Horribly thin and spindly plants

cajun rose circle

Active Member
I am using T5s and am wondering what may be potential causes. What distance should the lights be from the plants? I think I may have really overfed them.

Any opinions please?


Well-Known Member
I have badboy 4 bulb T5s and i kept them about 3-4 inches away. and My plant is HAPPY and producing some amazing BUD, what are u use. Hydro, soil, fiber. Then what size container and how is your nuts going?

cajun rose circle

Active Member
I have badboy 4 bulb T5s and i kept them about 3-4 inches away. and My plant is HAPPY and producing some amazing BUD, what are u use. Hydro, soil, fiber. Then what size container and how is your nuts going?
I have two 4' 4 bulb fixtures. One above and one mounted horizontally to the wall. I use good soil, R/O water, proper pH. I think I over fed the plants because the fert was 30-10-10. I diluted it some but....
Also, I need to know how to safely order seeds because my seeds aren't the best.

Any help would be great.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I have two 4' 4 bulb fixtures. One above and one mounted horizontally to the wall. I use good soil, R/O water, proper pH. I think I over fed the plants because the fert was 30-10-10. I diluted it some but....
Also, I need to know how to safely order seeds because my seeds aren't the best.

Any help would be great.:peace:
Too much nitrogen and or heat can cause stretching regardless of light. You said you diluted your food "some", I sure hope you diluted more than some. And you can look up the seed strain and reviews on here, many reputable seed sellers are available. If you are paranoid, have them sent to a family member or a lifetime friends house. But for a small opp most don't worry about having them sent to their home.


Well-Known Member
yep and the distance, keep them really close almost touching, within an inch or two at least. Flush your pots out with twice the size of your container, properly ph'd. Get a new look on nutes and feeding.

cajun rose circle

Active Member
these plants are now relegated to experiment status. except two which are exceptional looking. I have some seeds from CA. and am startint over with soil with guano and castings, well see. Got good ferts. and pH just need to start using the 3-1-2 and small amounts of some micro nuts after the nutes in the soil deplete a bit. then the flowering will be mix of 1-5-2 and micros. I need the good seed. I have a supplement for budding that is 1-10-1 and don't know if or how much to use. I just got it to have.
What do you think of these adjustments?


Well-Known Member
you need to either obtain a feed chart for whatever nutes your using, exmpl. I use 3 part GH nutes with fulvic, trace elements(Liquid Karma) and grozyme, (florabloom for flwrng) it was easy to find a chart for those products, have a look around or ask your local hydro store guy for advice.

cajun rose circle

Active Member
you need to either obtain a feed chart for whatever nutes your using, exmpl. I use 3 part GH nutes with fulvic, trace elements(Liquid Karma) and grozyme, (florabloom for flwrng) it was easy to find a chart for those products, have a look around or ask your local hydro store guy for advice.
have one, just used shit ferts before


Well-Known Member
I am using T5s and am wondering what may be potential causes. What distance should the lights be from the plants? I think I may have really overfed them.

Any opinions please?
you put a sativa dominantstrain in there and try to flower under a fluro and you will get spindly, weak,stretchy mongrel lookin things.

cajun rose circle

Active Member
I sold an eigth to a snob for $60. It got us BAKED and tasted GOOD. and for the horrible conditions they were in and that I did everything wrong the results were AMAZING