Which Truth" Is Superior?

truth is not of perception. if you are contained within your separate individual perception, there's no way to see you truth that is not washed down with all your mental baggage.

if you seek answers, research like i did. find out about Mankinds real history. Atlantis, Lemuria, and other great civilizations tens of thousands of years ago. they found an area in India where a nuclear bomb went off MILLIONS of years ago. ok? human history is HUGE. ENORMOUS. OUR ancestors knew more than we do. Technology wise, and spirituality wise. Our "technology" is self destructive. given to us by very evil E.T's, starting around 1940-1950's. right around roswell. Oh how surprising.

people, the truth about the devil, lucifer, evil, is.......it's out there. but humans are'nt evil by nature. our planet's been infested with E.T's for god knows how long. influencing and working with the governments, mostly the U.S. listen, soo many people are unconcious. they are walking, working, thinking they are concious, but they don't know what power they have or who they really are. just research like i did...meditate out in the sun, really really love the earth. sit on her, feel her. because we're a part of her, not separate. why are so many of our brothers and sisters raping her through industrialization.

our ancestors knew of technology that worked WITH THE EARTH. PYRAMID ENERGY. sacred geometry? look this up people...as our old world crumbles, new things will arise. peace will come to the land, i swear it because i know it.

Strongly agree. Have you listened to Terence Mckenna? I think everyone here should listen to him.

srsly tho dude dont put "us smokers" into your nice little label because we are all different and my viewpoint isnt flawed you just cant seem to grasp the dimensions of the conversation. Ya we have a voice and im not saying "usa" are "dicks" hahaha

wowow someone give this guy a thesaurus, neways i meant we are losing a war of the mind and we are all mostly stuck in it, ya we have free choice and woooh our mind has the ability to be able to hide some plants that "they" dont want us to grow even though "they" can charge you $250 and you can get a license to be able to grow or buy, honestly weeds not that tight up under the wraps.

i digress,
im speaking of the fact that EVERYONE IN THE WORLD is being misled by their government in our learning facilities and the shit media so who are we to know whats really going on?

and whats this russian commie hatin shit, that sounds like something that was pushed on you or "brainwashed" into by your grandpa, get your head out of your ass and smell the corruption.
theyll never have my mind. Ive won that battle. Im no longer needed for the machine. Unplugged haha...So were not all losing the battle. ;)

Agreed though with your response to fatality...Its sad to see that racist ignorance.


Active Member
Ah yes, people should also look up youtube videos of Phil Schneider, and Dr. Bill Deagle. They worked with underground facilities for black gov't projects. The governments not for us people, please understand that. Never ever get to the point of relying on governent backed anything.

And ok, I'm high and I've got a lot to send out there although only like 2 people will read this. But what if I said every thought, word, and action has instant effects on every single aspect around you. What if I said that one cloudy day you can focus hard yet calmly about having a...sunny day. may not come quick. or even the same day. but the more positive emotion (energy-motion) the quicker it will manifest. As the mind is the engine in this world the emotion you back up your thoughts with is the fuel. is anyone following me? lol.

okay. that being said, we can influence our reality. and especially the weather. since we are great, holy beings, and our Earth is our engine....We are sensitive to our mother(earth). We tend to get depressed in cloudy cold weather. tend to feel better out in the sun getting "fresh air". we are a part of this. ya see?

now whats more powerful than your individual power? you guessed it already huh. people power. i havent gotten that far yet, im only enlightened a certain amount, haha. everyones on their own level. i know many who are on the lower, not many as you get higher though. gets lonely lol. but yeah...i want to drill this in eveyr person out theres mind ...meditate. try meditation techniques. but do it outside, in the sun. the sun is what governs the planet. the solar storms our influenced by the one who governs the sun which I believe is the center of the milky way? could be wrong? but yes, you see we are impacted by our sun, moon, and astronomy in general. study the skies! get high and go out side at night and lay down in your yard if the skies clear. beautiful. let that quiet voice talk to you...its ok to talk to it back outloud.

ill tell you right now. weed, is a holy thing to me. if i have the intention of wanting to be with my creator, i will be there. comforted. outside, its cold here now, but ill be warmed by the sun. letting it kiss my face in the misty morning. i mean actually BE with your environment. be aware of how every single thing came to be. even processed things. like how many people did it take to put the bag of greasy chips in my hand? ya know?

i love blabbing my mouth. i'll probably lay some more on you guys soon haha...take it easy, this indica stone is setting in...lol...peace...love...and the most important thing.......teach the childeren. dont let them be put on medication, especially for ADD. they are our last and only hope. but yea love you guys


Well-Known Member
smart enough to know we dont know shit, its true.

but ignorance is bliss if you enjoy living your life as part of the flock instead of as the shepherd.
The shepherd lot is not all that great. You just wind up surrounded by mindless sheep and everybody else thinks you sleep with them.
Ah yes, people should also look up youtube videos of Phil Schneider, and Dr. Bill Deagle. They worked with underground facilities for black gov't projects. The governments not for us people, please understand that. Never ever get to the point of relying on governent backed anything.

And ok, I'm high and I've got a lot to send out there although only like 2 people will read this. But what if I said every thought, word, and action has instant effects on every single aspect around you. What if I said that one cloudy day you can focus hard yet calmly about having a...sunny day. may not come quick. or even the same day. but the more positive emotion (energy-motion) the quicker it will manifest. As the mind is the engine in this world the emotion you back up your thoughts with is the fuel. is anyone following me? lol.

okay. that being said, we can influence our reality. and especially the weather. since we are great, holy beings, and our Earth is our engine....We are sensitive to our mother(earth). We tend to get depressed in cloudy cold weather. tend to feel better out in the sun getting "fresh air". we are a part of this. ya see?

now whats more powerful than your individual power? you guessed it already huh. people power. i havent gotten that far yet, im only enlightened a certain amount, haha. everyones on their own level. i know many who are on the lower, not many as you get higher though. gets lonely lol. but yeah...i want to drill this in eveyr person out theres mind ...meditate. try meditation techniques. but do it outside, in the sun. the sun is what governs the planet. the solar storms our influenced by the one who governs the sun which I believe is the center of the milky way? could be wrong? but yes, you see we are impacted by our sun, moon, and astronomy in general. study the skies! get high and go out side at night and lay down in your yard if the skies clear. beautiful. let that quiet voice talk to you...its ok to talk to it back outloud.

ill tell you right now. weed, is a holy thing to me. if i have the intention of wanting to be with my creator, i will be there. comforted. outside, its cold here now, but ill be warmed by the sun. letting it kiss my face in the misty morning. i mean actually BE with your environment. be aware of how every single thing came to be. even processed things. like how many people did it take to put the bag of greasy chips in my hand? ya know?

i love blabbing my mouth. i'll probably lay some more on you guys soon haha...take it easy, this indica stone is setting in...lol...peace...love...and the most important thing.......teach the childeren. dont let them be put on medication, especially for ADD. they are our last and only hope. but yea love you guys
I cant agree with you enough about mother nature, meditation, and being aware of everything.

I was the type who grew up in a home where drugs were bad, religion was good, and my elders knew everything. What they said was the truth. I based my lifestyle around that for so long. One day I started smoking, then a few months later took shrooms(for the wrong reason at the time) and it completely changed my world. If i didnt have a friend who began the transformation with me it would have been alot harder, if even possible. Its cool though because now were not alone...It seems we have rubbed off to the close ones around us which gives me hope in mankind.

I like to talk to... especially with Truly open minded people...BTW your avatar is quite interesting


Active Member
I cant agree with you enough about mother nature, meditation, and being aware of everything.

I was the type who grew up in a home where drugs were bad, religion was good, and my elders knew everything. What they said was the truth. I based my lifestyle around that for so long. One day I started smoking, then a few months later took shrooms(for the wrong reason at the time) and it completely changed my world. If i didnt have a friend who began the transformation with me it would have been alot harder, if even possible. Its cool though because now were not alone...It seems we have rubbed off to the close ones around us which gives me hope in mankind.

I like to talk to... especially with Truly open minded people...BTW your avatar is quite interesting

Sounds a lot like what I went through. A lot of events had to happen in my life at an early age to get me to the spot I needed to be now. I realized wisdom didn't come with age. It's always with us, it's just a matter of us accessing it. And we are not even close to alone! I live in a small southern town, and even here people are waking up at a scary rate. And it's funny because the more people wake up the faster the old world crumbles. You just can't stop either one from happening because both simply NEED to happen. But yea I'd like to think there's hope for mankind, although there is a degree of destruction that is inevitable.

The pure, natural mankind is God. The one that works with his planet, existing for the good of the GALAXY. the exciting part is we are just the beginning. I'm so passionate to the point I can't stop talking about it all. It's wanting to pour out of me. I write, do poetry and draw but its not enough. Every day that goes on I find more to learn and more to try to be. I support you, your friend, and everyone who yearns to truly be free. There's so much more to life than...school, job, marry, reproduce, die.

"in the end times, all truth shall be known". keep up and understand the old world, but be higher than it. for when it dies, those who still follow it, will die as well. the world,(we) are changing fast, and not even an arrogant, tyrannical one world government can prevent it. :lol:
Sounds a lot like what I went through. A lot of events had to happen in my life at an early age to get me to the spot I needed to be now. I realized wisdom didn't come with age. It's always with us, it's just a matter of us accessing it. And we are not even close to alone! I live in a small southern town, and even here people are waking up at a scary rate. And it's funny because the more people wake up the faster the old world crumbles. You just can't stop either one from happening because both simply NEED to happen. But yea I'd like to think there's hope for mankind, although there is a degree of destruction that is inevitable.

The pure, natural mankind is God. The one that works with his planet, existing for the good of the GALAXY. the exciting part is we are just the beginning. I'm so passionate to the point I can't stop talking about it all. It's wanting to pour out of me. I write, do poetry and draw but its not enough. Every day that goes on I find more to learn and more to try to be. I support you, your friend, and everyone who yearns to truly be free. There's so much more to life than...school, job, marry, reproduce, die.

"in the end times, all truth shall be known". keep up and understand the old world, but be higher than it. for when it dies, those who still follow it, will die as well. the world,(we) are changing fast, and not even an arrogant, tyrannical one world government can prevent it. :lol:
Good stuff man...thanks for the support. Id like to extend mine to you and everyone else as well. Keep spreading the good word and good vibes :)


Well-Known Member
Oddly enough I believe that "Luck" is a genetic trait, at least in function. I think there absolutly is soemthing that makes some people more "lucky" than others. I could be completely wrong as this doesn't make total logical sense so I accept any attacks because I don't knwo the logical reason WHY I believe this, but I definetly see this. I think there is some genetic leaning towards luck, but I do not have any idea how it would work so I don't accept it as a truth despite noticing a long pattern of luck in my life... I should be dead, I should be poor, I should be a lot of things i'm not... And when I feel someone is wrong to me I usually wind up getting everything they want without wanting it so I always get a sorta I toldya so win, even when I know Nothing but luck could make this always the case.
Luck as a genetic trait, sounds like someone has been playing too many RPG's. LOL

pro grow

Active Member
My response would have to be... What do you think is worse; humans or black holes?

I think humans are worse. black holes are good imo because they might swallow up all of the humans, stoping them from all the shitty shit that they do....

Like, what kind of shit-fuck goes around killing plants just because they are shit-fucks? What kind of shit-fuck.

What kind of shit-fuck would incarcerate other shit-fucks of the same shit-fucking variaty? I guess bees do also with their Queen bees. That was a bad example. But still, shit-fucking humans arent bugs. Why the fuck do we have a judicial system. People who need the shit-fucking police to live peacefully are the same shit-fucks whos only job is to try to get law suits and gamble money.

Seriously, if you want to throw away money don't gamble it. Go on a sex-vacation to some third world or asian country. Its much more rewarding I promise.


Well-Known Member
My response would have to be... What do you think is worse; humans or black holes?

I think humans are worse. black holes are good imo because they might swallow up all of the humans, stoping them from all the shitty shit that they do....

Like, what kind of shit-fuck goes around killing plants just because they are shit-fucks? What kind of shit-fuck.

What kind of shit-fuck would incarcerate other shit-fucks of the same shit-fucking variaty? I guess bees do also with their Queen bees. That was a bad example. But still, shit-fucking humans arent bugs. Why the fuck do we have a judicial system. People who need the shit-fucking police to live peacefully are the same shit-fucks whos only job is to try to get law suits and gamble money.

Seriously, if you want to throw away money don't gamble it. Go on a sex-vacation to some third world or asian country. Its much more rewarding I promise.

Sounds like someone needs an education or a thesaurus to improve their vocab, thats about the only thing you should promise... not just say shit fuck a bunch of times so you think you look cool.