Favorite Conan Moment?


Well-Known Member
This is one of my favorites for sure



Well-Known Member
His recent "jeggings" display was pretty funny...


Of course the old "if they mated"


Way too many funny moments. :lol:


Well-Known Member
my favorite clip will be the final season,last clip, the retirement clip...lol...just kidding , I'm not a troll...lol...just couldn't resist

...I used to think he was such a nerd, but after watching him a few years ago I found that he is pretty cool, he's the only night-talk show I'll watch...I can't stand Leno or Letterman...I like Kimmel but his show sucks...so go Conan!...nice clips btw..thanks for the laughs

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
anything with triumph, and when he used to have President bush on with the guy talking as his lips was HIGH-Larious


Well-Known Member
i rember how nervous Conan was with Hunter....fucking love the wet bar at the shooting range!

Total Head

Well-Known Member
nothing pops immediately to mind but conan has really had some nice moments just during the monologue. he really is a funny bastard. the only other late night person i hold in as high regard is craig ferguson. he was my fill-in guy when conan left late night and he got me. conan is pretty special though. and hell yeah on bringing back andy. conan could have ruled late night if those pos nbc turds knew what they were doing.


Well-Known Member
conan is pretty special though. and hell yeah on bringing back andy.


andy needs a top hat and monocle :) just classy that guy is

and a mustache. but one you might see on an actor from a 1920s silent film....that sits there curling it and raising one eyebrow