drug test!!!!!!!


Active Member
i have taken many drug test while smoking, and have passed. but with that being said it was atleast 6-7 years ago and i used to go to gnc and get tht god awful liquid drink they used to sell.(masking agent) neway does that shit still work with the pee test they have today? what do you guys use? neway i sure would appreciate the advice, this was for sure short notice for me but what can ya do!?


Well-Known Member
depends on what type of test it is. if it is for a job, you can drink that awful stuff or buy "golden shower" (a synthetic urine "for sex acts") and tie it to yourself. but if it is a hair test your screwed and if its probation, the drink or tons of water (piss only water), but they might make you take it again. ive also used someone elses piss. if it is sent to a lab, the detox drinks will not work, they reduce the levels but not enough and use creatine to mask it, which they test for now.


bud bootlegger
is it going to be a monitored give or not? if its not, you can just go online and buy a product by a company called urine luck, and get their synthetic urine.. if its monitored, you can go and by one of those whizzinator things and use the synthetic urine with that..
i have to take ua's about once a month or so, and not for a job or probation or the courts or anything, and they started busting my balls for being dirty for thc.. i finally bite the bullet and went and got a whizzinator, and haven't looked back yet.. those things rock, and i've passed every ua since than..
the first couple of times i had to use it, i was super nervous as i'm monitored and i thought that the person surely had to see my big fake penis, but he never had a clue and it works like a charm..
i also know that alot of people say that they have luck with niacin, but i've used other flushing products in the past and still came up dirty..
just one last thought.. i would always go to the drug store and get one of the home testing kits like a day or so before you have to take the ua that counts, and do everything that your going to do for your ua, and see if you come up clean or not first at home before you have to give the real one.. this way you will know ahead of time whether or not you will have passesd and you won't have to be stressed out untill you get the results..


Active Member
Synthetic urine. Works great because its not your piss, comes with everything you need just mix with water add the heat agent and it holds the desired temp for hours. Why quit smoking for two day then have to drink a nasty drink just to cross your fingers and hope it works haha. Its the smart way I even used it the whole time I was on federal probation. Sssshhhhhhh. Lol don't tell him that.


bud bootlegger
Synthetic urine. Works great because its not your piss, comes with everything you need just mix with water add the heat agent and it holds the desired temp for hours. Why quit smoking for two day then have to drink a nasty drink just to cross your fingers and hope it works haha. Its the smart way I even used it the whole time I was on federal probation. Sssshhhhhhh. Lol don't tell him that.
agreed, but the product i'm talking about and use, comes pre mixed, don't have to add water or anything, and even comes with two hand warmers for every package of piss.. great deal for about $30 for three ounces..


Well-Known Member
Nicain, thats just a body ache waiting to happen. 1500 MG of that shit and you feel like a tomatoe covered with gas holding a lit zippo....i wont make that mistake again.
synthetic is the safest way.


bud bootlegger
Nicain, thats just a body ache waiting to happen. 1500 MG of that shit and you feel like a tomatoe covered with gas holding a lit zippo....i wont make that mistake again.
synthetic is the safest way.
lmao.. thats pretty much the same thing i have heard about that niacin, although i've never personally used it, and by the sounds of it, probably never would..


Well-Known Member
i did some stoopid shit wen i was on probation as a teen to get around them drug test, niacin, drankin a shot of bleache, sat out in 104 degree weather in bakersfeild with a big jacket on, tons of vitamins....all to my failure. :lol: too young to get a drink (if they even had them 8 or 9 years ago tho) from a smoke shop.

i take that back tho actually, 4 shots of vinagar work once! BUT F*^%ING GROSS!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
yea i hear 4shots of vinegar will do the trick, idk if your supposed to keep it down or continue to throw up


bud bootlegger
damn... a shot of bleach? wtf.. lol.. the things we do.. i would love to see the face on the person who told you that one, probably as a complete joke, only to hear three days later that you actually did it, lol.. i always thought that drinking bleach could kill you, no? after all, it is supposed to kill the hiv virus.. i remember being in rehab before, and they had a pamplet telling you to use bleach to clean out syringes and crazy stuff like that..


Well-Known Member
yea ive herd a DROP of bleach in the piss cup kills all traces but i can see them catching you for that


bud bootlegger
yea ive herd a DROP of bleach in the piss cup kills all traces but i can see them catching you for that
i've heard that same thing.. i think i read where someone put some on their hand somehow, i don't remember all the details of how it was done, and when they pissed, the let the stream hit the hand that had the bleach on it or some shit like that.. i was either pretty high at the time, or pretty high now, i don't remember which it was..


Active Member
thx for all the replys fellas! its for a job and i just found out they send you down to a lab, so im hoping its just one of the stick test. plus im sure they dont watch ya piss, so illl prob get a clean urine sample.


Active Member
Yea no worries for a job, by law they can't watch you piss only make you empty out your pockets and its only a cheap strip test you'll have no problems going in high as hell and passing with flying colors haha


Active Member
I was on felony probation for 7 years and passed all my test but id get certo its in the jams and jelly sections at ur local store. So get ur certo, a half gal of ur favorite gatoraid . 3 to 5 hours before ur test mix the 2 packets that come in ur certo (sur gel ) in ur gatoraid drink it then fill it back up with water. By now u should have pistedbut pee untill ur pee is clear then hold it as long as u can if need use the bathroom don't piss on ur self and keep holding untill test. Now when u pee give a mid stream sample so not the beging\end of ur pee the midle and u should be good.


Active Member
I was on felony probation for 7 years and passed all my test but id get certo its in the jams and jelly sections at ur local store. So get ur certo, a half gal of ur favorite gatoraid . 3 to 5 hours before ur test mix the 2 packets that come in ur certo (sur gel ) in ur gatoraid drink it then fill it back up with water. By now u should have pistedbut pee untill ur pee is clear then hold it as long as u can if need use the bathroom don't piss on ur self and keep holding untill test. Now when u pee give a mid stream sample so not the beging\end of ur pee the midle and u should be good.
Yea not gonna work by doing that your flooding your urine stream with water(kinda like drinking beer all nite and pissing clear) the toxin is still in your system just showing low amounts because it is diluted so much.