i almost bought a 3500 dollar cat


Well-Known Member
F2 Savannah. my buddies were looking for bengal kitties and i went with them to check them out. the breeder had an F2 with kittens. there were 2 left. maybe 6 weeks old. so small and fluffy. i was handed one and she looked into my eyes with that loving look and said "meow". i said "i'll take it". she was going to let me have it, with papers, for 1700. thank god my wife has some sense left in her. :mrgreen::blsmoke:

we have 5 cats already. this is the latest. he is a wild stray that has been hanging out in our yard for years. i used to throw rocks at him and chase him out of here because he fought with my other cats. he's all chill now so i've been feeding him daily. i've been trying to pet him as well. he's gotten me with his claws, 3 times now. dude is FAST.

i set up a canopy with some tarp walls to protect my cat house from the winter weather. i have a spot light shining down on it to supply a heated area. he sleeps there all day, waiting for more food. :cool:



No pictures of the Savannah? I have a cat who looks like he could be one, but hes just a big mutt of a cat. Ever since i saw them i have wanted one, but it seems like i am supposed to only have 3 cats, had 2 freak out and 1 die, so we are gonna stick with the 3, plus i am sick of changing the god damn air filter all the time! Do you have this problem to with 5 cats? or are they outside cats?


Well-Known Member
all 5 of ours are rescues. 2 came from the backyard rose bushes. one we found at the end of the street with a broken leg. 1 we adopted from petsmart. and the last i'm still trying to corral.

i took my camera up there but didn't get pics. she usually charges 3500 for her kittens. she was offering me the "runt" at half price. it wasn't really much of a runt though.

wonderful lady. my buddies ended up getting a few. she cried when we left with them. she loves her kitties. :hug:


Active Member
You've got yourself a 'friendly cat' as we call them lol. We like to think of them as little cat monks who travel around bringing out people's goodness and generosity. Good karma for you! =)

all our cats are rescue cats ,some times its best when they pick you
I agree, too many cats get put down who need homes. I would never buy a cat from a breeder.


Well-Known Member
Iv got 2 cats one is a idiotic tortoise and the other a moody hissing black beast. I like the beast more for some reason, It loves me and no one
both rescues of coarse


bud bootlegger
we have one cat and a dog.. the dog is a big 80 pound mix of a lab and a husky, and he is always trying to hump the under ten pound cat.. good thing interbreeding doesn't exist between cats and dogs, or we would probably have around 50 puppens.. can never get the dog to wear a condom...
those cats are freaking cool ass fdd, but 3500? god damn, thats a lot of money..


Active Member
i hate cats i do occasionly let my neighbors cat take some smoke but those look preety cool are those mixed with some type of wild cats or something

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I just got myself a cat that should be $3500... maybe more.

Blue eyes, they look cross eyed. He's a Siamese Ragdoll mix and is basically too cute to look at. He'll stare you right in the eye.

He was found in a Dumpster. Maybe 6 to 8 weeks old. The second picture is him and my year old Ragdoll.

He wasn't chipped, and needed all his shots. Still has his balls too and I'm not sure if I'm going to eunuch the poor guy. Myself and the vet assume that he had a mother at one time, and somehow managed to get separated from her and hid in the dumpster to stay safe and warm. You could here the little thing "mewing" through the metal. He purred up a storm and was soooo happy to see someone. Not shy at all.

I love my older Ragdoll with a passion. They are such a weird cats. Most cats will "test" the area before they sit down in it, pacing, spinning in circles, all that. Ragdolls just walk up and fall over with a big *boof*. They're also enormous cats, the bigger one I have is probably a good 25lbs and more than 3 feet tall when standing on his back legs. Basically, he's bigger than most small dogs. So they always have these GIANT paws on them.

I had a blue eyed siamese as a kid and she was a talker and a lover. This new cat is a perfect blend of the two breeds. Having this unabashed curiosity, being very vocal, and of course boofing where ever is boofable.

And that's been my life for the last 5 days. I can't believe I got this cat for free. I'll try to post a face shot in a bit so you can see what I mean about his eyes.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
the markings on that cat are awesome. like half a geezer 'stache. at first i thought it was too fat to be a stray then i saw the upclose of the face. that cat has seen some times but is in real nice shape. he looks a little like my cat. every animal i've had since i was a kid has been a stray or rescue except for 1 dog that we got for 75 bucks from a country lady, and even he was the runt in an "accident litter". my current cat came from under a parked car when he was just around 10 weeks and he had a busted tail that had already healed fucked up. to this day anyone who touches his tail gets freaked out. i don't have a dig pic of his tail and they're hard to get so i took a pic of the tail shot on my fridge lol.



Pickle Queen

my kitties, small tabby is Dewey, champagne ragdoll is Momo, and big guy was my first kitty, had to put him down 3 weeks ago,still miss him a bunch, had him 11 years

oh ya and i want an F1 so bad!! i watched a show on cats the other day and they featured the f1 , f2 and persian. I will never get a persian they are prone to problems, to bad they are pretty cute.


Well-Known Member
i'm glad to hear people are saving rescue cats. it warms the heart.

my fattest cat:




Well-Known Member
For 3500 it better be a Tiger or at least a lynx or something - Theirs wild cats all over can I get some $$$ for them? I thought cats were usually free.


Well-Known Member
Theres this cat at my grandmas that is the same age as me,born on the same day to.Its 20 now but I think its about to go.
I thought thats pretty cool.I'll see if my sister has any pictures of it.
I dont know what breed or anything it is lol.I actually never knew there was different breeds of cats like that lol.


Active Member
F2 Savannah. my buddies were looking for bengal kitties and i went with them to check them out. the breeder had an F2 with kittens. there were 2 left. maybe 6 weeks old. so small and fluffy. i was handed one and she looked into my eyes with that loving look and said "meow". i said "i'll take it". she was going to let me have it, with papers, for 1700. thank god my wife has some sense left in her. :mrgreen::blsmoke:

we have 5 cats already. this is the latest. he is a wild stray that has been hanging out in our yard for years. i used to throw rocks at him and chase him out of here because he fought with my other cats. he's all chill now so i've been feeding him daily. i've been trying to pet him as well. he's gotten me with his claws, 3 times now. dude is FAST.

i set up a canopy with some tarp walls to protect my cat house from the winter weather. i have a spot light shining down on it to supply a heated area. he sleeps there all day, waiting for more food. :cool:

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hahaha dude we have 6 and their little crack addicts for canned cat food 2 of the 6 are mine if i get back on later i'll post some pics of them if thats cool with you