Widow Feminized
Feminized Seeds Per Pack - 01 Seeds

Pick & Mix Seeds . Barneys Farm G13 Haze Feminized
Pick & Mix Seeds per pack - 01 Seeds

Advanced Seeds Kaya 47 Feminized
Feminized Seeds Per Pack - 01 Seeds

UFO#1Kannabia Seeds Kannabia Special Feminized

Dutch Passion Blueberry Feminized

Dutch Passion Orange Bud Feminized seeds

Dutch Passion Mekong High

Dutch Passion White Widow Feminized

Dutch Passion Skunk #11 Feminized



Well-Known Member
Temps stay right around 74-80 degrees, and the humidity stays at 40% with sometimes makes it to 50%.
I do have a fan that blows on the plant, low setting, just enough to make them sway with the air movement.
My light period right now is 24/0. I will keep it that way probably until I change to the 12/12 flowering photoperiod.
I have nutes in the soil (didnt look before I planted), so right now im not using any additional nutes.
Sadly, because of my horrible outcomes in the past, I didnt keep a day count as far as how old my baby is...
If I go back and look at pictures I've taken, I'm assuming it's right under a month old. Every seedling I attempted to germinate would never make it past a day of being above ground... this one, just kept on going... So, as a noob... I'm pretty clueless as far as age goes.. I'd say 3-4 weeks old is about right though... more on the 4th week than anything else. It's possibly maybe a week older than that.
Needless to say, I keep pretty good records now. ;-)

Thanks for the inquiry. Let me know if you think I need to be aware of any tips, facts, or just good ol' information.
I can't wait to get my birthday seed order from attitude... I'm really ready to get germinating some good seeds...
Although my plant looks okay so far (atleast to my noobie ass it does.), im sure I will run into some problems, but I wonder if the seed comes from some generic weed, will it still turn out to be good weed? Dumb ass question, I know, I know...
everything sounds good, i would just make one adjustment, change your light to 20 on and 4 off. all plants need a resting time to recover. in about a week you can start her on nutes. use 1/4 of the recomended amount. then a week later give her 1/2 of the dosage. etc. untill you are at full nutes. you can do regular ph'd water (thats filtered or has been sitting out all night uncovered) inbetween feadings. i hope this helps man.


I ordered mine on 12/4 also and mine are not even showing up as of yet being in Jamaica NY....must be busy due to the holiday
Thought you'd like to know. I'm expecting my order to be delivered tomorrow. tracking shows they are at my post office, and will (should) be delivered toorrow.
I hope you get yours soon too.


Active Member
Thought you'd like to know. I'm expecting my order to be delivered tomorrow. tracking shows they are at my post office, and will (should) be delivered toorrow.
I hope you get yours soon too.
I hope so...just tracked again and it still says the same thing it has been saying since the day I ordered them: Your item, posted on 06/12/10 with reference *********** has been passed to the overseas postal service for delivery in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Must be the holidays holding it up. I received my last order in 6 days from the time it was placed.


I hope so...just tracked again and it still says the same thing it has been saying since the day I ordered them: Your item, posted on 06/12/10 with reference *********** has been passed to the overseas postal service for delivery in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Must be the holidays holding it up. I received my last order in 6 days from the time it was placed.
Do you live on the east coast?
Just wondering, because I do... I can't wait til my package arrives...
Im about to call into work so I can be here when they get here..

I always use the paper towel method for germination.
What could I do to maximize my germination success rate?


I hope so...just tracked again and it still says the same thing it has been saying since the day I ordered them: Your item, posted on 06/12/10 with reference *********** has been passed to the overseas postal service for delivery in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Must be the holidays holding it up. I received my last order in 6 days from the time it was placed.

Well, nevermind. I see your info says east coast...USA.
I wonder if maybe you ordered something thats not in.
I noticed they have smoking accessories there now too...
Thought about ordering one of the bongs they have... but am not sure.
They look pretty low quality.


Active Member
Do you live on the east coast?
Just wondering, because I do... I can't wait til my package arrives...
Im about to call into work so I can be here when they get here..

I always use the paper towel method for germination.
What could I do to maximize my germination success rate?
Yes I live on the east coast. I user 1.5" rockwool cubes and have 100% success! Soak them in ph'd water just for a minute, pick it up and give it a not squeeze...take tweezers and put seed in pointy end down and put in a zip lock bag unsealed and place in a warm dark place...mine seem to crack in a day this way!


Yes I live on the east coast. I user 1.5" rockwool cubes and have 100% success! Soak them in ph'd water just for a minute, pick it up and give it a not squeeze...take tweezers and put seed in pointy end down and put in a zip lock bag unsealed and place in a warm dark place...mine seem to crack in a day this way!
Seeds arrived today.
Going to the local hydro store to get some rockwool cubes after work...
Hopefully the guy doesnt close up shop until after I get there...
supposed to start getting bad at 4... I get off at 5... :-(


I'm noticing some redness developing on some of my (almost the majority) leaves.
could this be some sort of nute deficiency?


IMG_1327.jpgIMG_1324.jpgIMG_1325.jpgIMG_1323.jpgIMG_1322.jpgIMG_1326.jpgHere are some pics I took today. don't show too much of the red stems that im seeing. you can notice it in a couple of the pictures.. I'll take more detailed pictures showing what im talking about tomorrow.