Pineapple express+Kandy kush. Hydro


Active Member
thats pretty much the same dimensions I am workin with hahha but i think im doin a 600.
Just becareful with heat. With only the inline fan on and the doors shut it can get up to 80-83. You can still grow in there but I like to use perfect temps of 68-79. So I use a portable ac to get it at those temps. And yours will make more heat then my 400. I thought of that but I'd rather throw in two 180w LEDs which is what I'm going to do in future. But I also want to get a bigger tent so I can scrog more then two.


Well-Known Member
12 inches * 12 inches = 144 square inches and we all know 12 inches equals 1 feet so... 144 sq inches = 1 sf


Active Member
12 inches * 12 inches = 144 square inches and we all know 12 inches equals 1 feet so... 144 sq inches = 1 sf
Yea around there lol. I think the box said 133 but who can Remeber. Looking great today. Looks like they stopped stretching so much so I am going to turn them loose on Sunday.


Well-Known Member
looking good grow - that screen will be packed 2 weeks into flower (another 8 or 9 days).... great job.


Active Member
I'm prolly going to let them go after today to grow and be big buds lol. Going to increase feeding too 800ppm and let them kill it. They can take it ;)


Active Member
very nice, ive done lst grows before but never with the screen, how much does the screen help apose to just a normal lst method grow? The Waterfarms are badass aswell keep up the good work, cant wait to hear the smoke report lol


Active Member
The screen Is a crazy big help. I'll get a pic of the stems under it so you can see how crazy they are. Really helps spread them out. I have done lst too but scrog is so much better hands down. I'll get that pic tonite when lights come back on.


Well-Known Member
bushes lookin great! nice tucking. id totally agree with the screen being a better way to go instead of with just LST. keep it up man cant wait to keep watchin!