super lemon haze at last


Well-Known Member
Picture 026.jpgPicture 023.jpgPicture 024.jpgi went ahead & took some pics this evening i need to learn patience when i see buds start to form it makes me anxious these should be ready valentines day i know from my last grow these are just getting started:-P:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hey tingpoon hows it going??? thanks for stopping by i havent heard from you in awhile hey kiki did you make it to that little hydro store??? i made my screen out of ''deer wire'' fencing available at lowes, home depot, orchard supply i used it because i had it laying around the stuff dez racer used is cheaper i took the last i had over to old countrys or i would hook you up i imagine chicken wire would work if it was the bigger stuff may be one of those fencing places like stockton fence or cal fence might have something laying around 4 cheap just tell them youre making an 8 foot gate to keep dogs in or something like that


Well-Known Member
hey tingpoon hows it going??? thanks for stopping by i havent heard from you in awhile hey kiki did you make it to that little hydro store??? i made my screen out of ''deer wire'' fencing available at lowes, home depot, orchard supply i used it because i had it laying around the stuff dez racer used is cheaper i took the last i had over to old countrys or i would hook you up i imagine chicken wire would work if it was the bigger stuff may be one of those fencing places like stockton fence or cal fence might have something laying around 4 cheap just tell them youre making an 8 foot gate to keep dogs in or something like that
ha ha so funny HH... i worked on the farm all day yesterday - now today in this bullshit 36 degree weather - I'm going to be setting up a SCROG. I have no choice, and everyone on my thread is telling me to do it or I'm going to outgrow the tents.... so I was going to check our local nursery on the West side and see what they had for a gardening screen. I'll post new pics tonight.


Well-Known Member
yeah dont be afraid to use your imagination here whatever it takes to achieve the results you want ive managed to keep my height managable but it was a lesson hard learned 2 grows ago i did barneys pineapple chunk & even after topping it shot up out of control & caused many problems i now try to keep all my stuff low & the scrog really looks like a good tool to use for this


Well-Known Member
oh yeah - I hear you, and my bitches are definately out of control..... I'll post pics tonight after it's all done.

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
I know I'm late to the party. I'm subscribed. This is my first post to riu. Ill be doing a sea of green of slh with 12 to 13 plants. Right now I have mine in a stinkbud cloner waiting for them to pop roots.


Well-Known Member
hey skyrocket welcome aboard ill bring you up to speed as this is a long thread im using 1000w hps, homemade 3x3 e&f tub ,rockwool blocks &slabs gh-floranova nutes & im scrogging this is my second slh grow oh yeah ive got 7 slh & 2 whitewidow-x-bigbud im evaluating im also helping a friend out who is doing a 4000w grow so ill have pictures to post on his thread i took last night


Well-Known Member
Hey Herk looked at your last grow of SLH, nice nugs. How long of a flower period did she go and where did you get your beans? I will tune in to this one also.


Well-Known Member
hey ap72 thanks for posting im glad im reaching people my seeds came from in a greenhouse breeder pack i now do most of my stuff with attitude i noticed first buds oct.13 harvested nov.29 turned light 12/12 around oct 1st i have 2 friends growing the strain as well im fixing to post pics of olcountrys grow as it was him & i who invested in the slh & ive been growing all along & he had to relocate his stuff & shut down a couple of times but its all coming together for him now


hey cropcircle thats a real jungle for sure this is my second round of slh whats that indica looking plant in the very bottom of your pic it resembles grape ape
It is a True Blueberry, AKA Mother of Blueberry. U no I got some clones off of her! Also got some SAGE, Magic Bud, and TNR Haze going on.



Well-Known Member
Picture 009.jpgPicture 008.jpgPicture 005.jpgPicture 007.jpgsnapped more pics tonight this grow is going good though i still question the wisdom of cutting back my veg time


Well-Known Member
Picture 014.jpgPicture 013.jpgPicture 012.jpgPicture 011.jpgPicture 010.jpgthese buds are developing more each & every day & theyre thirsty too & now having to top off my res & lower ph every 2 days instead of 3 & theyre drinking 1-1/2 to 2 gals a day i use lemon juice to lower ph it dont hold ph as long as the acid type ph reducer but its natural ,cheap & in my opinion helps with the flavor here's todays pics the week that i gained by cutting my veg time to 2 weeks im gonna add at the end of the grow to let the trichromes turn all the way cloudy instead of cloudy/clear im thinking the potency might increase


Well-Known Member
I need to update things on my end but am having a hard time finding the time to properly do so. I keep changing things too which I know isn't good but I'm trying to make things as simple as possible with all that's going on now since I've all of a sudden become busy. It'll all work out...


Well-Known Member
yeah my work goes in spurts thats why i like the e&f method because there are days i dont look at my grow rockwool is very forgiving that way