Jigfresh's Closet Flooded Tube Vert Scrog - 1000w


Well-Known Member
the timewarps have stretchy genetics by the looks of things....well they are in my cab anyway. The Dog are also fairly stretchy, as is the og kush...but they'll be right with some of your training in a vertical set up. Looking forward to it. How long you going to veg for Jig? I think a short veg with the numbers and space you got might be something to think of.....

peace, DST


Well-Known Member
where you at? did you never wake up?:D
Hahaha... i'm up now

the timewarps have stretchy genetics by the looks of things....well they are in my cab anyway. The Dog are also fairly stretchy, as is the og kush...but they'll be right with some of your training in a vertical set up. Looking forward to it. How long you going to veg for Jig? I think a short veg with the numbers and space you got might be something to think of.....
Well what I'm thinking is to use old uncle bens topping method for 4 tops each and switch over when they are about 12-16" tall. You have one of the TW x Rom do you not? Is that as stretchy as the others? Also how is the Headband and NY 47 for stretchyness? I'm thinking I'll put the shorter plants up top and put the stretchier variety down below to let them fill in all that lower space with their long arms. I'm really not sure how I'm going to do this with the screen. I had always thought to have just a two level vert screen like last time, only twice... but I'm thinking I may do that on top, with the bottom being sorta like the screen you have, a flat one below, sorta curving up. I guess it would be like a big bowl or something. Really not sure now. The possibilities are endless.

This is my first tread here and on rollitup. english is my third language so bear with me. I have read all your treads now and heaths. Heath is just silly. And you dont have a long way left for me to call you silly to. I am curently building this system you guys have and hoping to get it upp soon. Really sorry to hear abaout your uborn child it must have been hard. Things like that is never easy, it made me sad:(

Why the fuck do you travel to sweden?:D I live here and its 22Below zero. -22F i think seriously i cant even go out side for more than 5 min beffore my face start to hurt. But if you ever come back shout out i will meat you and show you the very few nice places in sweden.

And howe come you use 1000w when heath use 600w for a bigger space?:)

Btw how do you keep your cats hair out of the bud? i have dogs and well i smoke dog.
Thanks for mentioning my baby. I miss him but it is nice that people here at least know he exists, even if not alive. It makes me happy. It's like he's real. I saw pictures of him the other day. They took them at the hospital. He was cute... but soooo tiny. Would have fit in the palm of your hand. Anyways, thanks for the kind words.

About Sweden. For one thing, I traveled there in the spring when it was well above -22, lol.... That's really cold. I went because I was traveling to England with my wife, who is in love with the place. I figured since I was in the area I would visit fellow RIU'ers that I had come to be friends with. I went to Amsterdam to visit a bud. And then I caught a flight to Copenhagen. From there I took a train into Sweden and spent a little time there before returning to Denmark. My flights in and out of copenhagen were about 24 hours apart, so not much time. I did get to visit Christiana... that was interesting. I enjoyed what little I saw of Sweden. I remember it being clean... and the money is funny. It cose like 80 Kroner or something for a Coke. Maybe I'm way off... but I thought I had enough money for lunch and I barely had enough for a drink. HAHAHAHA.... also, I tried to use a public phone to dial my friend, but didn't know how to do it. I kept calling the same wrong number to someone who didn't understand me, lol. It was frustrating but it all worked out. I'll let you know if I plan on going back.

For the answer why I'm using a 1k in a tiny spot. Basically because I can. haha. I think 2 - 600's would have been a better idea, but I have the light now, so I'm going with it. Also, having a bare bulb really helps the light distribution and use of it, so Heath had good things going on in his room. Besides the flooded tube, and us having a vertical light, me and heaths setup doesn't really compare too well. He had so many plants, and so much more room... I wish I could have a grow like his. I do my best to try in my little closet.

As for the cat hair, I keep my door closed to the closet and I have screens covering they holes in the door for ventilation. However, cat hair still gets in the plants a bit. It's really not too bad. Also, I don't know why, but all my cats seem to not shed very much. It's one of the things that makes it possible to have so many in such a small house. I've been to peoples houses with only one cat, and you sit down... and your whole body is covered in cat hair. That is really not how it is here. I'm lucky I guess. Speaking of my cats... I sure do love them. They keep me happy and help me relax.

I'm not an expert but I have been taking the dome off once they are standing up and I haven't a problem with doing it. I've been waiting until I see root(s) out the bottom before putting them into soil/hydroton too which has only taken a few days so far (3-5). It seems to just be a single root that pops out with seeds for me mostly.
I hadn't even noticed the roots till you said this. Each one has a single root poking out, longer than the seedling itself. I'm getting ready to put them in the new mini DWC. To give them roots enough to put in the flooded tube. Thanks for the info.

this is the same way i handle my seedlings. once they show roots i put the rapid rooter all the way on the bottom of the grow basket and fill it with hydroton as it grows.
Thanks also kevin for the info brother.

And you dont need the dome eny more just make sure your humidety is over 45%

I just saw your cfl tube move it mutchcloser to the plants maybe 1-2cm over the tops
I have the light a lot closer now... they aren't stretching any more. Took off the dome and they are looking happy. Unfortunately the humidity is <10% now. Damn winters are so dry here. It's werid too becuase it rained a little last night. Doen't make sense how it can rain and then have almost no humidity. I guess that's why they call it a desert.

i think they'll be alright.
I hope so bro. I have nightmares of killing my pretty little seedlings and wasting all this time. I think I'll do alright. They are weeds after all.

So I took a couple new pics. Nothing too exciting, unless you like brand new DWC's. I just finished putting all the tape on it last night. I found out before, clear DWC's don't let the roots grow too well.



Well-Known Member
You're a pretty awesome guy Jig. I wish you and your lady all the best.

You made me feel a bit sad talking about your baby but hearing stuff like what you've gone through also makes me appreciate my kids even more than I already did.


Hi, à good and Easy way to get rh higher is to take à towel that you hang and let the tip of the
Towel be in à buket full With water.the towel Will suck the water from the buket and out to the air.
If you want to se what i got going on go to youtube and search for fast spliff My username on youtube is wallawallas
Peace out And happy new year buddie. (i like the word buddie it floows good when you say it or maybe i am to stones:D)


Well-Known Member
Hey Jig, indeed I have a RomxTW going at the moment and def not as stretchy as the Timewarp. It's a male though so not sure what the females are like. The HEadbands can get big depending on veg time, but you can also keep them fairly short if going into flower reasonably quickly. Tight nodes to be expected. The NY47 as you may remember grows massive donkey colas.,,,so quite vigorous in it's growth as well, but I wouldn't say it was stretchy.

Have a good Hogmanay mate, happynessess to you and Mrs Jig.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Get this fellas... I'm in the emergency room right now. Got an iv in each arm, meter on my finger, cuff on my arm, oxygen in my nose. Had a ct scan for my brain. I got my first ambulance ride. And this is the kicker... my fucking heart stopped for like 6 seconds. The doc was gonna admit me to the hospital but he talked to a cardiologist and I guess its all good. I came in because my whole left side f my body was tingly... still feels funny bet the ct scan was ok. I passed out when they stuck me for blood... that's when my heart stopped. Then my pulse was 30 till I got some medicine. I'm finally feeling a little better and thought of my friends. Was so great to read new posts on my thread.

I love you guys. Thanks for making one of the scariest nights I've had a little brighter.

And thanks for the tip greeg and the plant info d. Dez... we gotta get lunch soon.



Well-Known Member
shit Jig.....hope you are ok man....when I read cuff at first I thought you had been arrested. Please tell us you haven't, lol.

peace bru, D

Get this fellas... I'm in the emergency room right now. Got an iv in each arm, meter on my finger, cuff on my arm, oxygen in my nose. Had a ct scan for my brain. I got my first ambulance ride. And this is the kicker... my fucking heart stopped for like 6 seconds. The doc was gonna admit me to the hospital but he talked to a cardiologist and I guess its all good. I came in because my whole left side f my body was tingly... still feels funny bet the ct scan was ok. I passed out when they stuck me for blood... that's when my heart stopped. Then my pulse was 30 till I got some medicine. I'm finally feeling a little better and thought of my friends. Was so great to read new posts on my thread.

I love you guys. Thanks for making one of the scariest nights I've had a little brighter.

And thanks for the tip greeg and the plant info d. Dez... we gotta get lunch soon.



Well-Known Member
shit Jig.....hope you are ok man....when I read cuff at first I thought you had been arrested. Please tell us you haven't, lol.

peace bru, D
No arrests bru. I'm back home. Hopefully all is well. I feel ok, just tired, but unable to sleep becuase of the stimulants they gave me. Twas a blood pressure cuff.


Well-Known Member
hey jig, there are better ways to be bring in the new year. i hope you get to feeling better soon. do you need to do any type of follow up or do the docs think it was a one time deal? love you bro and take care of yourself.

Get this fellas... I'm in the emergency room right now. Got an iv in each arm, meter on my finger, cuff on my arm, oxygen in my nose. Had a ct scan for my brain. I got my first ambulance ride. And this is the kicker... my fucking heart stopped for like 6 seconds. The doc was gonna admit me to the hospital but he talked to a cardiologist and I guess its all good. I came in because my whole left side f my body was tingly... still feels funny bet the ct scan was ok. I passed out when they stuck me for blood... that's when my heart stopped. Then my pulse was 30 till I got some medicine. I'm finally feeling a little better and thought of my friends. Was so great to read new posts on my thread.

I love you guys. Thanks for making one of the scariest nights I've had a little brighter.

And thanks for the tip greeg and the plant info d. Dez... we gotta get lunch soon.



Well-Known Member
Scary stuff...glad your okay.
Take whatever you were doing when you started feeling tingly and remember it. You now have an awesome story that can start with "I almost died for ____! Here's what happened..." Or something similar, lol.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
holy crap hope ur good now bro? all the best for 2011.

my rom x tw didnt make it (i'm fairly new to the seed game) :( but my timewarps are about the same time as urs. i'm gonna clone them and test to see which one is gonna be best for my mini scrogs. good luck with them and the rest :)

cheers for the info about the stretch DST.

happy new year :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
shit jigga thats pretty scary stuff. you on the mend now though yeah? hope the rest of the year is nice n calm with no trips to ER!


Well-Known Member
Everything is good now. Had a good new year. Twas my first one in 16 years I was sober for. Nothing too exciting, but I do have a feeling this year is going to be a good one. Don't know if anyone's ever heard of it, but I'm doing this book/ course called 'The Artist's Way'... it's supposed to bring out your inner creativity. Should be fun. Anyways, thanks for all the kind words fellas.

The plants are doing well. Seedling, y'ins, whatever you want to call them. I put them in their new temp home tonight. The DWC that is going to get their roots nice enough to go in the tubes. I am going to do something better about lighting them tomorrow... just have that flouro laying down for tonight.

Question: How do I go about sexing them? Do I put them into 12/12 before I can tell. There's only room for 10... unless I get crazy and keep this DWC for a couple plants along the bottom. Who knows. Anyways, give me some tips please.


mr west

Well-Known Member
Oh jig mate glad ur ok now, did they think it was caused by sometrhing or jus a freak occorance?


The only way to tell the sex is to go 12/12. If you wanna take clones take them third weak in bloom. thats 20 days in to bloom the clones will be a little harder to root but when it roots sit back bring some popcorn and watch it explode. Tho i dont think floweing clones will be good for your setup becuse they have like 5-8 tops when they start go grow, with out topping or fimming.


Well-Known Member
As far as I know the only two ways to tell sex on them is to either put all or part of the plant into 12/12 OR you let them veg for about 6 weeks and then they'll typically show sex. My Purple Haze showed her girly parts late last week and she's in veg still (about 6 weeks old or so).

If you were to top the seedlings when they're a couple weeks old you could put the tops into 12/12 to determine sex of the original plants. I think you'd just have to give the cuttings some time to root before putting them into 12/12 so they don't die before showing sex. I'm not positive on the waiting thing though, it may be possible to just stick them in there. That would be a good question for someone like DST.