Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
GD I am sorry about all the junk that is starting to gather in this thread. I will redirect my mouth to outdoor growing and my plans for outdoor grows. I see there is already a thread for MMJ. sorry GD
No problem I enjoy the read


Well-Known Member
Sappin Mi peeps,

Got a chance to hook up with hic today great guy and a killa grower bro knows his stuff. Anyhoo just checkin in..


Well-Known Member
delstele is a man of his word. a very unique find indeed..that is hard enough to find in the real world, let alone the internet.

Green Dave and delstele... it sure was cool meeting you boys this year!. I'll see ya both again in 2011.

KB aint heard from ya? watch for aunt janie she will be around 29 30




Well-Known Member
Free electricity?
2 600 watters, 2 months = around $80. I get most my own dirt. that leaves me $20 for whatever. tried and true or I would not waste my time.

Can I save you anymore money? you are welcome to come to my place and gather some dirt if you would like... yea my methods of saving money make me work. instead of sit on my ass buying things to grow with.



Well-Known Member
2 600 watters, 2 months = around $80. I get most my own dirt. that leaves me $20 for whatever. tried and true or I would not waste my time.

Can I save you anymore money? you are welcome to come to my place and gather some dirt if you would like... yea my methods of saving money make me work. instead of sit on my ass buying things to grow with.

What kind of dirt do you grow with? just some from the backyard? Or do you have a pile of dirt that you have in like a compost pile or something?


Well-Known Member
pimpernickel I can't believe that the only thing that cost any money in the whole ordeal you would not consider as the most expensive tool "electricity"..

rachshow I have a few types of dirt on "the farm". I mix and match until the growing medium is well draining and fertile.

I have a pond I simply put a net into and gather fish. I have an uncle that has chickens. I also collect wood ash and worms. this is all the ferts I really NEED.

I do buy some dirt. I however use it sparingly, it's only purpose is to give my medium the ability to become "airy".

really all it is, is knowing the truth.. alot of them do not know how to grow, thus making it impossible to find a respectible price for a bag of dope.

"Free Electricity?" - give me a break.. na I just live outside the box dude.



Green Dave

Well-Known Member
We need to get the boys together this spring for a grow reveiw and smoke some together
seems like you have become the HUB of activitys but the cabin is open for a fishing and grow reveiw this spring for the few that were contacted this fall


New Member
Hey guys.. just dropped in to say my first grow is off and flowering. Mighty cold here but I got it warm in the flower room. Good luck everyone and peace.


Well-Known Member
Why of course Green Dave. And what perfect timing that would be.

I want all of you boys and girls to reconsider getting legal somehow. If you get legal we can "work together"..

Hey r1tony good luck. let me know if you need dirt.

captbooyah do you have a medical card of some sort?


Well-Known Member
I know the majority of you are worried about being on some sort of list.. well if you been growing dope for awhile chances are you already may be on some sort of list.

You all might as be on the no touch list. that is my opinion for many of you. The cops will not bother you if they cannot hear you. There will come a point " very soon" when I will no longer be able to smoke pot, give clone, seds, etc to anyone that does not possess this card.

Now that is I choice that I had to make when I decided..to play. I still am not happy with that idea but that is what I had to do, to be able to do what I am going to do.. I lost an ability to earn a new one.. I now can spread my wings.lol



Active Member
hic...... you remind me of mister miyagi or someone like that i wish all tokers were responsible as you. maybe then our herb wouldnt get such a bad rep. your a true rolemodel because you seem to realy b in it to spread mj. dam i juss rambled lol but im on a higher level of thinking lol no pun intended


Well-Known Member
Ah but you are still there while the dumb ones are going down. You must give yourself credit, you are not one of them. I know you can do it and so do you.


Well-Known Member
KB your PM's are full. Did your gear arrive, yet? Happy New Year to you GreenDave.

Well it looks like I will take a couple pics wednesday for ya all. My plants are to the point where sex is showing, I will begin flowering the CM F-2's in about a week maybe 2 weeks. So far I have 3 females and 2 males, I am still waiting for 3 of them to show me who they are but I will be able to tell most likely in a couple more days about all their sexes.