my first 400 watt grow


Well-Known Member
i cant wait to have the money to order it. then i'll buy a spare door for my closet. cut a 6" hole near the top and use a drier vent exhaust piece filled with active carbon(in a stocking). and i should be all set for now. i hope.


Well-Known Member
hell yea. but these seeds will have to wait till mid march to begining of april to be germed. no room in my closet now. got 5 plants in there already.


Well-Known Member
small upgrade, i added a 6" hole in my closet door for my exhaust. it should work better then having the door open 6" with a blanket covering the opening i hope. now it should pull air from the 5" hole at the bottom that goes into my bathroom.



Well-Known Member
Hell yeah, your starting to whip that closet into shape.
lol hell yea. now i just need to save for a real exhaust fan then i should be all set. i already got the active carbon to turn the drier vent into a air scrubber, i just have to get a panty hose, i forgot to buy it walmart yesterday.


Well-Known Member
not sure whats up with with these 2 plants. i think they got burnt when i floiral sprayed my plants. or at least i hope its from something simple like that.



Bro 400hps is alot cooler with only 1 light running even in a small room it doesnt add a helll of alot of heat...good to know the average 400watt hps is around $30 and (30,000 lumen) but by paying a few more bucks the 400watt hps with 56,000lumen makes a huge diff on yield and not much on heat. Good luck Brotha!


Well-Known Member
i watered/feed my plants tonight. i added 7ml cal-mag,10ml grow, 10ml karma to a gallon of ro water. i gave each plant about a quart of the water/nute mix.