What state / county to move to

The Ruined

Active Member
I am looking for a new state to call home. Somewhere I can grow legally and maybe sell a lil to dispensaries. I'm looking for someplace where I can easily get a job at a small office or even a retail store for quick work that will easily pay my bills and food and such. Im not asking for big buck with low cost of living just somewhere I can easily make ends meet and be legal? I'll be moving in a year so it could change but I want to plan a target destination or it will never happen I'm sure.

Please list where: state, county, city
Average pay for a retail store
Average cost of living for a single woman (clothing, rent, power, Internet, food)
Any other information that would be helpful

Thank you! I really need ideas I refuse to live in my current city much longer.


Well-Known Member
I have been thinking alot about Colorado lately. I am having a hard time sitting in a non-medical state. I've had Chrons Disease since I was a kid and it could finally pay off.....if I were somewhere else. Good luck, still early in my research so not much to offer in help.


Well-Known Member
well i cant really say where to move but i can tell you where not to move.....The San Joaquin Valley, California. Tons of crime, very high unemployment rate, welfare abuse like a mothaf**ker, and did i mention the crime........seriously, its bad. i would check out Oregan, i have been saving up to move there for about a year now, its really nice. Although im looking to move somewhere more calm and less big city like, (you might be looking for the opposite) im tired of my nieghbors being rite outside my bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, dining room, you name it, window. After years and years and years, it gets old.

the reason i like Oregan is the landscape is amazing! and i here the lifestyle there is pretty calm.... also and im like 99.9% sure they are a MMJ state:weed:


Active Member
I'd recommend Oregon or Washington.

Good states to live in, decent growing community, decent laws...

No one really cares about weed in Portland, everyone smokes.


Active Member
id say northern california, cops dont really waste their times with people who grow like us medical or not.
and its not the typical l.a type douchebags all over the place.
plus theres a clinic in at least every slightly large city.
perfect climate for growing, peaceful and awesome lol
but hey i mean hawaii is a medical state so if i could pick somewhere id say there haha

The Ruined

Active Member
So how easy / hard is it to get your medical card in Oregon?

Also if I had the capatol how difficult would it be to open my own dispensary? I'm currently doing my own research in I was just wondering if you had insight to how it actually is there vs how I read it is.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
oregon or cali.it easy right now in oregon, they are just handing them out right now.. left and right.

Dick Moser

Active Member
im invloved with a group trying to open a dispensary, a brick and mortar buliding, but the legalities are astounding. right now its just web based with an attachment to an online store for profit, but its really diffucult to set up a dispensary cause thay are illegal here. in oregon its easy as hell to get a card, im not a patient but im a grower, cause there are tons of folks who have cards but cant grow for themselves. im always on the look out for one more patient. if you have a condition, like i sliced my hand open when i was three and i complain about stiffnening muscles and loss of mobitlity and withing six monthes i can have a card. you need six monthes of pain to get a pain perscribtion and thats the easiest, if you have aids/hiv, cancer, a brain temor, a missing limb, or any other major or serious injury or deisease you can get one immediatly, as soon as you have an oregon drivers license. you just have to get a doctors not and then file your paperwork with salem. if you have the capitol you can open up a club house or a compassion center (both non-profits) and they offer things like free meds free clones and paid classes and some of them offer smoking paraphernalia at cost, but everything they get has to be donated and they have to donate everything that they get. they can recieve cash donations and most of them do clear quite a bit of money. i hope this long ass rant helped out :) stay medicated


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
im invloved with a group trying to open a dispensary, a brick and mortar buliding, but the legalities are astounding. right now its just web based with an attachment to an online store for profit, but its really diffucult to set up a dispensary cause thay are illegal here. in oregon its easy as hell to get a card, im not a patient but im a grower, cause there are tons of folks who have cards but cant grow for themselves. im always on the look out for one more patient. if you have a condition, like i sliced my hand open when i was three and i complain about stiffnening muscles and loss of mobitlity and withing six monthes i can have a card. you need six monthes of pain to get a pain perscribtion and thats the easiest, if you have aids/hiv, cancer, a brain temor, a missing limb, or any other major or serious injury or deisease you can get one immediatly, as soon as you have an oregon drivers license. you just have to get a doctors not and then file your paperwork with salem. if you have the capitol you can open up a club house or a compassion center (both non-profits) and they offer things like free meds free clones and paid classes and some of them offer smoking paraphernalia at cost, but everything they get has to be donated and they have to donate everything that they get. they can recieve cash donations and most of them do clear quite a bit of money. i hope this long ass rant helped out :) stay medicated
if you talking about oregon being hard to open up clincs thats wrong.. its very very easy.. its all about the money, do you have what it takes to start.. 4k just to retaine a none profit attorny. then find a place to rent, get a bussness licence and your ready to sell meds.. not hard at all.. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Dick Moser

Active Member
well that 4k attorney has informed us itsn not that easy, but im sure hes wrong and has no idea what hes talking about. there is a difference between a clinic and a dispensary, one sells weed by the gram/ounce/lb the other takes DONATIONS in return for services rendered. one can CHARGE the other can only accept by suggestion. but i have no idea what im even talking about. cause im an idiot. and just say whatever creeps into my my shit stained brain. may i ask for the address of the clinic you opened??? i would love to visit it sometime :)

The Ruined

Active Member
Can't non for profit charge as long as the business does not earn a profit? Like let's say I sell an O at my dispensary for $300. It's very easy to justify the cost of nutes, power, equipment, employees, and rent. As the owner couldn't I also be the head botanist and pay my self in line with their pay?

How does united way get away with having some of the highest paid CEO's in America? I hear their management gets paid top dollar too. In fact I've read in many different places that as little as 5% of your donation is actually used for what you intended because the rest goes to pay the CEOs and employees + costs.


Well-Known Member
I live in Maine. It is expected that the first dispensaries will be up and running in the spring. 5 of the 8 allowed dispensaries have been chosen. Last summer there were a bunch of stories about the selected dispensaries, and most of them announced what they expected their prices to be. They were comparable to current street prices.

Now, these dispensaries are supposed to be non-profit. I do not know how that will be overseen, as we all know that at $300-$400 per oz, it is not non-profit.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
well that 4k attorney has informed us itsn not that easy, but im sure hes wrong and has no idea what hes talking about. there is a difference between a clinic and a dispensary, one sells weed by the gram/ounce/lb the other takes DONATIONS in return for services rendered. one can CHARGE the other can only accept by suggestion. but i have no idea what im even talking about. cause im an idiot. and just say whatever creeps into my my shit stained brain. may i ask for the address of the clinic you opened??? i would love to visit it sometime :)
the hardest part is finding an attorny, but once thats done it smooth sailing from there..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Can't non for profit charge as long as the business does not earn a profit? Like let's say I sell an O at my dispensary for $300. It's very easy to justify the cost of nutes, power, equipment, employees, and rent. As the owner couldn't I also be the head botanist and pay my self in line with their pay?

How does united way get away with having some of the highest paid CEO's in America? I hear their management gets paid top dollar too. In fact I've read in many different places that as little as 5% of your donation is actually used for what you intended because the rest goes to pay the CEOs and employees + costs.
basicly all the money that you have earnd you have to put right back into your bussness. and heres some thing else that attorny did not tell you and that is the 1st 2 years you pay no taxes... pretty cool.

Dick Moser

Active Member
united way doesnt charge for anything, THEY ACCEPT DONATIONS!!! a non profit cant CHARGE!!! no profit marigin because they dont by thing and cant sell them. a DISPENSARY isnt A NON PROFIT!!! its a business, a comapny, a coparation, a monopoly. not a non profit. diffrent things. totally diffrent things. we want a co-op supported brick and mortor club house where we can charge a yearly fee for mebership, have lounge areas and smokeableedibles and help for pateints be that classes or finding meds or a grower or clone or cheap lights and nutes and soil, have competitions for growers and allow atients to be judges. just crap like that. and OUR LAWYERS is filing the paper work and doing the leg work, and is telling us that in the city we want to open this club in has legalities we have to by pass. namely the fact that we want to charge for lighting and soil with the expressed knowledge it would be used for marijuana cultivation. cause that conspiracy to manufacture a schedule 1 drug.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I have lived in California, Colorado and Oregon.

California is downright expensive, and only going to get more so as time goes on. Dispensaries are opening up and closing all the time though and the supply finally exceeds demand in the state.

IMO, it is a contributer to all the Mexican violence. No one wants their brick anymore because there's just so much bud on the street.

Colorado is alright. The people there are kinda lame. They're like half San Francisco and half New York, but not the good halves. I worked for a ski resort and lived up in the Rockies. Everyone, and I mean fucking EVERYONE, smoked bud. But because you're located in an area that has a high turnover and a lot of vacationers with laxed law enforcement and a baller bar scene you can charge $50-$60 for an 1/8th of "Kush" and sell only by the eighth. I bought a $200 Half ounce just because it made sense to have the bud around rather than trying to buy one 1/8th at a time.

Denver is mostly bad. Ft. Collins has a lot of potential for a cool place to live if you're into the holier than thou college scene.

Oregon is pretty much the shit though. If you have that kind of "not in a hurry" attitude then this is the right place to wind up. The air is clean, the water is plentiful, the economy is about average but the schools are nice. Housing is cheap, and so is food. Taxes are a little harsh, but you don't pay sales tax and it all kinda evens out.

I absolutely love it here in Oregon, getting the Oregon license was a little tough though. My girl and I both had to get set up, and they make you register your place of residence if you're going to grow in there. So basically... They know I am probably growing... Which has its risks of course. I have mine for knee pain, two surgeries there, and it helps out my a.d.d. and to regulate my sleep patterns. My girl has a slipped disk and a history of panic attacks, which since meeting me a smoking bud has stopped, so hers was easy.

I had to prove to them that I needed the card both to assist my ailments and as a provider for her. This was a legal choice I was advised to make to keep her from getting charged federally if the DEA knocked down my door.

Still though, my utilities and food bill are about 1/2 of what you'll pay in Ca or Co. The cost of living in Or is the same as Co. A cheaper 2bd/1ba goes for about $700 to $750 per month. Power is around $0.10/Kwh. California charges $0.22/Kwh on the average so there is that to consider too.

The dispensary scene and the difficulty to get a card are the deterrents for Oregon. Everywhere else provides more opportunity but is also more expensive. Getting into Colorado is easy this time of year working for a resort, so you might want to send out some applications and see if you get anything back.