Were can i find free seeds


Well-Known Member
Well I must be a real dumbass after almost a year of reading how to grow from people who have grown for years with thousands of watts of light soil nukes and a lot of care. I find out I have wasted about $500 lights soil nukes and all the time all I needed was a 60 watt light.
Now thats the shits LMFAO
Best tread lightly.

Otherwise some holier-than-thou freak will lecture you on not being helpful.

It matters not that the entire thread borders on a serious rule violation. Solicitation is strictly prohibited.

It matters not that the OP will argue with those trying to give advice, but who gave up when the OP showed himself to be a weed baron.

It matters not that the OP is putting out misinformation on growing that is patently false and might confuse a serious new grower.

The weed baron will be defended by the freak, and you will be branded a hater.


Well-Known Member
We will proceed no further in this business.
He hath honored me of late, and I have bought
Golden opinions from all sorts of people,
Which would be worn now in their newest gloss,
Not cast aside so soon.
Cringe away, Freakshow. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Japan is so far up this guys ass that I wonder if a mod did an IP check he would find that Japan is using the same keyboard...

I mean, he cant get anyone to agree with him any other way so.....

randy leopard

Active Member
Don't thank me. Got nothing to do with you, I'm just tired of this stupid point out the troll game. I don't give a fuck. Any answer I would give to a troll is the same answer I would give to anybody. I don't give a fuck if I love you or think you're a dumb ass, I'll give you the same answer, the same thoughts. Sorry but I just don't this need to divide us, label us. Fucking bullshit. Like people who claim aligence to one pot site or the other. I don't give a shit if you are a troll or not. If you're a grower you're a grower.
so what are you? the angry guy who points out the guy who points out the troll?


Well-Known Member
Why is it that people like you, people who are obsessed with being liked give a shit? I love how you are so desperate for the group dynamic. I guess if you can't be a leader in real life be a leader in cyber space.
I guess if you can't talk shit in real life you can always do it on the internet. ;-)

Seriously though, if you live in a glass house you shouldn't be throwing rocks. :dunce:



New Member
Best tread lightly.

Otherwise some holier-than-thou freak will lecture you on not being helpful.

It matters not that the entire thread borders on a serious rule violation. Solicitation is strictly prohibited.

It matters not that the OP will argue with those trying to give advice, but who gave up when the OP showed himself to be a weed baron.

It matters not that the OP is putting out misinformation on growing that is patently false and might confuse a serious new grower.

The weed baron will be defended by the freak, and you will be branded a hater.
You are super lame


Well-Known Member
lol, when is the last time you read Shakespeare?
Well, I graduated with an English minor so I read Shakespeare quite a bit back in the day.

Even now, I consult the Bard from time to time for nourishment.

That last bit I quoted from Macbeth was not a Cut & Paste, BTW. I typed it directly from my copy of the play.

Some more cringe-worthy Shakespeare, just for you Freakshow. :twisted:

This from Julius Caesar:

But I am constant as the Northern Star,
Of whose true fixed and resting quality
There is no fellow in the firmament.


Well-Known Member
damn this therad is still going u minored on english wat was ur major n wat can u do wif a minor in english


Well-Known Member
damn this therad is still going u minored on english wat was ur major n wat can u do wif a minor in english
Not much. Stay far away from a Liberal Arts degree.

Study something useful.

No History, no English, and absolutely no fucking Philosophy. Those degrees are less than worthless, unless you intend to go to law school, teach, or work for the government.

Serious answer.