4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck


Well-Known Member
damn bro, guess I hadn't been paying attention.. Didn't know you even had this grow going on :) I'm sub'd an looking good bro.. +rep you again when I can bongsmilie

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
hell yeah man, they love the fox farm trio, worm castings, bat gauno and just a little molasses every now and then.
do you brew youre guano and/or worm castings? if not, you deff should and you should deff brew it with the molasses as well. guano and molasses is what my plants enjoy plus some humega but thats not a necessary ingredient

edit. if you arent, then i see no problem there as your plants are very happy


Well-Known Member
no problem concord, i plan to supercrop anyhow. i will try to post something for you to see when I do it, like a beffore and after. maybe you will turn out to like the method!


Well-Known Member
It always tells me I need to spread the rep before you can have anymore. Who do they think they are? I can spread the good word about whomever I like whenever I like.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
damn bro, guess I hadn't been paying attention.. Didn't know you even had this grow going on :) I'm sub'd an looking good bro.. +rep you again when I can bongsmilie
well glad you found it bro!! thanks.
do you brew youre guano and/or worm castings? if not, you deff should and you should deff brew it with the molasses as well. guano and molasses is what my plants enjoy plus some humega but thats not a necessary ingredient
edit. if you arent, then i see no problem there as your plants are very happy
the worm castings, i just mix and sprinkle on the soil. the bat shit gets mix in the water, i will use some the next time i water with the molasses.
no problem concord, i plan to supercrop anyhow. i will try to post something for you to see when I do it, like a beffore and after. maybe you will turn out to like the method!
i'll have to check out this supercropping, LoL. thanks gumball.
It always tells me I need to spread the rep before you can have anymore. Who do they think they are? I can spread the good word about whomever I like whenever I like.
hell yeah teflon!! LoL.

the girls are 39 days old now, they look so awesome, much better than any others i have grown. they got another shot of nute juice today. the next watering on friday will be a molasses with some bat gauno. heres some pics throughout the grow so far. oh yeah, these girls are right at 18" now.



Well-Known Member
Love the comparison pics, nice job so far brotha! There cousins WhiteWidow and WonderWoman are right behind them :) Well a few weeks but we all know how quick it goes lol...

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yeah treeZ, i remember what you said, you can keep trank of how much they grow with those flags, LoL.

they sure do wanabe!! thanks.


Well-Known Member
hey man nice plants, these are my babies, they're the same age as yours give or take a couple days, this is my first official grow, any tips, pointers? im running 1 30w, 6 23w, 2 13w, and a random long tube cfl for extra. mirscle grow soil and nutes (watered down about 50%) how am i looking


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
they look great grilled, what strain are, nice and healthy looking. guess the MG lineup isnt that bad. + rep to ya man. i wish i could have kept mine short and plump like that.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
in mine student? i have a pvc pipe system that runs up to my window to suck in cold air from outside since its so cool here now, the plants love it, before i did this, my temps were in the mid 80's, with this, there in the mid 70's. it has a 80mm fan sucking air and cost about $8 to throw together.

