please help. top leaves yellowing and wilting

2.5 weeks into flower. coco hand water daily. ph 5.8-5.9 temps are near 75 at the top which is 4-5 inches from the glass of a cooled 600w hps fixture. there has been some yellowing near the top for a while now, but today i noticed alot more and some wilting to go along with it. also seems like the little white hairy things on the bud at the very top have withered some. been using canna a&b 15 ml/gal -but today cut to 12ml/gal and added cannazym 2 ml and rhizotonic 6ml as per cannas website recommendations.

after i noticed the degree of my 'problem' i flushed w a gallon of water alone. what should i do tomorrow? go back to 15 ml a&b? i wanted to start pk13/14 in a couple of days. is it a nitrogen issue? please help...


Well-Known Member
I don't grow in coco but I do know that I just had a nitrogen issue and with mine it was yellowing from bottom up, not top/new growth first.

Got any pics?


Well-Known Member
if its yellowing from the top its not nitro deff , it could be to much nutes tho. are u sure its not heat stress? put a temp guage and see how hot it is at the top of the plant.


Well-Known Member
put your hand there for 30secs and feel how hot it is.also the problem could be ph/nute lockout, if your adding to much pottasium it can cause lockout.


Well-Known Member
thats a lot of watering. plants in soil at this stage dont need daily waterings. prob a root issue caused by this.


Active Member
sounds like a root problem to me as it affects to of plant first but could be a number of things pics would help


Well-Known Member
2.5 weeks into flower. coco hand water daily. ph 5.8-5.9 temps are near 75 at the top which is 4-5 inches from the glass of a cooled 600w hps fixture. there has been some yellowing near the top for a while now, but today i noticed alot more and some wilting to go along with it. also seems like the little white hairy things on the bud at the very top have withered some. been using canna a&b 15 ml/gal -but today cut to 12ml/gal and added cannazym 2 ml and rhizotonic 6ml as per cannas website recommendations.

after i noticed the degree of my 'problem' i flushed w a gallon of water alone. what should i do tomorrow? go back to 15 ml a&b? i wanted to start pk13/14 in a couple of days. is it a nitrogen issue? please help...
Pics would help but I am going to guess light bleaching. 5 inches is way too close for a 600. I never let mine get closer than 24-26 inches. Most of the time keeping it at about 30 inches.
thanks for all the help everybody. keep it coming....
don't think the heat is too much. i have a thermometer right at the top. it really doesnt go over 80.
i don't add potassium.
she is not in soil. its coco. u really cant overwater that suff i think.