Club 600


Well-Known Member
My mystery sativa done the same thing went very yellow very quickly but still turned out nice, fruity and strong

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Sometimes I get into this not posting thing but I read every post everyone writes and damned if we don't cover the whole spectrum of growing, from trying to reach in to get to the back plants to water to guys who have setups that are spotless, that's not me by the way. I tend to sit on the floor to water my plants and slide around on my butt cause my back wall is to close for comfort so I basically slide behind my plants to get the back ones. I've fried a few plants, killed a few nice thc bombs off with lack of water, let bugs in by bringing in an outside plant to dry and my very first grow I had everything marked real nice and proceeded to kick the tray over and mix everything up so I had no clue what was what. Beside covering the whole spectrum of growing, we also seem to cover the whole spectrum of bonehead mistakes and 'experiments'. Sometimes I get such a kick out of this thread.

We got less than two years left till endtimes, let's get growing...and just so anyone doesn't get worried about the end, if you pre-register early, I have room on my space ship for six hundred people.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Sometimes I get into this not posting thing but I read every post everyone writes and damned if we don't cover the whole spectrum of growing, from trying to reach in to get to the back plants to water to guys who have setups that are spotless, that's not me by the way. I tend to sit on the floor to water my plants and slide around on my butt cause my back wall is to close for comfort so I basically slide behind my plants to get the back ones. I've fried a few plants, killed a few nice thc bombs off with lack of water, let bugs in by bringing in an outside plant to dry and my very first grow I had everything marked real nice and proceeded to kick the tray over and mix everything up so I had no clue what was what. Beside covering the whole spectrum of growing, we also seem to cover the whole spectrum of bonehead mistakes and 'experiments'. Sometimes I get such a kick out of this thread.

We got less than two years left till endtimes, let's get growing...and just so anyone doesn't get worried about the end, if you pre-register early, I have room on my space ship for six hundred people.
I couldnt put it better meself lol, being one of the calamity growers it makes me chuckle


Well-Known Member
lol, i pull all my girls out i always cleanup the tent a bit when i water. i sit em in my water farm that i never used and water em in there. lol no mess from water.


Active Member
I never move my plants once they go into flowering. I do everything inside the tents. With my lighting, it hurts the yield when you move the plants around.


Well-Known Member
Transplanted one clone to a solo cup, a few more to do tonight, hopefully with the roots showing through and going into some soil, and receiving a bit of veg nutes, they will green back up nicely, now I just need a few more to root and I will be good. Didn't have shit for roots showing yesterday, then today they were sticking through like crazy on a couple, so I was happy about that. Seems the bigger clones do better than the small clones, at least for me. Or at least the clones from the more mature plant.


Well-Known Member
Transplanted one clone to a solo cup, a few more to do tonight, hopefully with the roots showing through and going into some soil, and receiving a bit of veg nutes, they will green back up nicely, now I just need a few more to root and I will be good.


Active Member
What makes you think that Mr. Gotti? Now I'm not gonna' get shot for asking am I?
Ive rotated them before, and I get a better yield without moving them. lol No way man, Im the loving type.

Im no Don. The D is part of my initials, people just call me Gotti because of the way I dress.

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Well-Known Member
You have me confused Mr. Gotti, if you're in the woods, wouldn't people mistake you for a hunter and not the dapper don?


Active Member
Haha No way, I live in a house. I just live in a sparsely populated area. Most people around here dont dress like I do.


Well-Known Member
Im not sure about that. I notice that when I don't rotate for too long the buds in the back get way behind the other stuff thats facing more towards the light, but if I stay on top of rotation then they stay more even. With having 4 tops on each of my plants Im really noticing the need to rotate in order to keep my growth even.


Well-Known Member
You'll definitely get more even growth from rotating... but the overall numbers at the end I guess don't add up. You can have four even 28 g tops... or you can have two 35 g tops and two 25 g tops. That's not real world numbers, just trying to explain what I've heard.

And let me emphasize, that's what I've "heard"... ive never turned or moved any plants as mine are always tied down uncapable of moving. Could be total shit info, but came from peeps I trusted. I would do what works for you, just wanted to throw out what I've been hipped to.