Great Aero Garden Grow


Active Member
LOL, OOOOOO I was talking about the lack of words and music and people and crap in the video, the video is just weed plants. But I see what you mean, he prob would have more bud if he would have added supplemental light. One thing I have learned is that growing pot can be as simple or a complicated as one chooses to make it.


Well-Known Member
Gentlemen: I don't see the advantage when you take a simple, complete, economical to run growing system and you disassemble and complicate it beyond reason. You took off the hood and it stands to reason that even with what looks like a small overhead MH lamp you're going to get more light, but then you add CFL's to the side? The Edison company must love you.

You still have only 112 ounces of nutes in your tiny reservoir. I'm sorry, it just doesn't make sense to me. If you're going to get that much growth on top I don't want to see what the roots are going to look like in the reservoir. Why don't you use a small bubble tub? They have some three and five gallon sizes that might be more appropriate. Without the hood arm/light stand you have no power to the Aerogarden pump anyway.