Federal Reserve Bails Out American Express, Verizon, Toyota, GE, and FOREIGN banks

This pisses me off beyond belief. The Federal Reserve was forced to release data that showed that it secretly bailed out foreign banks like UBS and Deutsche Bank, corporations, and other groups with $3.3 Trillion dollars. These unelected thugs are stealing our money and just handing it over to bankers and executives!

Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities Program

Commercial Paper Funding

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Well-Known Member
I need a mother fuckin bail out yall...I'm fiscally irresponsible ...I can't balance my budget. How do I qualify for some of the economic stimulus package?


Well-Known Member
You realize tax payers are going to make a profit from the interest? If you want to talk about budget defecits you should talk to george bush about wasting trillions on wars......


Well-Known Member
You realize tax payers are going to make a profit from the interest? If you want to talk about budget defecits you should talk to george bush about wasting trillions on wars......
Yeah because the war started when Bush took office and ended once he left=false premise...and how are we profiting from interest???=false claim...we owe interest
You realize tax payers are going to make a profit from the interest? If you want to talk about budget defecits you should talk to george bush about wasting trillions on wars......
You don't understand basic economics if you think any taxpayers will profit from this. The money the Federal Reserve is 'loaning' at near zero-interest is being printed and electronically created. The fiat currency is being debased and heavily inflated. The only people who will profit are the bankers and the CEOs that are receiving the money. Once this money funnels through the economy, it will be devalued and we'll have hyperinflation.

No one even brought up George W. Bush here nor did anyone blame Obama in this thread, so for you to invoke any President makes no sense. While we are talking about Presidents, however, you should know that George W. Bush made Ben Bernanke the chairman of the Fed and Obama re-nominated the man. Regarding the trillion dollar wars, Obama has sent 30,000 troops to Afghanistan and more soldiers have died in Afghanistan under Obama than have died under Bush.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
The "families" that control the world are not only operating in the USA - money will always be moved to where it is needed to safeguard the interests of the controlling powers.

The general population are just sheep to be sheared as needed, fattened up when times are good and harvested when times are not so good.

You earn what they allow you to earn, you spend what, when and where they permit.

You are even allowed to vote to decide which of their puppets will pretend to be in control.

Have a good new year :-)


Active Member
You realize tax payers are going to make a profit from the interest? If you want to talk about budget defecits you should talk to george bush about wasting trillions on wars......
Yep, amen to that! We could fix the majority of the U.S. economic problems by simply ending this bullshit war and downsizing our military. It's all these insane military contracts that's got billions of the U.S. budget tied up, it's retarded.


Well-Known Member
You realize tax payers are going to make a profit from the interest? If you want to talk about budget defecits you should talk to george bush about wasting trillions on wars......
If the USA makes any interest off any money you will not know any thing about it. GM paid the USA back all but 65 billion. LMFAO


Well-Known Member
If the USA makes any interest off any money you will not know any thing about it. GM paid the USA back all but 65 billion. LMFAO
LOL you are right, they paid the government loan off by borrowing more tax payer money. IE they took cash out on the credit card so they could make the credit card payment.