The Art of The Auto


Thank you veeery much, i wish i would have found this site last week as i am currently waiting on my glass in the mail. but i avidly buy bongs so this site will be great. thank you again!


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Active Member
BTW K2, i didn't reply about it but, that's awsome you lost 65 pounds. Hard to do.. Beeing a female and all. You'll loose it alot slower than guys would.! has been a struggle but I did it and I have to say I love the results!!!!! lol

Oh and I have to admit it feels good to get hit on by a good looking man in the grocery store parking lot!!! lol


Active Member has been a struggle but I did it and I have to say I love the results!!!!! lol

Oh and I have to admit it feels good to get hit on by a good looking man in the grocery store parking lot!!! lol
Well at least you know those are the good guys. The creep go no wares are at the bar getting plastered looking stupid.

John Mondello

Active Member
Well at least you know those are the good guys. The creep go no wares are at the bar getting plastered looking stupid.
ROFL... so true!

And yes... she looks killer after the 65 lbs lost... shes a looker to begin with... but very sexy slimmed down! props hotty!


Active Member
So i say on the next seed runs that you throw out the fast sexing ones and search for the female and male that auto but not till a later point and well see where this goes.
It's kinda nice that you brought this up mate. i wanted to chime in earlyer but didn't have a moment.

Some thing i wanted to talk about.

We must be talking about some of the LAST males to show. To make the gene reccesive it would be a pheno that doesn't show up often.

How i could see it going down in the wild is all the early males would have dropped pollen allready and pollenated as much of the flowers as would happen. So then the late flowering male comes along, drops his pollen. But all the pistils are allready dry from pollenation from early males. So the GOOD pollen gets spread on a sparse amount of fresh pistils. IF your talking a population of a couple thousand. A few potency dom plants wouldn't do much to bring a wild population into potency dom.
Although interesting, the thai lines are giving alot of cred for bringing in potency to pioneering 12/12 lines. So the hermi plays some roll here as well, as thai liens are natorious nanner chuckers..

I think there would be some thing to it, as far as AF selections. Like you say we are light years from orig lowryder now.
Select a late male that had some funk to him. I would also let him go a bit longer, after he drops the first round of pollen. To se if they get frosty like that blue himilaya male i had. After that i am going to let all my males go a bit longer. Before they are binned.

Terpin profile is huge.. franco from GHS talks about how some terpens are tied to the med affects. So i try to use the males that have some kind of funk to them. Rub the stems or if they are good it'll have some NICE funk.. Anything to dertermin what profile it has. (Berry, skunk, citrus, ect.)

The mi5 male i used to a seed run of them. Was a rank SOB.. Stank right through the fridge i had him in. It was like creamy fruit all through the house.

I will do my alf and icu selections with this in mind. Then we can look at some trichs later in the females to see where things are going. Do some THC tracking :D lol :blsmoke:
In the end it is nothing we will se come to fruition in the short term. Maybe a few F's until we have it out in dominance.


Active Member
Look at the almost tie-died color on the bottom leaf.
What could be the cause? Should I worry?
Are you letting the soil dry up? over watering will do that. It is deffecient, looks like N. Could be hungry or in moist soil too long. If the veins contiue to go green as the leaf goes yellow, you are looking at a mag defficency. Recent transplant?

I wouldn't say it's anything to worry about "yet", but i'd keep an eye on it. Maybe start a custom feed mix for it type of deal.


Harry Bald Sack

Active Member
Are you letting the soil dry up? over watering will do that. It is deffecient, looks like N. Could be hungry or in moist soil too long. If the veins contiue to go green as the leaf goes yellow, you are looking at a mag defficency. Recent transplant?

I wouldn't say it's anything to worry about "yet", but i'd keep an eye on it. Maybe start a custom feed mix for it type of deal.

Thanks for the input BH. I have not let the soil get very dry. It sounds like this could be the culprit. She is in the same pot I started her in and I am pretty sure it's not N. So this should start to clear up if I let the compo dry out more before watering?

John Mondello

Active Member
And now for the funniest quote of the week... found this on another forum while searching for more micro propogation info... thought I's share a good laugh with the Artists in here


with auto-flowering strains, plants flower according to how old they are and so
any cuttings you get to root will flower at the same time as the parent plant.

so with auto-flowers you either just finish them and start over with a real strain
or, better still, just toss them in the trash where they belong and start something
you can clone and carry into the future.

personally, i have 24 mothers that have been providing me with cuts for almost
a year, one of them, my bagseed plant, for almost 2 years, and i don't have
to wait to find out if they're female.

auto-flowers are made by seedmakers trying to make a buck and, if they succeed,
we as growers will loose all control and just have to keep buying seeds from the

my point is that auto-flowering strains are like the herpes of the cannabis culture.
BTW, this guys ignorance makes me want to make this retard pass out via auto-flower smoke... (HOTBOX style)
but then... that'd be a little too nice, right? lol


Active Member
Thanks for the input BH. I have not let the soil get very dry. It sounds like this could be the culprit. She is in the same pot I started her in and I am pretty sure it's not N. So this should start to clear up if I let the compo dry out more before watering?
It will help yep, the "tye dye" leaves you talk about might not come back 100%, but you will stop it from spreading. I feel it is just wet soil after your reply.

When i have mine in bigger pots, i'll stick my finger in the soil up to my 2nd knuckle. If it feels dry i'll water them. Other people do it by the weight of the pot. You do want a wet dry cycle. They will perk up when you have it rite.

If the soil stays wet too long your cutting off oxygen to the roots. Which will start to cause defficencies N/Mag ect. by the roots beeing drowned. Everythings connected to some degree.

Mossy posted some pics of that small red pot ages ago, they were over watered then. If you go find the pics it looks like it could use some N but the leaves are droopy. Over water to the tee :D. Had to mossy.. lol But you brought it out for us. Fair game for teaching IMO :mrgreen:



Active Member
my point is that auto-flowering strains are like the herpes of the cannabis culture.
JM: I eat those trolls for breakfast lol ignorance is bliss.. Some days it gets to me though. Honestly the more people who don't mess with breeding them. Fine by me, means i have a better chance of finding that knock you dick in the dirt pheno to stabalise..

I seed about everything, i've said before that if i can't clone it i at least need some seeds of it.

John Mondello

Active Member
When i have mine in bigger pots, i'll stick my finger in the soil up to my 2nd knuckle. If it feels dry i'll water them. Other people do it by the weight of the pot. You do want a wet dry cycle. They will perk up when you have it rite.

JM: I eat those trolls for breakfast lol ignorance is bliss.. Some days it gets to me though. Honestly the more people who don't mess with breeding them. Fine by me, means i have a better chance of finding that knock you dick in the dirt pheno to stabalise..

I seed about everything, i've said before that if i can't clone it i at least need some seeds of it.

word on the water techniques... I use both .... double diagnosis... usually weight tells me pretty well, but its good to know where the moisture content is...... I also go to the second knuckle for this operation... :)

As far as the trolls... I just found it funny... instead of eating trolls, I'm thinkin we sprinkle em on a bowl... I mean really, they pretty insignificant.. lol




Well-Known Member
We must be talking about some of the LAST males to show. To make the gene reccesive it would be a pheno that doesn't show up often.
Exactly, something that is of a rare genetic. Something that you would have to duplicate to bring out. Mossy says that the female are more dom when crossing an non af to an af. Seems that every seed he makes from a colored female carries over to the offspring. If we have the auto trait isolated like i think we do we could let the males go longer and get that later developed pollen with out worrying about loosing the auto genetic waiting on the male.

Slower male means a possibility in long times showing sex resulting in a larger fully automatic plant. Something that no matter what light it is in it will flower and then finish. Tell me that isn't the wet dream of any grower. Never have to worry about light stress again lol.

I feel that this may be a survival technique in the plant. One last shot to carry on life. So the plant in turn release its best spunk to pollinate the remaining hairs. I also think that this is why femming seeds is so successful. You stress a plant to make it produce pollen, or let it go longer to develop nanners, and then that pollen is used to make a female lot of seed. That tells me right there that there is a major shift in the pollen types over the age of the plants life as well as where they are sourced from.

There has to be something to it my friend. The only way is to test it out and i love to do just that. Im telling you the auto gene pool is so loaded right now that there may be endless possibilities :blsmoke: