The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
jingle make sure you get some perlite or vermiculite, the plants will thank you for it. when you give a plant a litre of water and the temps are not that high the plant can get a bit stressed, so try make the area as warm as poss and raise the pot off the floor so warm air can circulate underneath. make sure the holes at bottom of pot are not blocked aswell by shoving up a bit of wire or pen. the perlite will help a lot with the drainage, these plants like to have it wet and then dry but not really constant damp. im sure someone else will say this aswell, i have all my plants like this and they are coming along great.
good luck and i hope everything is ok with your WEEDS!.
Physique, i saw that deal on tara and it looks a great buy, there running a good while so im sure you will have no worries.
harrekin ill check out your new pics now fella. does the heater get the temps up?


Active Member
harrekin can you put a link to your journal, i clicked on your name and journal but it says you dont have one. unless im doing it wrong. i strted a journal on the journal page and it says i dont have one either, are we doing sumit wrong.


Well-Known Member
Fair play to you Jay, your a mine field of knowledge. Unfortunately i will have to have a look tonight because ive got 2x week old seedlings that i will have to have a look at to water. Come to think of it i have to get soil to repot them tomorrow.
Your welcome... hopefully now they'll be o.k.

Was tempted to get this but decided against it as I didn't want to grow in the house.... Quite a deal I think...


Well-Known Member
Jay which soil do you get in B&Q, went in there today to get some but was baked on cheese going in and just got flustered with all the soils and walked back


Well-Known Member
I think it's in a purple bag, over in the U.k. it is anyway..
Basically it's B & Q own brand....

Homebase own brand is suppose to be one of the worst..


Active Member
I hope nobody else gets the same treatment I got, don't get me wrong it was a very very nice smoke so it's makin me look forward to these next girls being ready :D


Active Member
Hey guys, I'm thinking of growing white widow. Now I've heard a couple of stories about guys growing it and people smelling it when they walk by the house. I've also heard that you can grow it outside here and in northern parts of america that are on similar latitude to us? Is this true?


Active Member
Also what's the best way to control height indoors? Put it on 12/12 light from seed? (will this cause it to flower quicker or when it's still small?) Pruning? Bending over the stem gently? Or are there other better ways?


Active Member
Hey Lotus, the best way to control a hight issue would be to top and lst so you can veg her for a while before flipping to a 12/12 time.


Active Member
harrekin the grow looks to be coming along nicely, you look to have really filled that space well. nice big leaves for the size of plants!
mick what bad treatment are you refering to did i miss something on here earlier?
ill put some pics up tomorrow of how the topping is coming along i did.


Active Member
I was chattin about the 50bag on a stick I ended up with when I got the dwarf ak, was a very nice smoke still but I only got 7g-ish off it all in dry weight, my scales are a bit hammered cause their ancient so can't be bang on about the weight.

Here's 2 quick update pics of the big girl ak and the others, she's swelling up rightly now so I dare say next week is ceremony time for definite, the other plant is hidden in the background behind the light, the fast bud and ak/blueberry are planted and all and the demios and jock horror cracked I'm just waitin on the taproots to grow an extra bit.


Lotus the best way to limit the size of indoor plants is to top and LST but if it's too much hastle to LST then just top and keep the light as close as you can to the plant so it doesn't have to stretch far.


Well-Known Member
I topped the Snow Whites in my journal,look how compact and dense they are fron it.Check out Uncle Bens Topping thread.


Active Member
Hi guys,
I'm revamping my growbox for one plant, making it a little more pro. It's gonna be made out of 1/2" ply, 23"tall,15"wide and 16" deep, matt white paint on the inside with one door for access. Lights: 4x20w cfl bulbs lined up on a moveable bracket for easy adjustment and 2x9watt bulbs for seedlings + sides. Dnt know whether to add fans and a carbon filter, as it only one plant as the room i have it in has some draughts and i only growing one plant so i might just use air fresheners for the smell. Growing orange bud i've decided! I welcome any improvements or tips anyone can make, and advice on how much orange ud plants smell!!! Thanks guys!!!


Active Member
well i dont know about one plant but the couple of plants i finished absolutely stunk the house, the old fella was going ape shit!, just try to vent some of the smell outside but be wary of neighbours smelling it.
harrekin thanks for that link im gonna check it out now.
mick that plat you grew was crazy, but good old karma has done its rounds and now you have 2 nice plants there to get smoking in a couple of weeks, well done fella. i hope mine bud out a bit better this time. the plant that i topped has now got the 2 new branches coming up either side of the chopped node so looks to be ok. only thing was i damged one of the new branches leaves when snipping so its short 2 half leaves!
good luck with all the grows