Please HELP! First grow - Weird Uneven Nodes - and "Blister" leaves?


Well-Known Member
you seem to like to keep them wet. are they getting a fan blown at them? the reason the stems could be red is because of the wind blowing on the wetness (like stepping out of the shower, brrr)


Well-Known Member
yah the red stems is caused by stress usually cold temps that will kmake them grow slow too. if i were you i would stop spraying them at this point to prevent any burning spots and powdery mildew. by now they should be getting a good root system so the spraying is not essential any more. just saying............. but they are pretty.


yah the red stems is caused by stress usually cold temps that will kmake them grow slow too. if i were you i would stop spraying them at this point to prevent any burning spots and powdery mildew. by now they should be getting a good root system so the spraying is not essential any more. just saying............. but they are pretty.
Wow... I feel bad now.. :-( My baby is hating me... Ive definitely stopped spraying... I guess I will water today, it's been 5 days now. There are some bad discoloration with the very first leaves that are on it. there also seems to be some spots on some of the leaves... I really did someting wrong... I'll take pictures later and post them either later tonight or tomorrow..

On the other hand, I have a couple germinations going and I chose white widow and skunk #11. who knows... hope everything works out with these... It's all a learning experience I reckon.


Well-Known Member
I got White Widow on the way to me also. I hope it gets here before Christmas.. Present for myself LOL
Well in 4 months or so..... Hopefully.


Well-Known Member
I decided last night after posting and going to bed, I'm gonna have to start a White Widow / Carmalicious Grow Log soon as my seeds get here, they are still "Ready to ship" Grrrrrrr.


I decided last night after posting and going to bed, I'm gonna have to start a White Widow / Carmalicious Grow Log soon as my seeds get here, they are still "Ready to ship" Grrrrrrr.
Mine is a Dutch passion strain. It's actually called Early Widow, I have a White widow as well from... well, Idon't remember which seed company.
I received my order relatively fast, and cannot be more impressed with the attitude seed bank. I expected not to have my order until around christmas, definitely not before my birthday.. And here we are, tomorrow is my birthday, and my white widow is almost out of the rockwool cube I Put it in.... Yay!
Goodluck on your grow, my first one isnt going so well anymore... noticing alot of red veins, and stems... I've stopped misting it though. I wish I could've done better.
But considering this is my first plant to grow this big period, im happy. I just hope I dont mess up my good expensive seeds... Thats why im trying the freebies first... well, except the early widow, I paid for that one...
I decided not to plant my G13 haze until after I have a good grow under my belt...
$15.00 for a seed is mighty expensive to just waste.

Either way, good luck... :-)


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1329635View attachment 1329630View attachment 1329627View attachment 1329624View attachment 1329619View attachment 1329609Here are some pics I took today. don't show too much of the red stems that im seeing. you can notice it in a couple of the pictures.. I'll take more detailed pictures showing what im talking about tomorrow.
They look pretty good except they look very overwatered. Let them dry out well for a few days. Many plants have beed killed with love. Remember its an annual, not magical. Till ya puff it that is! lol


They look pretty good except they look very overwatered. Let them dry out well for a few days. Many plants have beed killed with love. Remember its an annual, not magical. Till ya puff it that is! lol
Thats weird... at the time of those pictures, it had been 4 days... I always waited 3 days in between waterings.. this last time I waited 5, which the 4th day is when I took those pictures...
Now, I did mist the leaves about 1 to 2 times a day, that is before I learned it was shocking the plant because it was getting too cold with the fan blowing on it..


Well-Known Member
Stop misting too. They are soaked.............water when the pots feel light. Take a pot the same size, fill it with your medium mix and see how it feels. When your plants feel the same water................


Stop misting too. They are soaked.............water when the pots feel light. Take a pot the same size, fill it with your medium mix and see how it feels. When your plants feel the same water................
Thats what i've done from the start... In my past experiences, I was horrible. So I started doing this on the beginning of this grow.


IMG_1375.jpgIMG_1357.jpgIMG_1380.jpgIMG_1369.jpgIMG_1364.jpgIMG_1378.jpgIMG_1362.jpgIMG_1360.jpgIMG_1365.jpgIMG_1372.jpgIMG_1379.jpgWell, Here are my new pictures.
Plant looks good, but there are many things im unsure of. The red veins in the leaves, the spots...
There are some yellowing ends and abunch of other things I've observed..
Either way, here are my pictures... Let me know what you guys (and gals) think..I think I probably should have started my nutrients last friday.... who know. I'll use nutes for my next watering.

On the other Hand. My Early/white widow, and my Skunk #11 seems to be germinating well. Seed

s have just cracked and started growing out of their shells. Hopefully they stay good and grow nice and strong roots... will be my first good seed grow. I really wanted to use the G-13 Haze, but for my 2nd grow, I did not want to ruin it at all..


Well-Known Member
everything looks fine man, the new growth is super healthy. note: once a leaf gets damaged it will keep those scars. so as long as the new growth stays healthy then you should be good to go.


everything looks fine man, the new growth is super healthy. note: once a leaf gets damaged it will keep those scars. so as long as the new growth stays healthy then you should be good to go.
Thanks for your input. I'm wanting to take a clone from it but am not too sure where to start, I almost think it's too early and I should wait a week or two.
Im wanting to see if this is male or female, so im wanting to us ethe clone for that.
Any suggestions?


Active Member
Why don't you throw the one you want to take the clone off of into flower...when she shows her sex you can put her back on 18/6 and she will revert back to veg.


Thats a good Idea, but will it cause any potency loss?
I'm actually thinking about starting to flower this alot sooner than I originally planned. Since I'm very limited in my space, I'm thinking about starting to 12/12 in about a week or so.
Will doing this so early cause any potency deficiencies, or anything else I shouldbe aware of?

I guess I should atleast figure out if it's a male or female first... but im really hoping and praying for a female...

Let me know your thoughts/opinions regarding the matter.

Happy Holidays Everyone!


Active Member
It won't hurt potency at all....plants double to triple their size during flowering...I am limited in space also so I topped my photo period girl and I am also going to lst her so she will be bushy instead of tall!


Well, two days ago I noticed my baby looking a bit droopy. didnt think much of it, thought the fan was too close to the plant. and yesterday, it was absolutely horrible. It looked like it wanted to commit suicide.. I felt the soil and BAM... It's been 5 days since my last watering.
It's amazing how it took it 20 minutes to start showing night and day changes. and hell, today she (or a blasted he) looks great. nice and perky.

I also realized that the back of my box had a nice shady spot towards the back of it, where the plant was not getting as much light, so I went out and got another flourescent fixture and got it mounted lastnight... seems to be doing the trick just fine.

I swear, Im somewhat amazed at my super ghetto closet grow box (It's Tupperware!)

I'll take some pictures later as well.

On a sad side note, I damaged my early/white widows taproot I believe... It hasnt moved in over a week. I really hate that I had to let that one go.
I put another (diff. strain) in a bowl of water to germinate... I've had pretty good success with doing my germinations this way... I guess I'll be learning for years and years to come. I really wanted that widow to grow... but I do still have another white widow, I'm just going to wait to do that one I reckon.


Well-Known Member
dude, to keep from damaging your tap roots, then why don't you keep it simple. what i do is get one of those little jiffy green houses, put fox farm ocean Forest soil in it, wet it, put my seed on top and just barley cover with soil and put the lid on. then i put that on top of a heating pad set on low. when she breaks dirt, then take off the lid and put under a single cfl. once she starts to get the first set of true leaves then just scoop out the soil , baby and all and just put it right on top of the soil in her new home. that way you don't risk effing up your expensive seeds.


IMG_1390.jpgIMG_1416.jpgIMG_1405.jpgIMG_1389.jpgIMG_1383.jpgIMG_1401.jpgIMG_1391.jpgIMG_1415.jpgIMG_1395.jpgIMG_1403.jpgIMG_1406.jpgIMG_1382.jpgIMG_1396.jpgWell, it's been quite a few days since i've posted anything.
Basically, everything seems to be running smooth, except it seems like some of my lower branches and leaves seem to die every once in a while. for about the past week and a half, ive had about 3-4 fan leaves turn yellow and die. Is there a reason for this?

Either way, i've taken many pictures different days... so here they are.
As you can tell, they tend to go from very droopy, to pretty strong and straight. A couple of the differences were taken 20 minutes apart (after watering) and you could see such a temendous difference it was amazing.