techniques for HUGE yields


Well-Known Member
i posted this in the general section, and noone could give me any advice besides uncle bens techniques.. i did that, it was okay.

so I am trying to get the most yield out of my plants in less time...

I wanna know when I switch from veg to flower if i should do 4 32" plants under one 600 watt HPS or 6-8 20" plants under a 600 watt HPS. Soil grow. Strains are basically 50/50 indica sativa big bang, church, white skunk,and purple trainwreck

I don't want to scrog or sog. Give me some feedback from your PERSONAL experience

i am doing a perpetual harvest, i am trying for 6 weeks, but my plants get only about 20 inches tall in 6 weeks... i vegged the 32 inch plants for 2.5 months.. a little longer than i want.. someone give me some advice!


Well-Known Member
messing around with hormones might get them pumped, steroids like. good things arent rushed imo


Active Member
You already mentioned one of the better ways to increase yield the perpetual harvest maximizes light if you get this down you will be doing good if ya ask me!


Well-Known Member
perpetual all day, but will I get more if I flower more smaller plants at once, or fewer bigger plants... I have 600 sq feet.. I wanna harvest as much as possible with the largest yeilds possible


Active Member
for fastest turn around and lowest overhead (cost) , use a SOG with a veg room, rooted cuttings into 1g pots for a 1 week veg then into flower. 1/2 the flower space planted every 4 weeks, 10x10 lay out of plants under each 1000w light. lights enclosed and ducted (cool tubes or hoods w/ lenses) as close to the plants as possible. you should pull about a pound per light. i know several people that use this method on quite a large scale. as long as you can supply enough clones it is very easy to operate, if you have to buy clones it can get expensive. all plants are hooked into an irrigation system fed from a single res for each stage. one res supplies up to 6 lights. Im sure you could do more with larger pumps and res's.

if you are concerned about plant counts you can follow the same basic method, just veg longer in 1g or 2g pots then transplant into 3g or 5g pots and flower 3x3 or 4x4. this is the method i have used for years and yield 3/4 to 1 1/2 Lb per 1000w light, depending on strain. the plants are taller over all, but i keep mine around 3.5 feet including the pot.


Well-Known Member
i posted this in the general section, and noone could give me any advice besides uncle bens techniques.. i did that, it was okay.

so I am trying to get the most yield out of my plants in less time...

I wanna know when I switch from veg to flower if i should do 4 32" plants under one 600 watt HPS or 6-8 20" plants under a 600 watt HPS. Soil grow. Strains are basically 50/50 indica sativa big bang, church, white skunk,and purple trainwreck

I don't want to scrog or sog. Give me some feedback from your PERSONAL experience

i am doing a perpetual harvest, i am trying for 6 weeks, but my plants get only about 20 inches tall in 6 weeks... i vegged the 32 inch plants for 2.5 months.. a little longer than i want.. someone give me some advice!
perpetual all day, but will I get more if I flower more smaller plants at once, or fewer bigger plants... I have 600 sq feet.. I wanna harvest as much as possible with the largest yeilds possible
Umm... you are growing in a 60X10ft area with a 600watt light? I would think the first step would be getting another 24000watts of light.

Just kidding.. I am hoping you are having a stoned math moment. Also, if you are harvesting at 6 weeks, you aren't getting your biggest growth spurt in the last 2 weeks of a normal flower. you are better off running 8 weeks minimum... you won't crank out bunk weed, and you'll have way more weight. don't be greedy... be good. I would much rather sell off fire and have people beating down my door for it at a premium - than have people only pick up off me when everyone else is dry.

Edit: You shouldn't be putting a 3 foot tall plant into flower... you need to reconsider your stance on sog and scrog grows.


Active Member
100 plant 1000w sog.jpg

Here's a quick Sketchup i did of the basic design of my buddy's set-up. the res is a 44g rubbermaid trash can with an air pump for a 100g fish tank. the size sump you need is determined by how many plants you have. he uses 2gph pressure compensating drippers on each plant, runs the sump for 15 mins. he actually uses a larger res for several trays.


Well-Known Member
soooo high..
well yes I was just asking about one 600 watt, but I would be running atleast 6000 watts with this setup tho. And no I'm not retarded and harvesting at 6 weeks. I would take new clones every 6 weeks and also flip plants into flowering.. Current setup is and ongoing Is 16-24 clones every 6 weeks. I've been vegging longer than expected in my current op, but would like to shorten it and also get max yield, just need some good tips for a fat harvest, if you really wanna help you can just look at te last couple pages of my journal in my sig, tons of pics.


Well-Known Member
Vertical. Light Movers. Profit.

Difficult to setup, but it truly maximizes yield.
thats true, to increase yield go vertical and SOG style. you need not only to count grams per harvest but also harvests per year or grams per year... vertical systems use the light most efficiently, and SOG grows are the fastest in harvest time. you would also speed it up if you switch to hydro. i did SOG for years under regular light with reflector, i ended up getting a flood of buds that i couldnt really smoke didnt have enough storage ars so thats why i switched methods lol


Well-Known Member
you couldn't smoke them? Why not?

thanks for the help tho. In the next 6 months I'll have a decent setup, legally,in my state, under my roof I have 2 caregivers that are allowed 72 plants each.. That's 144 in total.i wanna have a perpetual setup were I can get the most bud for my time.


Well-Known Member
you couldn't smoke them? Why not?

thanks for the help tho. In the next 6 months I'll have a decent setup, legally,in my state, under my roof I have 2 caregivers that are allowed 72 plants each.. That's 144 in total.i wanna have a perpetual setup were I can get the most bud for my time.
i was harvesting way way more than i could smoke back in the days when i smoked the most and i dont sell any so i switched to growing from seed 8-12 plants under 2x400w and then quit growin for more than a year. but thats just me, you have other issues, wana get max yields, i suggest you look into flood/drain or DWC SOG vertical setup. in SOG great mother plants health and high cloning rate is key. i used to take double the clones i intended to grow, chose the best biggest rooters ditched the others, kept em under fluros so that they grow vegetation slowly and roots quickly, had right strains too, the day i harvest the flower room is the day the rooted clones would go in 12/12, no time lost. i chose DWC for the fact that i dont have to deal with too much medium in between grows, just flush fill new res and flower on. but flood/drain is easier to run during the grow. anyway i'm just sharing some ideas :)cuz i had that same goal (max yield ) and tried it extensively.


Active Member
Well the best bang for the buck is 3 foot plants with your setup no bigger or you waste space so my advice is veg so they top out at 3 feet that is the max light will penetrate the canopy so there is the sweet spot for height!
Between maximizing your light and a perpetual harvest you should be pushing the yield limits of the particular strain!


Well-Known Member
you couldn't smoke them? Why not?

thanks for the help tho. In the next 6 months I'll have a decent setup, legally,in my state, under my roof I have 2 caregivers that are allowed 72 plants each.. That's 144 in total.i wanna have a perpetual setup were I can get the most bud for my time.
if this is colorado be careful two caregivers cannot operate in the same dwelling

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
I've found that more smaller plants always produces better yields. Maximize your plant count. (careful with over 99...the feds). Also, CO2 is a MUST if you want to get the most out of your op.


Well-Known Member
thats true, to increase yield go vertical and SOG style. you need not only to count grams per harvest but also harvests per year or grams per year... vertical systems use the light most efficiently, and SOG grows are the fastest in harvest time. you would also speed it up if you switch to hydro. i did SOG for years under regular light with reflector, i ended up getting a flood of buds that i couldnt really smoke didnt have enough storage ars so thats why i switched methods lol
"to increase yield go vertical and SOG style".

Wrong wrong wrong. Anyone who knows what SOG is, also knows that having your light ANYTHING BUT horizontal, is WASTED lumens. Vertically? It's simple logic. My apologies for resurrecting an old thread, but when I spot out the obvious - I like to point it out. :) Peace to all.



Well-Known Member
"to increase yield go vertical and SOG style".

Wrong wrong wrong. Anyone who knows what SOG is, also knows that having your light ANYTHING BUT horizontal, is WASTED lumens. Vertically? It's simple logic. My apologies for resurrecting an old thread, but when I spot out the obvious - I like to point it out. :) Peace to all.

you are mistaken my friend or so I believe, vertical growing means that you grow around your light 360degrees instead of growing only under your light. the best reflector would lose lumens you can grow more plants under the same light if you have the right vertical setup... I don't understand your "simple logic"