I found out the hard way, the butter i made is to potent i think lmao. Cause i gave my friend a cookie and he said they were nothing like the past batches hes eaten lol... He said his knees locked up lmao, me i was thorwing up and fucking thinking i was gonna die..
I have a lot of butter left..
Shit....I miss those days. LOL. Sorry, not to make fun of your discomfort. But yeah, they sound pretty potent.
For your extra butter I live at 101 Hempy Road, BC Canada..........
Friggin crazy man. I have done that to myself before with brownies. I was convinced I had a broken jaw from a fight that happened a month or two prior....my roommate was face down on the floor freaking out at the same time ..... I kept asking him 'DOES MY JAW LOOK BROKEN......COME ON MAN IT FEELS LIKE IT'S CROOKED!!!!!!"
Was kinda funny.
I also did that one night drinking mushroom tea with Nestea Passion fruit mix. It was a hot day, and I started drinking the iced tea like it was.....well, iced tea.
7 FUCKING GLASSES LATER.......Holy Shit!!!! This is fucking mushroom tea....never mind the 3 xtc tabs I dropped. My roommates didnt drink as much tea, but neglected to remind me that I should take it easy.
You want to talk about a trip. I literally thought I was never coming back to the real world. I was convinced that I would end up in a psych ward. The spackle on the ceiling looked like giant stalagtites like in caves hanging from the roof, and were dripping pink and orange fluids.
My roommates found me later on hiding in my closet in my room. Fuckin crazy man.....lol