Fox farm ocean forest


Active Member
Hey Guys,

I was thinking of buying the 3 pack of Fox Farm nutes:

-Grow Big
-Big Bloom
-Tiger Bloom

My question is if I am going to use Ocean Forrest do I still need Grow Big which is a Nute for Veg?

well i always wait at least two weeks and start off at like half strength. I'm sure she could go longer without it.
No problem let me advise you should also get the trio of solubles as well. they work wondars, kind of pricey but well worth it.
I don't mean to complicate things for anybody, especially for a new grower as it's simply about whatever 'works' (gets the plant grown). But, I don't really understand Fox Farm or their marketing/sales department.

Reason is because on the one hand we have Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Big Bloom; both fully organic, both teeming with life. And then we have "organic-based" Tiger Bloom and Grow Big, which doesn't claim to be organic at all even though it has a couple of those same 'organic' ingredients, along with blood meal. The problem(s) with the Tiger Bloom are that almost all of the nitrogen appears to be in some form of nitrate (anions- carrying a negative charge), along with some synthetic petrochemicals (ammonium phosphate) and then finally we come to the synthetic chelating agent disodium-etheylenediamine-tetra-acetate. All of the micro-nutrients are chelated via EDTA (itself derived from ethylenediamine, formaldehyde and sodium cyanide). Similar story with the Grow Big except there is less nitrate nitrogen. Instead we have urea, along with some other synthetics and of course EDTA/synthetically chelated trace minerals.

Sounds about right for a liquid hydroponics nutrient, but they say those formulas are "designed for soil" as well. Not only are the ingredients in Tiger Bloom and Grow Big incompatible with the 'life' (beneficial microbes) to be found in the Ocean Forest and Big Bloom, much of the nutrients in Tiger Bloom/Grow Big wont stick around in the soil/humus (like cations would). Some will enter the rhizosphere, hit the root hairs and be absorbed while the rest will remain in solution and potentially wash away.

There may be more, but I digress.
Hey Guys,

I was thinking of buying the 3 pack of Fox Farm nutes:

-Grow Big
-Big Bloom
-Tiger Bloom

My question is if I am going to use Ocean Forrest do I still need Grow Big which is a Nute for Veg?


I've been using their mix (but sparingly on nutes as of late since i've been able to read specific plant needs) but I don't use nutes for the first month of veg, unless of course I notice the leaves starting to shwo deficiencies, then I will, but for the most part with Foxfarm Oceanforrest i haven't had to use nutes for the first month... After that of course yes I use it.
I don't mean to complicate things for anybody, especially for a new grower as it's simply about whatever 'works' (gets the plant grown). But, I don't really understand Fox Farm or their marketing/sales department.

Reason is because on the one hand we have Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Big Bloom; both fully organic, both teeming with life. And then we have "organic-based" Tiger Bloom and Grow Big, which doesn't claim to be organic at all even though it has a couple of those same 'organic' ingredients, along with blood meal. The problem(s) with the Tiger Bloom are that almost all of the nitrogen appears to be in some form of nitrate (anions- carrying a negative charge), along with some synthetic petrochemicals (ammonium phosphate) and then finally we come to the synthetic chelating agent disodium-etheylenediamine-tetra-acetate. All of the micro-nutrients are chelated via EDTA (itself derived from ethylenediamine, formaldehyde and sodium cyanide). Similar story with the Grow Big except there is less nitrate nitrogen. Instead we have urea, along with some other synthetics and of course EDTA/synthetically chelated trace minerals.

Sounds about right for a liquid hydroponics nutrient, but they say those formulas are "designed for soil" as well. Not only are the ingredients in Tiger Bloom and Grow Big incompatible with the 'life' (beneficial microbes) to be found in the Ocean Forest and Big Bloom, much of the nutrients in Tiger Bloom/Grow Big wont stick around in the soil/humus (like cations would). Some will enter the rhizosphere, hit the root hairs and be absorbed while the rest will remain in solution and potentially wash away.

There may be more, but I digress.

I know fox farm makes a hydro version and a soil version. I am hoping it works because i already bought it.
I don't mean to complicate things for anybody, especially for a new grower as it's simply about whatever 'works' (gets the plant grown). But, I don't really understand Fox Farm or their marketing/sales department.

Reason is because on the one hand we have Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Big Bloom; both fully organic, both teeming with life. And then we have "organic-based" Tiger Bloom and Grow Big, which doesn't claim to be organic at all even though it has a couple of those same 'organic' ingredients, along with blood meal. The problem(s) with the Tiger Bloom are that almost all of the nitrogen appears to be in some form of nitrate (anions- carrying a negative charge), along with some synthetic petrochemicals (ammonium phosphate) and then finally we come to the synthetic chelating agent disodium-etheylenediamine-tetra-acetate. All of the micro-nutrients are chelated via EDTA (itself derived from ethylenediamine, formaldehyde and sodium cyanide). Similar story with the Grow Big except there is less nitrate nitrogen. Instead we have urea, along with some other synthetics and of course EDTA/synthetically chelated trace minerals.

Sounds about right for a liquid hydroponics nutrient, but they say those formulas are "designed for soil" as well. Not only are the ingredients in Tiger Bloom and Grow Big incompatible with the 'life' (beneficial microbes) to be found in the Ocean Forest and Big Bloom, much of the nutrients in Tiger Bloom/Grow Big wont stick around in the soil/humus (like cations would). Some will enter the rhizosphere, hit the root hairs and be absorbed while the rest will remain in solution and potentially wash away.

There may be more, but I digress.
shits deep and complex. I've read worse about Advanced nutrients, and they are specifically for weed, but good info if i can fully understand it.
I didn't use any grow big in my ocean forest simply 'cos I was broke through the veg process, but I purchased it when I got the scratch for the other two (big bloom and tiger bloom). I am glad I did because following the foxfarm nute schedule there are times in the flowering phase that a little grow big is added to the solution.