root bound maybe?


Well-Known Member
i realize pics are almost a must..... but im too much of a pussy to post em. Im kind of sketched out about posting pics. I feel bad for asking questions w/o pics. I water the little girls everyother day but it seems they are sensitive to light. I have to keep the light pretty far from them but in turn it causes them to stretch. The strain is unknown but since she is my first successful grow i wanted to keep her around ya know lol. Thanks for speedy reply


Active Member
I'll throw a guess at it. It sounds like they are not getting enough water into the plant. If you are watering them regularly, then maybe the root system is not doing well. You might sacrifice one of them to inspect the roots. They should be a nice stark white and "furry". If they are yellow, in all likelihood you have a form of root rot. You can deal with it, but it is not fun or quick. I hope this helps.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
If your clones are drooping spray them with a pump up sprayer and keep them watered. If they are rooted it is ok to use a light mixture of ferts. Remember, a lot of pre-mixed potting soils are already fertilized so when adding ferts be sure you know what you are doing.


Well-Known Member
why scared about pics? no fed. or any government agency is going to waste their time with any operation costing less than a good 10k.. they would spend more money on gas driving to your house than your entire grow is worth?


Well-Known Member
okay ill post some pics...... when i get home. Im kind of embarassed of my plant seeing as its my first successful grow, but who cares, i could always use some constructive criticism....


Well-Known Member
This is turning out to be an exciting hobby for me..... never thought id get so pumped about watching a freaking plant grow... i seriously smoke out and just stare at my plants like they're going to do something amazing. Anyone else do this.... lol


Well-Known Member
Here is a fairly bad case of root bound, I needed to xplant last week but have been putting off . Notice the bottom leaves are dying, and all but the newest leaves are drooping. Just transplant and watch them improve.


Well-Known Member
I transplanted her yesterday and seems to have worked. She has been on a 24 hr light cycle so im also going to dial her down to 18/6 and see if that adds to the improvment