8 Plants 1 Pot

Think this out thoroughly

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Well-Known Member
I just got done downloading the softwear, daddy. will take pics in 5 hours if I'm not on a trip

It's dark in this mufucka. it's from the sizzerp and the alizee music and the joy of getting my computer back to brand new


Well-Known Member
got the camera running, going to take pictures of whatever muscles I have left !!! pull out your lotion bottles. it's going to be a good night


New Member
So just to make sure I have everything straight... you went to college, have no yob, no $, and live with your parents?


Well-Known Member
So just to make sure I have everything straight... you went to college, have no yob, no $, and live with your parents?
Sad to say that is correct. it's rough in these streets and college is the main reason I'm broke. pscyhology and business major.

k, no posing pictures... it's habit of mine as I used to body build. I want perfection

Brick Top

New Member
So just to make sure I have everything straight... you went to college, have no yob, no $, and live with your parents?
He must be one of those guys that educated himself so highly that he reached the point of being unemployable since no jobs exist that require his immeasurable amount of knowledge and intelligence.


Active Member
He must be one of those guys that educated himself so highly that he reached the point of being unemployable since no jobs exist that require his immeasurable amount of knowledge and intelligence.
I really do know a couple cats like that..either that or they end up in menial jobs just to pay the bills.


Well-Known Member
college is done with and I'm in the worst position possible. which lead to grow op as my last resort... if this fails. military I go, which is the last thing in this world I want to be a part of


New Member
He says business and psychology major, but those don't go together as dual majors any better than peanut butter and gumballs.

Brick Top

New Member
college is the main reason I'm broke. pscyhology and business major.

You're shitting us, right? You are a psychology major and you spell it "pscyhology?"

How the fuck can you be majoring in something that you can't even spell?

If you are going to a college and spending time in psychology classes it is as someone for the actual students to study and learn about psychosis by seeing it live, up close and in person.


Well-Known Member
I really do know a couple cats like that..either that or they end up in menial jobs just to pay the bills.
that was me, I had to work a lame ass job and that went away. useless college degrees. I will state that I'm in america and that it is a terrible place. no offense

I type 100words per minute and it's an excusable typo. I didn't type sykologee.


New Member
that was me, I had to work a lame ass job and that went away. useless college degrees. I will state that I'm in america and that it is a terrible place. no offense
Don't worry, with the direction were heading this country will be fully socialist before your mommy kicks you out.

Brick Top

New Member
I really do know a couple cats like that..either that or they end up in menial jobs just to pay the bills.

One of my sister's friends did that. He was almost a professional student. He ended up with a list of degrees longer than my leg ... and they were all in things that were incredibly interesting but, totally useless in the real world.

He works in a hardware store now telling soccer moms where to find toilet plungers and helping guys find the right fitting or screws for their home repair project.


Well-Known Member
He says business and psychology major, but those don't go together as dual majors any better than peanut butter and gumballs.
staying broad my friend. I would've been better off working in a sweatshop than going to college... I'm done with this subject


Well-Known Member
One of my sister's friends did that. He was almost a professional student. He ended up with a list of degrees longer than my leg ... and they were all in things that were incredibly interesting but, totally useless in the real world.

He works in a hardware store now telling soccer moms where to find toilet plungers and helping guys find the right fitting or screws for their home repair project.
fml, good thing I've come to the world of plants

I don't know how unfortunate one can get, the only thing I have going for me is my nutrition and body and my words.


Well-Known Member
staying broad my friend. I would've been better off working in a sweatshop than going to college... I'm done with this subject
You could always go work at home depot. I bet you could get an employee discount on "Y" splitters.
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