Who belives in this American Ideology


New Member
I think it would be great for U.S. citizens and our future as well as the economy if we deported all illegals- If that is not something that we can agree to do, then I say open the borders let anyone in and if they want to stay give them citizenship - I hate having to compete globally but I hate being ripped off and lied to even more, why call them illegal and pay border patrol and INS if no one gives a shit, i'm not border patrol but I could go find 100 illegals today no problem so it's pretty obvious being illegal isn't really illegal if you can't get busted for it.
its called Bureaucracy


Well-Known Member
Yea well where i live u don't see wetbacks we ship there ass back to mexico in a pine box


New Member
If I say something "intelligent" to you, you will miss it.
blah blah blah..dont you have some chores your mommy want u to do....here is a question that i hope i cant miss...what percent calgon do i need to conduct a proper bouycus analysis of soil classification..also what percent of sand silt and clay would you perfer to grow your marijuana in....or just tell me the soil taxonmy


New Member
If I say something "intelligent" to you, you will miss it.
blah blah blah..dont you have some chores your mommy want u to do....here is a question that i hope i cant miss...what percent calgon do i need to conduct a proper bouycus analysis of soil classification..also what percent of sand silt and clay would you perfer to grow your marijuana in....or just tell me the soil taxonmy...still fuckin waiting dumb ass


Well-Known Member
i doesnt matter as long as you are an american citizen or have papers your name race sex religion can be anything....whats an american name anyway
Anchor babies are citizens now and their trying to change that. - I don't care about your spelling it was a joke, it would be funny if you were an illegal, just having fun- I agree with your O.P.
American names are Joe, Bob, Mike, Tom, Leroy, Tyrone, Chris, Tim, Jennifer, Tara, Sara, Heather


Well-Known Member
I live by Howzer Ideology. 1) Make sure the dog has food and water. Let her outside when she needs it 2)Make sure my woman is happy. If she is not happy, I will not be[able to be] happy. 3) Make sure my Medicinal Pot reserves are always full. 4)Take out the trash when it gets full. 5) Shower at least once per day. 6) Drink my Metamucil before I go to bed. 7) Don't bother anyone about anything, ever. In turn they will leave me alone if there is ever a personal crisis involving bullshit I prefer not to hear. 8 ) Stay AWAY from stuff that smells bad, looks too good or talks to me when it shouldn't be alive or talking in the first place. 9) Eat lots of vegetables. 10) Always have clean underwear.