Why dont people get pissed off about the real easy rich?


Well-Known Member
You know those people who make millions so easily?

Mel Gibson is a prime example. The guy drags down like 20 million per movie but nobody is hating on him... Michael Vic is rolling in the dough too and what did he have to do to get it?

Everyone points to bill gates and other people like that who worked their whole lives for their wealth but nobody hates on the football stars that are making 10+ million per year just out of high school.

You want to hate rich people? Start looking toward your idols and start hating on them. Cause those are the easy rich...


Well-Known Member
I completely agree with this. And couldn't have said it better my self. Any dam monkey with the iq of 50 can throw or catch a ball. Now im not hating on athletes always been huge into sport in high school. Then played a few sports in the marine corps for pt every morning. I just just don't understand how the hell one some one with a very minimum education can make 10mill a years its fing ridiculous. I have friends that carry 2 master and maker under 120g a year or my ex wife father that had 2 phds and he only makes about 185g a year. And hes been in school most of his life and working his ass off to raise 6 kids which he did with success.


Well-Known Member
You know those people who make millions so easily?

Mel Gibson is a prime example. The guy drags down like 20 million per movie but nobody is hating on him... Michael Vic is rolling in the dough too and what did he have to do to get it?

Everyone points to bill gates and other people like that who worked their whole lives for their wealth but nobody hates on the football stars that are making 10+ million per year just out of high school.

You want to hate rich people? Start looking toward your idols and start hating on them. Cause those are the easy rich...
Mel Gibson and Michael Vick may not be the best examples. lol! They've both got plenty of people hating on them, although not because they are knocking down sick money for playing a role or a sport. I think it is just human nature. We all need someone to blame for our problems. Right now, it's the wealthy. Some are surely snakes and have done lots of bad shit in order to make their fortunes. For some reason atheletes and actors are not lumped into this group, probably because most people love them and want to emulate them. Who knows really?:-?

Chad Sexington

Active Member
Why get mad about someone elses fortune, regardless if they are poor or rich. It seems a bit wasteful of time, energy and brainpower. My idol is Jim Shockey, and nobody can hate Jim Shockey.


Active Member
Supply and demand, that's all it is. Lots of guys can run and throw, but you have to be special to play professionally. And of those professionals, there are only a few Bradys, Vicks, etc. The NFL minimum is $310,000 this year, and since the average salary is under a million, that means there are a lot more guys making the minimum (and these are really exceptional guys, just not Vick caliber) than there are players making $20M. If you're interested, here's a salary link http://content.usatoday.com/sports/football/nfl/salaries/teamresults.aspx?team=18
As far as PhD's...all of them are smart, in one sense or another. But if you spend a lot of time among smart people, you'll recognize when someone stands out, someone who is head and shoulders above the rest, that it won't come as a shock when they're the ones that someday discover the basis for teleportation. Are those other guys dumb? No, but they're the equivalent of NFL practice squad players. They're smart, and you need them to show up, but if they call in sick one day someone else can probably cover for them. I'm not arguing that there's no injustice in Favre making a million/game vs. Obama at $400k vs. a public health nurse buying bandages out of pocket and getting $14,000. But it is what it is.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Cuz if you waste your time pondering other peoples stacks your screwing yourself outa time to make your own stack. Other than asking Mel Gibson for a loan i think your gonna make your own way lol. Who cares what others got, worry about what you got or how to get what you need :)
Self made is the best way


Well-Known Member
Cuz if you waste your time pondering other peoples stacks your screwing yourself outa time to make your own stack. Other than asking Mel Gibson for a loan i think your gonna make your own way lol. Who cares what others got, worry about what you got or how to get what you need :)
Self made is the best way
Good attitude +rep


Well-Known Member
You know those people who make millions so easily?

Mel Gibson is a prime example. The guy drags down like 20 million per movie but nobody is hating on him... Michael Vic is rolling in the dough too and what did he have to do to get it?

Everyone points to bill gates and other people like that who worked their whole lives for their wealth but nobody hates on the football stars that are making 10+ million per year just out of high school.

You want to hate rich people? Start looking toward your idols and start hating on them. Cause those are the easy rich...
Man see this is what I'm talking about...do you have anything else to do besides starting stupid threads. For the record no football star makes 10 million out of highschool...you can't even get into pro footbal right after highschool. Do your damn homework..You know what I hate people who start stupid threads just to argue.


New Member
dont hate the easy rich unless you dont want to get rich easy. thats like people who want every body to make an honest living just like they do... it doesnt matter how you get the money, its about doing good shit with the power it brings. everyone should be a millionaire and nobody should give a rats ass about "inflation". we made up money inflation is a made up problem lets all just be millionaires... humans made money up, its just shit! lets change the world, if everyone is a millionaire it wouldnt be that hard to make world progress.
the way i see it we can not save the world because of our made up problem(inflation) or we could all just be millionaires and do good things for the world all day. lets do it my way and all be rich and do good things and the first person to bitch about that i dont know sucks cause life could just be sweet like that why not were making it up!


Well-Known Member
yeah paris hilton pisses me off quite a bit...all those dumb as rocks heiresses. but oh well, they are rich and im not, life goes on.

but i dont really think about it, or care too much, im perfectly happy with my life. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I guess one of my points is that people hate on these faceless *rich* as a group of people.

How many people does michael vic employ?

A person who is really rich that owns a big company has hundreds or thousands of employees and those employees benefit directly from that rich person giving them jobs. The "Rich" that people seem to hate contribute far more in terms of taxes and jobs than these easy rich people who everyone idolizes. It seems completely backwards to me.


Well-Known Member
Man see this is what I'm talking about...do you have anything else to do besides starting stupid threads. For the record no football star makes 10 million out of highschool...you can't even get into pro footbal right after highschool. Do your damn homework..You know what I hate people who start stupid threads just to argue.
I am sorry these complex conversations make your head hurt.


Well-Known Member
Man see this is what I'm talking about...do you have anything else to do besides starting stupid threads. For the record no football star makes 10 million out of highschool...you can't even get into pro footbal right after highschool. Do your damn homework..You know what I hate people who start stupid threads just to argue.
...............and I hate people who come into these "stupid threads" and start arguments. You're living in a glass house bro. Put the rock down! :cool:


Well-Known Member
At least make points and have facts correct when you start a thread ..AGAIN SHOW ME WHICH FOOTBALL PLAYER MAKES 10 MILLION RIGHT OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL...you can't...have facts correct or you come off looking stupid while other silly fools follow you


Well-Known Member
At least make points and have facts correct when you start a thread ..AGAIN SHOW ME WHICH FOOTBALL PLAYER MAKES 10 MILLION RIGHT OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL...you can't...have facts correct or you come off looking stupid while other silly fools follow you
So he used a little bit of hyperbole. Big deal! I think his point still stands. Professional atheletes and actors make entirely too much damn money for what they do, and we can certainly apply the "right out of highschool" argument to basketball or baseball! I'm not hating on them and wouldn't want to change it. Good for them!:clap:


Well-Known Member
At least make points and have facts correct when you start a thread ..AGAIN SHOW ME WHICH FOOTBALL PLAYER MAKES 10 MILLION RIGHT OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL...you can't...have facts correct or you come off looking stupid while other silly fools follow you
I didnt say right out of high school did I?

I said just out of high school. Which could go far enough to be a couple years into college. How old does a player need to be to get drafted? I know there are many college players that never finish to go pro.

So, jump up and down on me for a friggin technicality while ignoring the bulk of the argument that a 20 something kid is bringing down 10+ million per year while employing nobody and being idolized while people like bill gates who have employed hundreds of thousands of people and paid billions in taxes are villified.

But I dont actually expect you to address the argument so continue your drive by nitpicking...


Well-Known Member
I didnt say right out of high school did I?

I said just out of high school. Which could go far enough to be a couple years into college. How old does a player need to be to get drafted? I know there are many college players that never finish to go pro.

So, jump up and down on me for a friggin technicality while ignoring the bulk of the argument that a 20 something kid is bringing down 10+ million per year while employing nobody and being idolized while people like bill gates who have employed hundreds of thousands of people and paid billions in taxes are villified.

But I dont actually expect you to address the argument so continue your drive by nitpicking...
Tee Hee!!!!!:mrgreen: