There are tons of threads on this very subject in this very forum. Take a look around and read what people have to say, it may only end up confusing you though. It's really up to you to find the organic fertilizers that suit you best.
You have a few options. You can either use entirely liquid organic fertilizers (like Earth Juice or Roots Organic), or you can use entirely raw organic amendments like earthworm castings, compost, guanos, kelp, meals (blood, bone, cocoa, alfalfa), molasses*, greensand, gypsum, et al and brew your own teas. You could also use liquid fertilizer in conjunction with custom teas/organic amendments.
*Molasses has potassium and some secondary and trace nutrients, it also provides carbohydrates to micro-organisms in the soil. It's used in both fertigation solutions and tea brewing.
For a first organic grow I would start with liquid organic fertilizers like Earth Juice or Roots Organic. Either way I would suggest getting an air pump like the kind you'd use in a small aquarium, and an air-stone. The air stone can be used to brew raw, custom organic teas, but it can also be used to brew liquid fertilizers like Earth Juice in order to raise the pH of the solution and make nutrients more available.
You need to realize that organics is about feeding the soil, and letting microbes do much of the rest. A good liquid organic fertilizer contains plenty of organic matter, in other words it should be thicker and not a straight liquid. I've been using Earth Juice for a while. It is inexpensive and derived from various quality ingredients like those I mentioned above. At a minimum I would recommend the Grow, Bloom, and Microblast; Catalyst is optional but it's really good to have. You use these fertilizers along with molasses in a quality organic soil like Fox Farm Ocean Forest and you have a fully organic and complete nutrient line up. Dolomite limestone is also required for calcium/magnesium and to keep the ph stable.