I ran out of soil during transplant! should i be worried?


Well-Known Member
i have 2 plants that needed a fast transplant cuz they out grew their 3 gallon pots which sucks cuz i thought that it be its final growing container :(

its day 3 of 12/12, i bought 2 7.90 gallon pots, real big pots but thats the best choice i had at home depot, i transplanted today and wasted all my soil and i didnt have enought to completely cover the mound of the clod of dirt. i used lots of perlite and sum of this black sand stuff i had to fill it mostly in which i think helped.

is the black sand gonna effect my plants in anyway? my soil isnt in one straight surface level its kinda like a mound in the middle of the pot from where i ran out for them both :O

didnt mean to ramble but is it goin to be fine? theyre in the dark but i took a look at them (with a green led) and dont see any drooping or anything. i covered most of the exposin roots on the top of the soil..


Active Member
hey get some more soil, looked at your juornal your plants are tiny a foot in a 7 gallon pot way over kill the 3 gallon would have been fine no dout.


I have seen people grow in small containers but I have always been of the school of thought that if you are restricting them below ground you are restricting them above as well. I never mess with transplanting for several reasons, for one I'm lazy, and for two I prefer not to cause unneccessary stress to the plant. I go from clone to 8 gallon pot and they remain there until harvest. That having been said, I did my first grow in a half-full 5 gallon pot and did reasonably well. I would seriously consider adding some more soil if I were you though.


Well-Known Member
hey get some more soil, looked at your juornal your plants are tiny a foot in a 7 gallon pot way over kill the 3 gallon would have been fine no dout.
lol journal entry is old, theyre about a foot maybe bigger now and its weird i grew them in a 1.5 gallon at first then they out grew it fairly quickly i switched to 3 gallon pots and not even a week later bam! roots started to come out of the drainage holes i was like wtf lol.
so i went to home depot and all they had was 7 gallon pots no more 5 gallon pots... so yea it was weird.
take a look at the pix ill post in the morning youll see the differences


Well-Known Member
I have seen people grow in small containers but I have always been of the school of thought that if you are restricting them below ground you are restricting them above as well. I never mess with transplanting for several reasons, for one I'm lazy, and for two I prefer not to cause unneccessary stress to the plant. I go from clone to 8 gallon pot and they remain there until harvest. That having been said, I did my first grow in a half-full 5 gallon pot and did reasonably well. I would seriously consider adding some more soil if I were you though.
yea thanks for the reply i know i need more soil, i was usin fox farms happy frog soil and now i gotta find some cheap shit lol, wat should i use from the cheap shit then :p?


I buy my soils from my local nursery. I pick up a bag of pete, a bag of soil and a bag of sand and mix in layers to promote drainage. Seems like I got this idea from taking botany years ago but idr. I have to water every day but it seems to give the roots access to air for part of the day too and the plants seem very happy. All in all, the pete and the sand bags both last ages and I go through reasonably cheap soil the fastest. I can fill about five 8 gallon pots for about $15.


Well-Known Member
I buy my soils from my local nursery. I pick up a bag of pete, a bag of soil and a bag of sand and mix in layers to promote drainage. Seems like I got this idea from taking botany years ago but idr. I have to water every day but it seems to give the roots access to air for part of the day too and the plants seem very happy. All in all, the pete and the sand bags both last ages and I go through reasonably cheap soil the fastest. I can fill about five 8 gallon pots for about $15.
i had a close nursery here but it closed like 2 years ago lol, now its hard to find one around here plus i dont got alot of cash on me to spend now which sucks :(
crazy how my roots grow so quickly tho D:


Yeah man, idk what to tell you for cheaper than $3 a pot. I figured I was going about the cheapest anyone could and still have nice results.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, idk what to tell you for cheaper than $3 a pot. I figured I was going about the cheapest anyone could and still have nice results.
well thanks for ur replies tho, check my status on my grow journal from time to time i rarely have views or comments, theyve grown a tremendous difference then they once were.