so..i've got a bagseed plant under cfl's...


Active Member
kjkj 004.jpgkjkj 001.jpgkjkj 002.jpgkjkj 006.jpgkjkj 003.jpgkjkj 005.jpg

here's some pics from earlier that I forgot to put up. All are Gertrude, except the the first and last ones..that's C.C. :D


Well-Known Member
Sup dude, everything is looking good. I have a couple little sprouts going too, and much like your grow, one is popping off, and one is like CC, a little slower. But it's all good. Youve been around a lot on here recently, looks like we joined the forum around the same time. So far whatcha think? I've seen a lot of good advice when I look for it, and noticed a lot of bad advice freely offered. Are you on any other weed forums and if so, how do you think they stack up to this one? Personally i'm only on here, but I was contemplating joining the one linked on the Nirvana seed page to get "points" for posting, and that leads to free seeds. Anyway, keep your thumbs green dude!


Active Member
Yeah I like it on here, I've subscribed to a bunch of threads, and I try to keep up with them daily. I havent joined any other sites, I'll probably just stick around here. I haven't took the plunge into buying seeds yet, but I'm sure I will soon enough. Thanks for stopping in.


Well-Known Member
LOL I like it. Fear and Loathing in LV is hilarious. This is only forum for bud I'm on. Nirvana seed bank is awesome BTW highly recommend.


Active Member
kjkj 007.jpg <This is Gertie today. she's doing awesome, I think.kjkj 008.jpg Here's a top view. kjkj 009.jpg< My first fim attempt. I'm pretty sure thats how its supposed to look..2 new tops. kjkj 010.jpg < My 2nd attempt on another top. Looks like I might have hit the mark this time, and am gonna have 4 new tops off this one....:D if you can see with the shitty pic. kjkj 005.jpg < This is C.C today..she's coming along nicely too now. Couple more days probably, and I'm gonna bend her ass over and try to train this one around the rectangle container. I wont be transplanting this one, I'll grow it out right where its at. kjkj 011.jpg And the whole lil setup. I havent taken any pics of Natalie yet, but I will next time.


Active Member
Looked in on 'em this morning and it seems to me like Gertie is hitting a growth spurt. Heres some pics I snapped.kjkj 016.jpgkjkj 015.jpgkjkj 014.jpg Everybody have a good day.


Well-Known Member
LOL I like it. Fear and Loathing in LV is hilarious. This is only forum for bud I'm on. Nirvana seed bank is awesome BTW highly recommend.

I Love the scene where Depp and DelToro are in the bar whacked out of there minds and Depp starts seeing Monsters. And screams something about Golf carts...hahahaha. That movie is the shit. If there is such a thing..I would definitely try andrenochrome under very controlled Room service anyone?

I have had no issue whatsoever with Nirvana at all. I LOVE the way they ship discretely.



Active Member
If ya like to read, you should check out some of Hunter's books. Much better in my opinion than that movie, although it is pretty awesome itself.