Verde, I will need a bong thread.
I just bought my first piece yesterday. MY VERY FIRST GLASS PIECE! It hits like a fkn champ too! Its a really small bong, but its thick as well.
I was going to start a little thread just so everyone can see it later...but it would be perfect if you did it, people will be more inclined to post in yours lol!!
It sucks tho, I thought I was getting an 1/8 for 60, so I thought I was gonna get some alright mids, but I ended up with 5gs for 20...because Arkansas is shit.
If you start it ill def have some pics on here(which would be my first pictures of anything I own) and I will show you all this shitty weed I have looks like lol. It seriously sounds like firecrackers when I'm breaking it up =( But hey, its green, and I'm happy.