Before the government got into healthcare it wasnt costing me anything more... Kinda like before the government got into financial reform it was costing me less than now. Government takes on these burdens that are not constitutional and then uses them as an excuse to limit your choices and run your life.
Now, suddenly because it is a cost to society they have a duty to force people to be thinner. Yeah, that sounds like something the government should be doing... NOT!!!
nobody will force anybody to be thinner. that's a LIE. you've been officially called out.
the tax credits and exchanges that will be offered will actually expand your choices on the health insurance you want. not limit them. another FALLACY.
2 lies in a 5 sentence post. that's 40% of what you posted. almost half of what you believe is not true.....
the government takes on burdens which are of concern to its constituents. they don't use them as an excuse to run your life, it's an attempt at improving it's quality.