• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

how to get through a panic attack


Well-Known Member
I see this topic raised a lot of here, though that doesn't really surprise me. I thought we could compile our thoughts on the matter for anyone who's joined by 'the fear' right now.

I'm prone to panic attacks and have been having them regularly for six years or so now. The frequency varies as time goes on, life gets more or less stressfull. Now I typically have an attack every few days and they last about five to ten minutes. Sometimes longer, sometimes shorter.

Here's something I jotted down the other day when I was trying to get through an attack myself.
1. Realize that your thought pattern has turned negative. Somewhere down the line you stopped thinking about things that you like and decided to focus on what makes you unhappy.
2. Either deal with the negativity or move past it, but don't be consumed by it. Don't get sucked in. You'll fall off the road of panic into the ditch of depression, possibly literally if you're drinking.
3. Get up and move. Even if for just a few seconds, release some energy (however you like ;)). I tend to pace, but this only aids the thinking process. If I want to completely let go of my thoughts then I dance. Might seem silly but it's the quickest mood booster. Pretend you're dancing for someone, picture how they'd react. Guarantee you'll feel a little better.
4. Surround yourself with things you like (favorite music, art/colours, people, food, movies), create a positive environment for your high. You have to nurture it like a little baby bird.
5. Channel that energy and emotion into something creative. A song, painting, recipe, story, poem, sculpture, etc. Something you can make with your hands so as to relieve the pressure from your mind.
6. Meditation, yoga, incense, candles, bubble bath, chocolate, and a glass of wine ...have a girl's night ;) Apparently we're the more hormonal sex so trust us we know how to relax.
7. Just ride the wave while it's here :blsmoke:...because we both know it won't last forever.

If I've been insincere about this topic in other threads I'm sorry - I know panic attacks are a bitch and can completely ruin that elusive high. However I truly believe the best way to deal with them is to realize that they are not there.



Well-Known Member
I'm prone to panic attacks, I used to get them so bad when I first started smoking weed. My mind used to wonder into a black hole of thoughts and it would get stuck so I ended up over thinking making myself go into panic.
They usually die off within minutes and what helps is don't over think... (My brain loves thinking all the time) When i smoke weed It makes it worse so I end up with racing thoughts.

These are very good tips because some have worked on me aswell. Best thing to do is to watch mindless cartoons :P Family Guy... American Dad... music sometimes helps If its calming like bob Marley, The Beatles.. ect
Im guessing the less energy you burn off during the day makes it's way to become brain power, which leads to over thinking which causes my panic attacks, I need to get out more =/

btw Gafoogle is it snowing where you live :] It snowed this morning. Arizona > Canada Im new to snow xD


Staff member
i get them quite A bit the best thing for me , is calling my mom she always gets me through them cause shes prone to them too she;ll talk to me about things and ask me things that have nothing to do with whats going on or if its too lateto call my mom i call a friend, if i have no one i try to do stuff to take my mindoff it like doing dishes


Well-Known Member
If I had panic attacks I'd probably just eat more Xanax.
That's the pussy way out... I have kpins but I rarely take them. Pills fuck you over every time. they actually make my panic attacks worse later on when I get withdrawal. The more you take pills it depresses that part of your brain which makes you slow, stupid, angry, which then leads to you using pills to get back to that high.


Well-Known Member
I don't get panic attacks, but I have a funny fuckin' story! hahaha!

So me and my buddy move to Arkansas, we've been there 3 months, completely dry... I tell my sister to mail me some weed for my bday, and a few weeks later, the package arrives. My buddy wakes me up and it's the first thing we do, we're both really excited because it's been so long and it's dank, medical grade Cali weed and we know we're both about to reach a new level of stoned! Wake n bake time! I pack the bong, and before I light up I just say as a reminder "OK, don't overdo it man, you know what happens..." referencing his past panic attacks after getting really baked. He says "oh don't worry dude, it'll be fine :)" We smoke a bowl out on the balcony in the AM hours of fall, it was pretty cool with all the trees changing color and being so stoned! Nothing like California. So I start to pack another one and ask him if he's done, he says he's good to go for round two, I ask "are you sure?" and he assures me all is good so we spark up bowl #2... Half way through is when I see him start to trip! He starts feeling his neck for a pulse and standing up and sitting back down right away... I was just sitting there watching and enjoying the high.. He goes back in the house and comes out FREAKED!!! I'm still stoned off my ass so I react accordingly... "WTFKJEKJE@?@?? WHAT? Omg! What?!" "dude, we have to go! Get up! Lets go!!" "OK, where are we going?" "you have to take me to the ER RIGHT NOW!" "What?! Why?!" "I'm dying! I'm gonna die!" so we run to the car and head into town to the little ER they had. I was TRIPPING because we just got bailed out of jail by his mom right after we got there (another story..) 2 or 3 months earlier for possession of weed in AK, they treat it like it's meth out there, which came along with a HEFTY ass fine and I knew if we went to the ER she'd find out exactly what happened and blame EVERYTHING on the weed! So we're sitting in the parking lot, I'm sitting there explaining to him what's going on, he's just tripping his balls off because we smoked and he's not going to die and his mom is going to literally kill us when we get back when she finds out what happened, etc.. So he FINALLY realizes... when he was checking his pulse, right after we smoked at the house on his little electronic heart monitor (he got because of his previous panic attacks), he was reading it UPSIDE DOWN!!! LMFAO!

Still don't let him live that shit down...

I think if I started having a panic attack, I'd instantly realize "why the fuck am I having a panic attack?"... similar to crying... "why the hell am I crying right now? It's not going to change anything"... having those thoughts appear instantly in my mind automatically seem to prevent these things from happening, or happening very often. I realize it's just chemicals in my brain affecting my emotions and seem to be, at least on some small level, consciously able to manipulate them, enough to where they don't affect my life in any significant way.

So that would be my best advice; just try to realize it's just a momentary phase that your brain will get past. Most likely easier said than done though..


Well-Known Member
Gafoogle is it snowing where you live :] It snowed this morning. Arizona > Canada Im new to snow xD
it is indeed snowing...plan on going for a walk in it soon :) it's not too bad though, it's only been snowing for a day or so I think

Yeah, it's so much more manly to watch cartoons.
this doesn't make sense doc. sitting infront of a television and forcing yourself to concentrate on something while it feels like someone could jump out and stab you any second is a hell of a lot harder than popping pills and waiting for it to go away.


Well-Known Member
So he FINALLY realizes... when he was checking his pulse, right after we smoked at the house on his little electronic heart monitor (he got because of his previous panic attacks), he was reading it UPSIDE DOWN!!! LMFAO!

:lol: sounds like some dank shit


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's so much more manly to watch cartoons.
I rather watch tv then get addicted to a gay ass benzo...

it is indeed snowing...plan on going for a walk in it soon :smile: it's not too bad though, it's only been snowing for a day or so I think
I need to get bundled up and go out also as much as I hate the cold (I have no tolerance) i must xD


Well-Known Member
I had a panic attack before while with my uncle. He started cracking up and laughing at me and said,"heh heh, good stuff huh? That's how you know your high. Now eat this." And he handed me some Fritos and all was good again. Those were the best Fritos ever. So yah basically just eat something to calm down a little. If no food is around just whistle, tap, sing, play a video game, anything to distract yourself.

My buddy also had me take him to the ER but I refused to go in with him and after a few minutes in the parking lot we got the munchies and left. lol Good stuff.


Well-Known Member
I need to get bundled up and go out also as much as I hate the cold (I have no tolerance) i must xD
yes you must, it's fun. get high and make a snowman, then take a pic and let us see. someone on here suggested making an igloo and hotboxing it. I'm waiting for enough snow

wear layers!

heir proctor

New Member
Good tips Gaffogle. I especially like the dancing one. Could someone pleae define "panic attack" for me in the context of a cannabis high? I think my biggest concern is the increased heart rate. I've never gone to the ER over it or anything, but it has been freaking me out. I agree that meds for anxiety are probably not the best solution when I haven't worn out all the natural methods. I suppose it's all mental. I need to work on mastering my high. Thanks for taking the time to compose this guide though, I found it helpful.


Pickle Queen
A bad trip is a panick attack. Things look funny, you feel almost out of body, sweating, shaking, increased hate rate and messed up breathing. Very similar to
a panic attack , increased heart rate, heavy breathing or lack of air, body shakes, some people cry, pretty much you loss control of your body, when u can focus on controlling your breathing and slowing your heart rate it goes away. For me it's similar to the feeling of when a roller coaster drops fast ( but that feeling last minutes not seconds. My attacks suddenly started after alot of shitty stressfull things happened, doc gave me loraz, i took them until i realised i depended on then as soon as something happened. After seeing a boyfriend bring another girl into his house, i tossed them out my car window and said fuck the pills. Now if i panic, i tell myself to stop, i force my breathing to slow down,(breath in your mouth, out from the nose it works!!!) I wont ever take those stupid pills again. But not everyone can mentaly overcome the attack, most therapist will teach you


Active Member

when I'm at home if i start freaking out I'll play Osmos for a little while. this game is awesome tranquilizer.
Here is how I see panic.

Panic occurs when I struggle to understand how I relate to things which I typically "know" how to relate to.
Were I not struggling to understand how I relate to something, panic would not arise. The sudden degree to which I am thrust from my typical knowledge of how I relate, the more panic I will create. What we are calling panic is simply an internal negative feedback loop being fed by a heightenedstate if physiological responses.

How does MJ fit in? Well, mj is a psychedelic. One of the main effects is that everyday things are seen much differently. This can easily cause uneasiness which can easily loop into more and more fearful thoughts, all based upon not being able to adequately relate to things in a new way.


Well-Known Member
I've been talked down by 'grounding' myself, gripping a solid object (like a chair) and trying to describe/name objects around the room, thinking about them and not what's going on in my head.