1st grow - look ok?

The Steve

You might want to check your PH level too. Both on soil and on the water. Also with the way the leaves are curling down I"d check the temp and how much water you're giving it. On my first grow which is the bottom link in my sig, I over watered my plants a bit when they were young. I invested in a moisture meter. It helped me a lot.
well im using miracle grow organic choice which is, i know now, horrible. i need to make it down to the hydroponics store a few towns over and get me some FF. i was just seeing if i could push this bagseed out since i had already started it but i dunno. im using some 2 6500K 26w bulbs right now, ill get more when they get bigger, and yeah, that soil gets really dry on the top fast but stays moist in the bottom half, trying to spray it to keep it even but i guess its not working. soil temp stays around 71-74 and air temp is like 78 79, sometimes 80.


Well-Known Member
sorry for not responding last night...kinda passed out....but i do see a few issues...the curling under of the leaves looks like over watering...that might be do to the soil you have...looks really chunky and full of sticks...i have the feeling that it doesn't have proper drainage and it probably very compacted...if you plan to transplant...might want to consider new soil,or pulling some of the larger pieces of bark out of it...adding some perlite to the mix.they also look suffocated because of this....the roots are not getting the air and room they need to breathe...so it might not be able to take in nutes easily...which is why it has that lime green almost yellow color to it...and i cant tell from the pics..but is it stretched out...really long skinny stem? they might not be getting enough light....but really need more info to give a complete response...just taking a guess right now
The plants are not even 2 inches tall yet, and yes, this soil seems to compact whenever u water it and when it dries it stays like that. Someone told me to use a compost with perlite and vermiculite added then to just add my own nutrients, any suggestions?


Im on my first grow and started my clones off in MG Organic Choice.................... It's a bad move man. Get your babies out of there as soon as you can and flush right after your transplant. Use a a little Super thrive when you transplant thou to help them bounce back. Good Luck man


Well-Known Member
The plants are not even 2 inches tall yet, and yes, this soil seems to compact whenever u water it and when it dries it stays like that. Someone told me to use a compost with perlite and vermiculite added then to just add my own nutrients, any suggestions?
that would work...but only if your planning to transplant...i would not try to remove the plant and change its soil...that should be obvious...but ive seen people do weirder things with a young plant...and im surprised that soil looks like that...im growing in MG organic myself...never had big chunks like that...but i use that with perlite and peat moss...and that organic stuff...i would bake it in an oven on a cookie sheet at 250 for about an hour before usage...that stuff tends to have bug issues...i tossed 3 plants over that and completely sanitized and cleaned my box after...and its still too young for nutes just yet...with MG soil having a good amount of nutes in them already...they should be good till they are 3-4 weeks old..some i let go for 5 weeks with just ph'd water if i can see they are not lacking in any one nute
Depending on when i can get the soil i might have to hang it up on these 2, i got a pretty good amount of seeds from this strain so im not too bummed, just time wasted.


Well-Known Member
Im on my first grow and started my clones off in MG Organic Choice.................... It's a bad move man. Get your babies out of there as soon as you can and flush right after your transplant. Use a a little Super thrive when you transplant thou to help them bounce back. Good Luck man
there nothing really wrong with the organic MG...long as you know how to use it and how to read your plants...ive got 5 plants going right now..all in organic mg and are thriving...no nute burn no deficiency....just have to take care when feeding to not over feed them


Also the Ph of the MG is killing your babies. MG is in the 5-5.5 range you might want to add baking powder or soda im not sure which one to your water. Organic Choice also has time released nutes that will def harm seedlings and young plants. Fox Farms Ocean Forest in my opinion is your best bet. If your trying to go 100% organic skip the FF Giant Growth and Tiger because they're not organic. Big Bloom however is.


there nothing really wrong with the organic MG...long as you know how to use it and how to read your plants...ive got 5 plants going right now..all in organic mg and are thriving...no nute burn no deficiency....just have to take care when feeding to not over feed them

OK ill say its not a good move for new growers.
Also the Ph of the MG is killing your babies. MG is in the 5-5.5 range you might want to add baking powder or soda im not sure which one to your water. Organic Choice also has time released nutes that will def harm seedlings and young plants. Fox Farms Ocean Forest in my opinion is your best bet. If your trying to go 100% organic skip the FF Giant Growth and Tiger because they're not organic. Big Bloom however is.
yeah thats the main thing i hear FFOF, might just have to get me some. And yeah, anyone know what to add to make water more basic?


Well-Known Member
these are my current grows...all are MG organic with peat moss and perlite...no nutes till week 4-5..are all on jacks classic grow/bloom with epsom salt to help with jacks lack of mag....so far i have no complaints about this soil...im not getting tricked into spending 25-35 bucks for fox farms soil...its not worth the price imo...



Well-Known Member
MG organic with peat moss and perlite, ill remember that. About how much of each should i use?
i do equal parts of each...maybe a lil bit more perlite to keep it nice and loose...when mixing it up you should be able to take some in your hand...make a fist...and it compact nicely...and it should break up if you just barely touch it...then you have a good mix