Who belives in this American Ideology


Well-Known Member
im saying on my dads side of my family blacks have married my white family and produced makeing them part of my family well i look at it that way and i have black friends

and there not half black there blacker then Coal they call me cracker i call them niggas its funny =D


New Member
yeah u might be able to do that with them..an im sure they dont tell there other black friends about it....dont get comfy and do that shit around some black folks that dont know you..you might end up gettin an ass whoopin but its all good


Well-Known Member
yea obviously i wouldn't walk up to a complete black stranger and say wuzup nigga and around here there are no blacks dealin ass whoopins its more the whites


Well-Known Member
lol yea thats why 70% of prisions are full of blacks fucking eachother in the ass MSNBC lockedup:RAW you should watch it

now thats gay man gay


Well-Known Member
What if this shit was flipped. What if mexicans were the first to colonize america. And white people were "illegal aliens". Think about it. No, seriously.


Well-Known Member
Lol at "no offense"

The problem are all of you lazy fucks that can't lift a finger but to complain about it.
No joke, immigrants haul ass. All immigrants, race doesn't matter. When you come from a place with nothing, you tend to work a little harder. People can talk about cheap labor but what it all boils down to is if you want a paycheck or not.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Ok, Prove to me how illegal immigrants have directly affected your life in a negative way.
My car was totalled by an illegal with no license or insurance. The only reason he didn't flee on foot was because I pointed my gun at him when he tried. So I'm out $8,000. Now prove to me how they AREN'T effecting us? You lose. You racist pig. Funny thing is...he wasn't Mexican. He was from Africa.


Well-Known Member
i work 12 hours shifts underground trust me i earn my paycheck
Hey man, good for you. I wasn't trying to target anyone in this thread or anything like that. I'm just talking about those select few who complain about illegal labor being the cause of all of America's problems. Complain about low wages and draining the system, while collecting unemployment. "Why don't you work?" "Mexicans. No more jobs for us hard working folk."

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Hey man, good for you. I wasn't trying to target anyone in this thread or anything like that. I'm just talking about those select few who complain about illegal labor being the cause of all of America's problems. Complain about low wages and draining the system, while collecting unemployment. "Why don't you work?" "Mexicans. No more jobs for us hard working folk."
There are tons of problems in America this is just one. There was this show I saw on TV where native american trackers were working catching illegal immigrants who used their land to cross over into America. Ironic isn't it, but definately makes a statement.