Pineapple express+Kandy kush. Hydro

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
Nice. Mine is 450cfm. I have 4 2" ports and it still sucks the doors closed lol.
I have a 4in hole in mine and at first I had a door made out of white poly to light proof it and there was so much negative pressure it ripped the poly and velcro apart.

Now I have a piece of insulation wrapped in mylar for the door.


Active Member
Nice. I keep a gap in between my doors when they close because I roll my portable ac infront and it sucks in the cold air so I can get the light pretty close. Sucks in cold air. It goes thru the canopy into the light hood and out the cab. Perfect temps. I love it.


Active Member
the big bud is the shit ive only got to use it once but had great results i cant find anywhere local to get it otherwise id deff keep it on hand.
I have herd nothing bit good shit about it. I love all advance nutrients line up. BUT piranha and tranchula is way overpriced. So I bought GREAT WHITE which is the same thing for half the price and works great with voodoo juice. Voodoo juice is so expensive but well worth it.


Well-Known Member
I never trim leaves, they are the solar panels that provide energy for the plant, why cut them off. I waited till like two weeks into flower when the pistils started to pop up and looked at any bud sites that weren't reaching up or bulking up and cut them off one at a time. It wasn't very many sites like three or four, now that my grow has filled in leaves will just fall off at the bottom I wont trim any leaves off if the plant isn't using the leaf it will drop it its self or you will be able to gently tug it off. Let your plant tell you what leaves it wants to keep and which aren't getting any light it knows what to do.

I can actually tug a bunch off of the bottom each day I barley pull and they fall right off.


Active Member
Alright. So they love 1000ppm. They grew a lot overnight. This is getting epic. Here is some porn for you guys. Ps I can really vouch for a Ro water system. This whole grow I haven't used ph up or down once and water farms are notrious for ph drifting up. But mine is always good. I hardly ever even check it sense it is perfect. They drank 300ppm of nuts in 24 hours. Check it out.



Active Member
Very nice! + rep so what size sreen would be recomended for a scrog? ive seen so many different ones from chicken wire to medal fencing didntn know if it made a difference specially for the harvest cleanup.


Active Member
Well overall size depends on where your growing. But they say the squares should be 2" by 2". I used electrical wire cause it is wraped so it won't cut threw the stems and it's easy to move around if needed. Thank you for the rep.