Sick of Being Single, Need a Chic Who's Cool with my Grow.


Well-Known Member
how do you know they aren't cool??? chatting them up???? cause where ever the chicks you do find are coming from, they need to be put back. if i EVER had a woman tell me "you just want to be a drug dealer" i would make that dumb bitch pick up the check and never even look her way again.
Dunno, I would say I have a semi-healthy dating life. I probably pick up a date every couple months, sometimes the same girl will make it through a couple dates etc. I think I've narrowed myself down to much. I target women in there upper 20's low 30's (I'm 31) I look for girls who, like me, are out of their party stage. Most of the time women fitting this criteria already have kids, which I'm cool with. The majority of women in my hmmmm, demographic? No in my area are just in the mindset that marijuana is for the kids and college folk and they don't have time for that kind of "non-sense" . Does that make sense?


Well-Known Member
Not reading all those psots :D all i'll say though is what do you expect? I'm a personal grower, i sell nothing, can't even afford nutes and such cus of my lack of selling, yet if someone sais cannabis grow operation, that's not saying i fancy growing some cannabis, that sais i want to grow dope and become a drug dealer. Maybe a little tact would not go amiss, such as discussing the faults and merits of cannabis. Just take it slowly in talking about it, don't just jump straight in with i want a grow op :D

But anyway, i have always found that due to the very nature of cannabis, i can bring it into the conversation in any way i please and regardless of initial response, cause them to retract their statements and suddenly think twice about their perception. It's really not a very hard drug to justify even at the more extreme accusations.
Good reply and your right I think



Well-Known Member
806 views already. It appears there are a lot of people on here that have an opinion on this subject and just aren't saying much =) I'm willing to bet the majority of those 800 people are probably single looking for a nice home grown chick also =)


Pickle Queen
a real guy isnt gonna hit you up online, and as proof....are you still single?????
Well i guess the hundreds of emails i got were in my head, and no i am not single, i found my guy on POF 2 years ago!!!! so i guess it did work eh


Well-Known Member
Well i guess the hundreds of emails i got were in my head, and no i am not single, i found my guy on POF 2 years ago!!!! so i guess it did work eh
Well congrats April =) I'm sure all of us single folks on here will find us a good one. I just hope it's before I start losing my Don Juan looks, lol, 31 years old and climbing!


Well-Known Member
ever try to stop looking for her? kind of like when youre looking for something and you cant find it, then you forget about it and you find it!


Pickle Queen
fade409 makes a good point, when i stopped focusing on finding a "husband" and looked for friends i found him.
Plus made a good female friend Ya she would look at the womens profiles and message women , i first questioned her choice of clam or hotdog, when we agreed hotdog is best we made a "friend date". 3 years later she's one of my best friends.
She's very hot, long blond hair slim athletic build, blond version of me but much bigger boobs.
Anyways the only way to find friends and women to date is to put yourself out there, talk to people, i would make a point to message minimum 5 people a day, either because i found them attractive or just had similar hobbies/ interest. Its pretty easy, say hi comment on things they wrote about in their profile, i took hours to write mine, even had a code word they were asked to make a funny phrase with , mine was hotdog lol.


Active Member
Shit, that dick moser went off lol...

I was just havin fun with sunni and julia...I am a very active person. But at nights, why not flirt with some chicas on RIU?

Actually, i just started messaging a girl on fb, just because she is like the ONLY girl I've ever seen with Rob Zombie movies in her 'movies' section. We have hit it off I might add =)

She only lives like 40 miles away...shes 5 years older than me, and she has a kid. I'm down for every single part of that. I'd love to help take care of a woman, and her little one if her babies daddy is a punk. Havent got to the MJ yet, might mention it soon. She seems really laid back, so im sure she wont mind.


Well-Known Member
Shit, that dick moser went off lol...

I was just havin fun with sunni and julia...I am a very active person. But at nights, why not flirt with some chicas on RIU?

Actually, i just started messaging a girl on fb, just because she is like the ONLY girl I've ever seen with Rob Zombie movies in her 'movies' section. We have hit it off I might add =)

She only lives like 40 miles away...shes 5 years older than me, and she has a kid. I'm down for every single part of that. I'd love to help take care of a woman, and her little one if her babies daddy is a punk. Havent got to the MJ yet, might mention it soon. She seems really laid back, so im sure she wont mind.
I've got a nutty ex on Facebook who's like "deperately" in love with me still, or so she says :?

I went and picked my daughter up from daycare today. I get her on Wednesdays and every other weekend. I always clam up like an idiot when I go in there, because I really like the girl who watches her. She gives off a really cool vibe and she's good with my daughter, I'm just too chicken shit to say something to her. One day I'll nut up and ask her out.


Well-Known Member
Kids are amazing Ireg. My daughter helps me fill my watering cans and always sits down in my flower room under the light (she likes the warmth) indian style and just watches daddy take care of his plants. She's only 16 months old and one day coming up soon I'll have to stop allowing her back there for her safety and mine =( She's literally about 2 1/2 feet tall and when she walks in between my plants it's like she's in an imaginary tropical forest. She enjoys it at this age and I have to say, I dread the day I have to shut the door and keep it out of mind.


Active Member
I understand everything you say...and I love kids as well. I practically take care of my two nieces.




Pickle Queen
lmfao your daughter might have magical dreams of this tropical garden she played in as a baby, or maybe the smell will trigger memories when she's an adult, either way thats 2 funny i wish i could walk in weed trees , but atleast you know when to draw the line you don't want her telling people about your "forest"


Well-Known Member
I understand everything you say...and I love kids as well. I practically take care of my two nieces.


Nice! Good luck with that man!


Pickle Queen
I understand everything you say...and I love kids as well. I practically take care of my two nieces.


Nice!! Invite her over smoke her up, bake her cookies or have some sweets around, find out her fav kind, and give her a back rub- If u did these 3 things i would think your amazing!!!