Sulfuric Acid to Adjust Ph


Has anyone seen any benefit or detriment in using acids other than Nitric or Phosphoric to adjust res pH? I have been using Sulfuric Acid for a few years and now am not sure if it is limiting the productivity of the garden. After using so much pH Down I should own stock, I decided to look for alternatives. On a farming web site I saw that they were using Hydrochloric and sometimes Sulfuric Acid to adjust their crop water. I went out and bought a box of battery acid (Sulfuric Acid) for like $6 dollars, and have been diluting it 1:4 with distilled water.
The only reason I am starting to wonder now is that this has got to be at least my 8th time through, I have all of my variables under control, and I still am ending up with alot of fluff. Thanks for any input, I will probably go back to pH Down next time around to see if there are any major changes, maybe this time I can get some frequent buyer perks...:wall:
i`m sorry but that`s just insane. I`m no expert grower but gardening+battery acid sounds about as right as pouring lava in your tea
I have been using Sulfuric Acid for a few years and now am not sure if it is limiting the productivity of the garden. ... I went out and bought a box of battery acid (Sulfuric Acid) for like $6 dollars, and have been diluting it 1:4 with distilled water.
The only reason I am starting to wonder now is that this has got to be at least my 8th time through, I have all of my variables under control, and I still am ending up with alot of fluff.

This seems like A way, but not a good way to balance your pH.
The only problem with adding sulfuric acid is the buildup of sulfur as sulfate ions ( SO4-2 ). Now, granted, sulfur ( sulfate ) is required by the plant and in commercial hydro nutes. I would caution against a potential build-up.

Sulfur Toxicity
Leaf size will be reduced and overall growth will be stunted. Leaves yellowing or scorched at edges.

However, battery acid may have additional components to it that may be toxic either to the plant or you.
I looked at the MSDS and it contains only sulfuric acid and distilled water, but it does not say the initial concentration. I used to watch for sulfur tox, but I have not seen any consistant yellow leaf edges, and the plants seem to grow to full potential as far as size. It's just the end dry weight that is always way off from expected. At the moment I am giving auto's a try, hoping that being able to keep the light right on top of them will help with weight.
I use sulfuric acid from the automotive store for ph down. No issues with growth or anything. I get a gram per watt more or less under a 400 depending on strain and how much I pay attention to it. No CO2 or anything. RDWC. Doing a 600 now in a smaller area, not sure what Ill get from it yet.
I use sulfuric acid as my sole PH-. It is the main ingredient in aquarium PH-. It states on the label, "Contains: Sulfuric Acid"
It is save to use but as being concentrated, handle with care.
I have been laughed at and ridiculed because I use Epsom salt, Mollasses and a little extra calcium to maintain my PH. I have never had a PH problem doing this. I recommend this mix to everyone. I dont put anything in my water or plants soil that I wouldnt stick in my mouth...

For those people that laugh I have said it before.....Go suck my bong!
Search for "citric acid" for PH down during flowering. It has other benefits than simply being a PH-down, like making P more easily available.

Edit: I'm a compost grower, it might not apply to other methods.
People hear battery acid and think of their faces melting and ect. Battery acid you buy isnt 100%, it is around 30%. You could wash your hands in it, and it causes about the same reaction as bleach does. Having had both bleach in my eyes, and a car batter explode in my face - rinsing your eyes out with water immediately is all that you really have to do. The only reason I dilute my sulfuric acid down to like 3% is it is easier to estimate how much you need. On another post of mine, I actually took pictures of me pouring sulfuric acid over my hands to prove a point. People always consider it to be horrible. When diluted it is no different than using bottle PH down.
I use it for adjusting my PH never a problem.. Fluffy bud are from genetics , too much N or lack of sufficient light..
People hear battery acid and think of their faces melting and ect. Battery acid you buy isnt 100%, it is around 30%. You could wash your hands in it, and it causes about the same reaction as bleach does. Having had both bleach in my eyes, and a car batter explode in my face - rinsing your eyes out with water immediately is all that you really have to do. The only reason I dilute my sulfuric acid down to like 3% is it is easier to estimate how much you need. On another post of mine, I actually took pictures of me pouring sulfuric acid over my hands to prove a point. People always consider it to be horrible. When diluted it is no different than using bottle PH down.

I do the same thing. The 30% battery acid 'solution' diluted down even further. Not sure if it's 3% or not, could be.

Got it from a DIY on making your own pH down and made it even weaker than instructed.

I got a $10 bottle of battery acid from the auto parts store and I used my empty 8oz GH Down bottle. I filled it 7oz water 1oz acid, takes 3ml to pH 1 gal of my tap which was the same amount of GH Down I used. Sulfuric acid is pretty strong so I don't think you'd ever add enough to cause sulfur toxicity. My guess is the plants say: "Thanks for the sulfur, nom nom nom!"
This seems like A way, but not a good way to balance your pH.
The only problem with adding sulfuric acid is the buildup of sulfur as sulfate ions ( SO4-2 ). Now, granted, sulfur ( sulfate ) is required by the plant and in commercial hydro nutes. I would caution against a potential build-up.

Sulfur Toxicity
Leaf size will be reduced and overall growth will be stunted. Leaves yellowing or scorched at edges.

However, battery acid may have additional components to it that may be toxic either to the plant or you.
I have super excess S in my soil how do I rectify this.. its definitely the crux of my problem. I'm in a water only system . Flushing seems like it's pointless
ill put my .02 in screw it.
I have a gallon of pH down thanks to some good ole battery acid.
1 gallon of distilled water. pour 1 cup out.
get some battery acid from auto zone or similar. its pre diluted but its still acid so you need to dilute it further.
add 1 cup of the battery acid to the gallon of distilled water and give it a shake (with the lid on. its very dilute, but its still acid. don't get it in your eye.)
Now you can pour this off into a smaller bottle like a screw capped graduated cylinder.
about 25 or so ml brings 4 gallons of water from my tap from 7.7 pH to a comfy 6.8. add a drop more or less depending on your soil and to go the other way in the same amount of water I use a tea spoon of baking soda to go from 7.7 to 8.4. this is to correct soil pH when its way too acidic and works fantastic, for me.

just one plant of a few but they look very happy. smell even happier.


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