My dog just projectile vomited


Well-Known Member
My dog just walked in the room...looked at me...and shot puke out across the floor like 6've never seen a dog throw up like a person before!...not in the 'I had too much to drink' projectile style fuckin shot out!
...all the kids have been sick...but the dog? think he caught their stomach flu or something...oh well, just thought I'd share my fun...see ya


Active Member
plus rep for the image...not exactly the puke part, but projectile is just a funny fuckin word when used with dog, and puke.


Well-Known Member
plus rep for the image...not exactly the puke part, but projectile is just a funny fuckin word when used with dog, and puke. think it sounds should of SEEN it, not the puke but the projectile part...a camera shot would of been priceless


Active Member
I know its sounds like a dick thing to say its funny that your dog puked, but from my side of the laptop, it kinda was! I hope they all feel better.


Well-Known Member
lmao nice. when i got my kitten he ate a shitload of food and then ran up to me meowing and projectile puked like that too, it shot a few was like a scene from the exorcist or something.


Well-Known Member
...thanks you guys...he looks okay about a mess, I've had 4 kids puking here all the wife and


Well-Known Member
i just got over that stomach bug, its been all over here in michigan. hope the family feels better.

rowl, is that pic in your avatar your leg?


Well-Known Member
i just got over that stomach bug, its been all over here in michigan. hope the family feels better.

rowl, is that pic in your avatar your leg?
Thanks, I'm in,the kids are better that pic, my leg is about 4 inches shorter after that had to have 40lbs traction for 24 hours to pull that bone back down to fix a few days I'm going to change the pic to the one with the rod and screws in it after the surgery...
...kinda a before and after pic....if you can find my thread " my broken leg" ...there are more you like that kinda shit


Well-Known Member
yeah i thought you were in michigan too. glad the kids are better.

good god that had to be extremely painful. and yes i kinda like that sort of shit lol. a couple years back when i broke the tip off my finger i made sure to get some pics like you did. im gonna go read your thread now. take care of that leg.


Well-Known Member
yeah i thought you were in michigan too. glad the kids are better.

good god that had to be extremely painful. and yes i kinda like that sort of shit lol. a couple years back when i broke the tip off my finger i made sure to get some pics like you did. im gonna go read your thread now. take care of that leg. leg was only ONE injury I got in that wreck...I broke almost everything but my head!


Well-Known Member
wait a said in THAT wreck...have there been others? see you bumped the old!
...what I meant was I broke more in that wreck than just my leg...but I have been in a few other bad, bone crunching accidents in my younger days...but nothing like that...that was the Grand Final...I hope!

Total Head

Well-Known Member
when i was 14 me and my mom were bringing home a stray puppy and she projectile barfed green bile all over me in the car. then when we got her home she normal puked worms on the kitchen floor. some simple dewormer and good food and she was good to go. she's still alive and is almost 14 herself in a couple months. so yeah, dogs can do that even when they're puppies. usually dog puke doesn't have that people puke stench though.


Well-Known Member
Wanna see some nasty stuff? Have a cat. Mine always seems to find the gumption to jump on something white every time he has to hurl. That's some nasty stuff right there. Half the house is tile, but they always seem to find themselves on the white bed spread or the white carpet every time they choose to hack something up.

edit: <------ yeah, that cat right there. He's the guilty one. I think it's personal.


Well-Known Member
usually if my dog is sick, he will make it outside in time...I don't know what happen here though, he was as shocked as me...I don't think he even knew that one coming.