8 Plants 1 Pot

Think this out thoroughly

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wally nutter

Well-Known Member
The only way any of Taffy's plants are going to explode in that picnic basket is if he uses gunpowder for fertilizer. Which at this point is not completely out of the question...
you are wrong and when the pictures are takin you will realize this. the end

actually, youre half right. gunpowder will deff make his plants explode, but taffy isnt using gunpowder.

ill tell you what hes using. its kinda a secret but it really isnt.

he's using love.

i know crazy, lol, ponder that one birdbrain


Well-Known Member
probably going to tell me that nobody has ever grown from miracle grow soil and the books that they are on are made out of pollutant material


Well-Known Member
My favorite part is when people are just being useless and not providing and not making any sense at all and speaking in a 4 year old manner.

*....patiently waiting for a 4 year old response because I know it's coming*
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