Grape Ape Clone | 400w | Tent Grow


Well-Known Member
Ya dude they start slowing down in the 3rd week and by the 4th week they pretty much stopped growing up and now will fatten up.

Im happy mine are right in that stage next weekend update should be nice pics.

Your plants are looking great bro keep up the good work.

A couple leaves yellowing isnt to big of a deal, its ween you see the bottom layer all yellowing than usually a sign of def. or needs more nutes.

But im sure u have it handled with out a problem.


I love growing grape ape its fun to watch it turn purple in the 3rd or 4 week of flowering if you keep the temps a lil on the low side you will really see the purple start to come out. so far the grape ape is my fav. it is so frosty it has a sweet smell to it. i have 6 grape ape clone waiting to root. your plant look good good job so far.


Thanks Smokey, I am looking forward to the purple visuals. Unforunately it's hard for me even during winter to get my temps below 70 (71 lowest my therm claims)...

Sorry been a few days between updates, been really busy with the wife getting ready for our little one.

Well Monday I woke up and checked the plants as normal, and I notice a leaf on the Blue Cheese that's turning spotted again... Pulled out the handy dandy microscope from Radio Shack and there they were, Spider Mites chomping away on the leaf... I've done some 1:1 alcohol/water spray and have been giving it a spray in the morning, evening when I get home, and before I go to sleep. I moved it out of the tent and into my garage where it's cooler (around 50 degrees) to slow the little guys down. Each leaf I saw that had a mite or egg was removed from the plant. As of Wednesday I have not seen any mites or new signs of them, I have checked each one in the tent as best I could and have not come across any on the other plants (lucky me for now).

Onto the good though, the other girls are looking pretty good. I will post some more updated pics tonight if I can get my camera SD card back, or else I'll just use my phone. Purple Haze is out of fricken control, it's about 1-1.5 feet from the top of the tent now. Grape Ape still bushy as can be and all of them (blue cheese included) are showing good flowers starting. I am hoping that over the weekend if I can't find any more mites I can move it back into the tent with the others. Anyone know a good amount of time to wait to see if I in fact did kill all the evil bugs?


Well-Known Member
Ya dude if u need some azatrol or lady bugs I could drop off a bottle or a few bugs I'm runnin to sanger

Tomrrow and christmas day.

Just thought I could help mites suck and are evil.


Well been a while since I got to do an update here, been pretty busy unfortunately to jump on the message boards much. Everything seems to be going better thanks to HotPhyre's ladybugs ;) I had thought they all died, but today I found a few crawling around still so that's a good sign. Don't seem to be concentrating on any certain area I can notice, and I have not seen any more leaves. We will see what the future holds for the little bugs, I got a Doktor Doom Fogger for after the grow to blow up the room.

Flowers starting to bloom well, transitioned to bloom mix now fully after doing some half and half as the directions say (although they didn't mention how long). I don't have any better pictures at this time as my camera is packed up still, so I snapped a few with my phone this morning.

Purple Haze has climbed up beyond my tube, I was afraid of that, but it's not really a problem I suppose looking at it now as it's getting light still and not touching the hot part of the tube at all.



Well-Known Member
Looking good dude, ya most of the time they look dead don't worry about it there just high or something ,lol!

Out of my 1500 I had in my room I usually only see like 2-3 bugs on each plant, shit load chill on the pot saucers i think there laying eggs or shitting

Your plants are looking amazing!


Finally grabbed the camera out to snap a few higher quality pictures. Gave the girls an inspection, removing any old deal leaves and checking for any signs of the evil spider mites. So far so good at this point. Some of the shade leaves on the inside are starting to die off as expected, plucked about 15 to 20 of them and threw them away.

Buds are starting to look better every day, I am starting to wonder if my Grape Ape will actually turn purple at all since I will not be having such cold temperatures for her, would be nice, but I don’t want to threw her outside with all the other nasty bugs around…

Gave them some water last night, going through about a gallon and a half to almost two full gallons now of distilled water per feeding, twice a week. Full on Pro Bloom, Cal-Mag and Liquid Karma now til the end. Still undecided about the use hardeners at this point.



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Well not much of an update at this time, buds just continuing to form. Not noticing any real issues thankfully at this point **knock on wood**. So far the Grape Ape buds look the fattest,
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I still think the Purple Haze will develop the largest colas at the top.
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Still a couple ladybugs crawling around, they are some survivors I’ll tell you. Granted not many lived but the ones that did are doing well to keep the population of mites down (I hope).

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BlueCheese in the back, hard to get to for pictures lol
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Welcome to another day in paradise… Happy Monday.

I’ll keep this one short and sweet, buds still growing looking juicier every day. Purple Haze keeps trying to grow towards the tube have to keep moving her! Found her touching the cool tube this morning, moved a good 5" or 6" from last night.

If anyone notices anything or has any suggestions feel free to let me know.
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lookin good bro .... you inspire me lol
Excellent, glad someone benifitted from the journal. Good luck to you and your grow, may your buds be fat and tasty. :)

thats for sure!! lol.

Hey what size is your tent and where/how much you get it for?
I got a 4x2x5 for about 90 bucks on Amazon, seems to have gone up a little from what I remember, pretty sure it's this one.

Works well, wish it had larger vent holes though only 4". If I get another I'm going to make sure it has 6" or larger vent holes.


Well-Known Member
ya i have seen them at HTG supply for around 119 and they have both 6 and 4 in holes and about the same dimensions i think im going to grab one from there, i have bought from them before and great, cheap products


Hello everyone, sorry for the delay in updates as I know you've all been waiting anxiously haha! My baby boy was born so he's been taking up a lot of my time, but I did manage to snap a few pictures to post while I was giving them some water. I have been gone a few days and to much of my surprise they’re starting to turn a little frosty! I can’t wait to see what they end up becoming. The Grape Ape are looking very nice and swollen.

Noticing that the bottom fan leaves are falling off, but much to my surprise they’re not really turning yellow before turning off, just a lighter green. There’s not many and it’s mainly the far bottom, or a few deep inside fan leaves. I think for my next time I will trim up the bottom of the girls because they’re not going to get much light anyways, I never even thought they’d be this big anyhow…

Thanks for stopping by, since I’ll be home more for the next few weeks I shouldn’t have any issue updating the journal. Peace!


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Well-Known Member
Congrats Bro!!! on the baby, and your plants are looking real good.

I just had to cut a bunch, i took a bunch of branches off the white widow and im slowly harvest everything else threw the next couple of nights, they look done but im waiting another couple of days to finish up.