What is the plant telling me?

I just beginning week 3 from clones, have had numerous ups and downs, equipment malfunctions, incorrect meter reading you name it! It happened!!! :finger: :-( I lost 10 out of 60 plants, 30 are @ 10" and half decent, the other 20 are struggling. The attached pics are from a couple of plants that are in the prospering category. What are they trying to twll me????


Thank you for your replies! The transplant event occured on 12/24. From 12/24 to 12/31 there were numerous issues with all that you mentioned. Since 12/31 those issues have been corrected with new equipment, replaced meters, and a revised ventilation calculation that resulted in shutting down one of two exhaust fans. I take readings three times a day, from AM @ 68 degrees and 50% humidity, 6.1PH and an EC of 1.6 to an afternoon reading of 78 to 80 degrees, 60 to 65% humidity same PH and EC and a reservoir temp of 72 degrees. All nutrients have been applied according to MFG recommendations. There is no doubt that the crop has suffered stress the first two weeks. Now I have 30 on one system that are ok and 30 that are not so ok on the other system. I have changed the nutrient package on the not so good group from Heavy 16 a discount hydroponics nutrient to Technaflora with tarantula and revive. I do a complete flush and change over every 7 days. The pictures I attached are from the good crop, it's the lower nodes / leaf's that have this issue. How long does it take a plant to recover from heat stress if everything has been stabalized?


Well-Known Member
If you have corrected all problems, they'll bounce back to norm in a week or so. You may try to drop your res temp by a few degrees. Don't always go by package recommendations for ferts either. They usually tell you to use more than you really need. Max ppms are only effective when all other environmental conditions are perfect. Anything less and your asking for trouble.