Dinafem Seeds Critical


Well-Known Member
i put one of the seedlings in my flowering tent, going to run one 12/12 from seed and see what the yield is like. i'm still waiting on somewhere to put the others but i'm not worried about them at the minute


Well-Known Member
the one plant i put in the flowering tent is doing well, it has just started to develop pistils and alternating nodes so its flowering time, i'll post some pics when it gets interesting. i also popped an og#18 around the same time as the critical and that is well behind in the growth stakes. so far i am impressed with the critical+ growth rate and the overall look of the plant.


Well-Known Member
Now tht lemon skunk looks beast.
The critcal+ is doing well for 12/12 from seed.
never done 12/12 from seed before, was quite surprised at how much it stretched, took over 5 weeks to show any pistils. don't know what to expect weight wise, i'd be happy with 10-15g.
if i like the smoke, i will be growing 40-50 small plants sog style.


Well-Known Member

still producing white hairs, might give it another 10-14 days. it smells quite skunky, almost citrusy, i'm looking forward to smoking some. i only have 4 plants left to harvest now, check out my other grow journal.



Well-Known Member
never having grew 12/12 from seed i don't know what to expect. having seen a few different journals of people doing 12/12 from seed i still don't know, i'm hearing so many different oppinions from people saying things like the potency is affected by force flowering a plant (really?). from what i see anything over a quarter oz is ok, looking at the the critical i would say i should get a half, we shall see. gonna start flushing this week, liking the look of the buds, high calyx to leaf ratio, they look quite dense and a real sweet smell to it. i'll post some more pics before harvest and how much i get from it dry.

anybody still contemplating germinating some seeds of this?, i know it is a little premature but i wil stick my neck out and recommend this strain before i have even smoked it, for commercial reasons if nothing else.


Well-Known Member
anybody still contemplating germinating some seeds of this?, i know it is a little premature but i wil stick my neck out and recommend this strain before i have even smoked it, for commercial reasons if nothing else.
I should be getting to my freebie pack here in the next 6 months and will update this with what I find. I just have too many projects going on right now to grow these out correctly. Look forward to the smoke report.


Well-Known Member
snipped off a tester bud yesterday, it is hanging now and i'm looking forward to smoking the finished product. i will post some final harvest pics next week when the flush is complete. the plant looks done to me, all the hairs have turned brown and are receding, the resin is a lovely golden colour.


Well-Known Member
finally chopped last night, it maybe could have gone another week but i wasn't going to wait another minute. donated the og#18 to my friend so i can get my tent cleaned and the next run in there.

really happy with the way it turned out, nice rock hard nuggets and high calyx to leaf ratio, my tester bud is almost dry, gonna try some tommorrow.


Well-Known Member
I've got some Critical + as well. Out of the five seeds I got, I germed two and put the rest away. The two germed well and had good growth in veg, and cloned well. In flower you could see a difference in the pheno's, in color and how the bud's formed and grew. The smell was pretty similiar. One was a lighter, kinda lime color, this is the one I chose to keep and the one that looks like yours. The other was a darker color and prone to bud rot.

Be sure to post some pics of your dry buds. I got pics of the two seperate pheno's if you want to check them out.


Well-Known Member
i would like to see your pics if you would be so kind to post them on here. i don't keep a camera where i grow and always forget to take it when i go, i think it is important to have plenty of pictures of the various stages in the plants life.

i will definately get some dry bud pics up and post a final weight.


Well-Known Member
been smoking nothing but critical for the past few days now, been really enjoying it.


got over an oz which i was pleased with too, the buds are nice and dense but break up easily between the fingers, grinded it goes a little futher as it fluffs up nicely(i prefer the fingers method though).

very strong sweet smell when broken up that is carried over in the taste, it really does taste exactly as it smells. a slightly pine/honey taste at first which develops into a fuller earthy mouthfull. a greek honey yoghurt with some fruity muesli in it would taste similar to a dry hit of a joint of this stuff. i would say the effects were pretty much indica dominant, it's a refreshing change to all the hybrids i usually smoke, very very relaxing body high leaving your mind locked away in your head rather than racing away with you.

i will definately grow this again. i'll post some details back here when i start my critical+ grow.


Well-Known Member
Nice journal man. Just put a C+ seedling into a DWC bucket. It was nice seeing yours start to finish. Thanks!