fem blue mystic


Well-Known Member
By the way, I've seen much bigger outside plants staked and bent over, so you could do yours if you wanted. Just put a little pressure on it, and go slowly day by day. Your situation might not call for it this time, but I thought I'd pass this along for future consideration. You can greatly increase yield by doing it.


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today is 2 weeks and 5 days of official flowering and she is looking nice, there is some dust collecting on the buds and the leaves near them. im getting excited and cant wait for it to be done, the 8th week will be the 1st of February and im hoping the trics will be looking ready by then. i have messed up the lighting schedule during the last few days but only by about two hours in the mornings i hope this will not affect the the time it will take to finish. i know its been a while i have not posted an update ive been busy with school and work but i will try to get new pics up tomorrow, also i think i will have to get it out of that box because its about 3 inches from the light but the temps stay at about 83 because its so cold in here i keep the heat off in my room i have it all planned out where im going to put it so that is covered, see you tomorrow!!


Active Member
sorry about that i didnt get the time to move my plant but today i did and im very happy i did. when i took her out i realized how crammed it really was in that box, the first thing i did was tie all the branches that i could down then i trimmed all the dead leaves i couldnt reach before and by doing so i believe i will at least double my yield. all the branches are about at the same height so they will really be getting the light they need. the only bad thing is that i burnt one of the main buds it looks more like the light bleached it, but at least its only the top because the bottom part looks ok by the way you cant really see in the pics but its really starting to collect some crystals all over the buds and the leaves near them and the smell is surprising, smells like some serious dank when i get close and you might not be able to see it in the pics but because of the cold temps at lights out around 60F there is a bluish tint on the leaves so for anyone wondering if blue mystic really is blue the answer is yes. im getting excited and i think this one will work out just fine all i can say is if i left her in that box i would of ruined it take a look at this beautiful bushy babe!!



Active Member
thats a nice setup you got there, i like the mother box. your blue's are looking nice, did you get them from nervana? im hearing that the smoke is pretty decent. i think you got me by a few weeks... i will check you out to see the results good luck.


Active Member
she smells earthy a little fruity and a strong herbal finish i hope that the smoke tastes as good as the smell by the way its a very light cent until i touch the stems very good stealth strain i would say


Active Member
Thanks man! Yeah i use nirvana. This is the 4th run of BM ive done. They are on day 32 flower, almost 5 weeks, so 3-4 weeks until harvest. The smoke is really smooth with a short cure, and really has a berry taste.


Active Member
ho much do you usually pull from each of your plants my goal is atleast an oz not sure if ill make it but its not looking impossible


Active Member
It depends on how big i grow them out. Here is a post from my thread.

Both of these two blue mystics in the picture below, were germed-planted-vegged-transplanted-trimmed-fed-watered, and switched to 12/12 at the same times. They are in the same medium, same size pots and same distance from the light. They were fed the same amount each, of the same stuff.

One is about 6 inches shorter than the other and thinner. They are all different sizes, but these are the biggest and smallest blue mystics. I may get around an ounce from the little one, but the big one will be good for about 2. This is why yield is unpredictable, until you get a few harvests on one setup and get a minimum potential yield for your setup.



Active Member
well mine is about the size of your bigger one before i tiead her all down i guess my oz goal is quite possible even though my light is only a 150watter its only one plant in a small space so its getting more than enough light in my opinion we should compare yields from one of your plants that are roughly the same size as mine when all is said and done


Active Member
Really? The bigger one is about 22" the smaller is around 16".

What size pot are you using? Mine are in 3 gal pots, but im going to be using 5 gal bags shortly.

we should definitely compare some!


Active Member
I was thinking you might get better yeilds in less time with a bunch of autoflowering plants under that light than a single photoperiod plant.

You could fit 6-8 nicely in 1 gallons.